The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

The fog is burning off and we have a promise of 75 again for today. I got a little sunburned yesterday on the top of my head (no hair left to protect it).

We've been busy all week. Yesterday we went to the Rosenberg, TX, railroad museum. Nice little museum right next to BNSF and UP mainlines headed west out of Houston. Lots of action on the UP but BNSF had a grain train idling for the three hours we were in town and no other traffic. I did catch a patched SP engine on one of the UP trains. Photo when I get home.

Today is an unplanned down day. My Fair Lady is felling under the weather, to the point where she is going to go to the doctor when we get home. She has been reading too much on the internet. She is half convinced she has cancer of the spine or some such life-threatening disease.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon everyone, hope you all are looking forward to a great weekend. Little change here as far as the weather goes, still having temps in the mid to high 80's. Humidity yesterday was at 7% and the dew point at 10°, meaning that it's very dry. Now you can see why we have as much spring training going on as we do. We also have a tennis tournament coming up this weekend I think, (I'm not that sure, since I don't follow sports much anymore) Nope , a lot of the old greats are scheduled to show up, mostly those that are too old to play the circuit, but still have a bit of life and lots of money left.

Chief, maybe you can get them to open another Bass Pro or Cabela's store here that would open around this time of the year instead of sending you up North.... 357
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Never did get around to checking out that disk drive today. Still too sore.

Saw one of my neighbors out washing down the engine in has pickup (small Ranger). I called across and told him that if he does truck engines I have a big greasy 318 he could take a crack at. He laughed.

I was out in the yard earlier inspection the edge of my over-roof as best I can from the ground. I lost my balance and had to turn around and take a step to catch myself. That darn tree (most of it) is still in the yard and I tripped right over it and smacked the side of my head on it hard enough to bring on dizziness and a stellar light show. I've been after my nephew for weeks on end to come and get it. So far he's only taken thirteen feet of the top. I've really lost my patience with that bum! He won't listen to me so I left a message on my fathers answering machine to either talk to him or talk to his parents and tell him to get the lead out of his pants! He makes all kinds of excuses. I don't have time, I'm busy this weekend and it's too important, I'm having friends over, etc. He has time to bum around with his friends, go to parties, drink until the wee hours of the morning, smoke God knows what and work on ATV's for fun but he can't take thirty minutes to move a darn dead tree. Did I mention I'm at the end of my rope with this guy? If I have to move that thing myself I'm parking it right in his yard!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Hmm, not much traffic here today. Maybe I put my deodorant on backwards or something.

Nothing additional to report today. Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

First a short video:
[Image: th_DSCN1816.jpg]

Now a photo:
[Image: P1010587.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning. It's 60° with 100% humidity and patchy fog. That high will be 75°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond30.jpg]

Some rain this morning with a probable thunderstorm this afternoon. No plans for today. I may get around to checking out that disk drive. Depends on how I feel later. Right now not feeling too great.

A Roco FP7 that has a dirty secret. It has an Athearn blue box motor.
[Image: P1011483.jpg]

The proof is below:
[Image: P1011481.jpg]

[Image: P1011478.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have a cloudy sky and 34 degrees
Just a few small snow piles and it will all be gone. Anything now won't last long.
Our Detroit3railers club meeting is tonight so out I will go.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Well, decided what the heck. I got out a computer and my test monitor and tested the disk drive. It works like brand new and the eject mechanism is smooth and firm. It's a real pleasure to use.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good slightly afternoon all.

The weather here is tolerable at the moment, should have started my tomato seeds already 35 Truck needs washed bad, can not tell what color it is from all the crud caked on it mostly mud as there is a lot of road work on my rout to work.
And a good mind-morning to you all. Been busy, for about the forth day this week I stood around the Walmart sports dept waiting for them to bring out any ammo that they got that night. I got there about 6:45 and no one was waiting around. That's usually a bad sign since a lot of them have a smartphone app that tells them what's been delivered to what store. My suspicions were right, the clerk came out a bit after 7:00 with a few boxes, but no .22, no 9MM and no .38 special. And for the fourth day in a row, I went home empty-handed. except for one "value pack" of 12 ga shotshells. Things loosened up towards the end of last year but started getting scarce again, and now just about impossible to find any popular caliber ammo. I saw a TV ad for a gun show that they're having in Phoenix right now, and there was a picture of a table loaded with stacks of all different kinds of ammo. I'll guarantee you that picture wasn't taken recently. Nope

Just got notices about three different swap meets being held here:
  • The first is on April 5 in Clarkdale, AZ. They are providing a special deal that includes a Verde Canyon Railroad excursion.
    The next one is the "In the Heat" meet, held on July 26, at the church on Bethany Home Rd. and Central Ave. in Phoenix
    The last one is the "Beat the Heat" meet on August 16, up in Prescott.
The last two are annual events that have been going on for years. The one up in Clarkdale is new this year. If I were to pick and choose, I've always done well up in Prescott, plus it's at least 20 degrees cooler than here and I always stop by J&G Sales to check out their guns.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Evening all went to a train show today and picked up a ornamental bell and a 6415 triple dome Sunoco tank car. Came home and then wife wanted to do some grocery shopping so that was my day other than doing a little more inventorying of my trains and taking pics so its correct again as last time was at least 2 years ago and as often as I buy and sell trains its way wrong from what it use to be. It was really my first train show I ever gone to so it was very enjoyable I also got to see what I had and what others wanted for the same item and not in as good as condition as mine or in better condition as mine to get an idea of what I have is worth a little better. So its been a good day all in all. Looking forward to the next show may even be a member of the TCA at that time.

I should be able to get to the last of my post war set inventory done either Monday afternoon or Tuesday sometime as the last of those items will be in so I will be able to take pics. Guess time to go down and at least add more items to the spread sheet of items I have the biggest hold up is pics and needing the tims here to take pics of lol

Talk to you all later hope your having a good weekend
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

visit my web page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> also <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Finally broke my nephew down today. Went over there earlier to have it out with him and that I was gonna start playing dirty pool. He waved me off so I came back home and waited until the party started up over there and then invited myself. He told me to leave a couple times but I told him if I did I was coming back with one more person every time. Basically I was being a pest! It finally got under his skin. So he's getting his gas and saw ready to work tonight. If he doesn't I WILL BE back at his door with shoulder clappers. He hasn't respected me so I don't see why I should respect him.

Here's the source of my irritation:
[Image: DSCN3490.jpg]

Remember the little Redneck buggy?
[Image: DSCN3500.jpg]
It dropped a CV axle today. He should have it going again in a couple days.

You guys ever seen a scooter like this one? This thing is downright weird. Ride it like a combination skateboard/scooter and it turns like a skateboard. I told the kids nobody would see their faces and I'm keeping my word.
[Image: DSCN3496.jpg]

I hear a chainsaw revving up outside so he's either gonna work on the tree or come through the door.

Well they cut up the part that was the biggest problem. Took them less than ten minutes! As is usual for him he got somebody else to do the work for him.
[Image: DSCN3502.jpg]

[Image: DSCN3503.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Evening all. Went down east to farms early this AM. Real warm today and tonight. Hope all are OK. Later
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Well, more bad news to spread around. I discovered yesterday that the previous days work has slowed me down a lot more than I thought it might. My left big toe is ripped wide open. It doesn't even look like a toe anymore. Looks like that ladder work has been pushed far into the future. I just hope my over-roof holds out. I've taken some photos that I'm gonna print out for my father so he can see it for himself. The envelope will have a warning. Open only when you think your stomach is strong enough. I've had a lot of experience with this before so I knew what danger signs to look for when I examined it. There's a lot of swelling, maybe a fracture. I can't see any sign of an infection. I cut away any flesh that looked bad or dead. I've cleaned and it and changed the dressing five times in the last twenty hours. The last about ten minutes ago. Don't worry about it causing me pain. I've never felt a thing, even when I had to cut deep with a scalpel to get some suspect flesh out and pry the toenail out because there was a bunch of nasty looking stuff under it. I'm not going to post the photos here. They're TOO graphic! If however you think your curiosity is going to kill you, you know how to PM me. I warn you. Have a bucket to catch your cookies. I warn you now. I WILL NOT be responsible for any injuries whether physical or mental that you cause yourself.

Now you wanna hear something completely asinine? My nephew thinks I invent this stuff to get others to do my work for me! Him whose never had anything worse than a broken finger. How's that for an idiots opinion?
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

take good care of that toe, being diabetic I know how important and urgent a wound on the foot can be. I had an uncle that lost both legs to diabetes, the first leg was from a wound on foot, he had a nail in his shoe but could not feel the point of the nail and keep wearing the shoes for quite awhile before he noticed the wound.

I not sure this will make you feel much better, but the youth will be older and sick someday and then they will understand even if they think they are invincible now.

So far my feet are in fair condition, they get dry and crack once in awhile, tried a lot of stuff on my feet to keep them from getting dry and rough but they only stuff I get results from are shay butter(too greasy) and just recently found Gold Bond ultimate lotion for diabetics works great. Most people do not realize how important foot health is to a diabetic after all it is your foundation that supports everything else.
Good morning. it's 66° with 100% humidity. The high will drop to 62°. Cloudy with a fair chance of rain.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond50.jpg]

Looks like it might be wet today with small chances of sunshine. I have nothing planned. One piece of good news. I got a joystick for the //e. It's an IBM/Apple type made by Suncom and it had a very good price that I would have been a fool to pass up. I put it through all it's tests this morning and it passed 100%. The base is 4 x 4.75 x 2. The stick is 4" high.

[Image: P1011498.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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