The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN5363.jpg]

[Image: f18b5c04-af98-45a0-bc32-448fc9dee0e3.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good evening all, got some bad news from work I am scheduled for first shift this Sunday Curse 2nd on Monday. I was supposed to go to one of my sisters house for Easter............oh well.

Good news someone gave me some Lionel stuff some old track, a transformer a FA ALCO "dummy" loco lighted with coil coupler and four cars for the MPC era (1970's) It was fun looking them up to see what they are. First thing I noticed was the Alco had a coil coupler got excited it is a 2032 ERIE FA A unit gave it some power and it lit up but no go. I looked at the bottom of loco Made in New York that is when It hit me there was no reverse unit lever there for no motor as it was from the 50's and it was lighted looked up the number it is part of an AA set Icon_lol The paint scheme is pretty well worn but other wise nice condition. I have 3 options:

1)Look for a motorized matching mate for it
2)Run it with a modern production FA unit(powered)
3) Find a running FA with equally worn paint scheme re-paint both for the BFT Icon_lol

As for the cars I have some MPC era freight cars plastic wheels and trucks one operating coupler on one end and a fixed coupler on the other. The cars are follows:

9011 GN Hopper BLT 7-70

9136 Republic Steel Gondola (missing canister load) BLT 2-72

9300 PC log/pipe dump car no BLT date on car (missing load) produced from 1970 - 1977

And a mystery flat car no number or BLT date only markings are DTI and molded in MPC marking looks like same ERA as the other cars and in my books the closest thing to a DTI flat is a DTI work caboose but of course no pic to compare it to. Researching even the less collectable stuff is fun 2285_ Icon_lol 2285_
Good morning everyone, hope you all are having a great weekend. Yesterday we had a forecast of a 10% chance of rain, yup, we had a few spots on the driveway, but not enough to even touch each other. That might have lasted all of around 30 seconds. Today, there's a 20% chance later this afternoon. That must mean that we'll have a few sprinkles that could last as long as 60 seconds. Twice the chance, twice as long as yesterday. 357

Nice day to hit the desert for a bit of target shooting. Shoot Things are still tough in the ammo department. There is usually a line of 10 or 12 people at Walmart well before 7 AM if there is any ammo available that day. If there is no line or just one or two people, you know they're not going to have anything. Nope How do they know? Well, apparently there is a smart phone app that tells them what is on the delivery truck to that specific store. I guess that includes everything, but they can just search for the sporting goods dept. 22 cal is still in very short supply. A few weeks ago one person got both boxes. He was first in line and had been waiting there since 3:30 that morning. I could use some .22, just not that bad. I did get some 9MM though, that seems to be a bit more available. I guess because it sells for a lot higher price than .22 does.

Anyway, y'all have a great weekend .... 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning Blue
We have bright sun and 40 degrees.
I wonder how the PW Alco dummy unit got into the early MPC mix.
I'm thinking there was probably more trains at one time and things got scattered.
Good Friday service and a potluck after was just right for a nap when we got home. Woke up still full.
So that was it for chow yesterday. Oh plus a plop plop fizz fizz when I woke up.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. It's 69° with 65% humidity. The high will be 78° with some clouds.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

It was a long night. Had dinner last night then took my meds minus insulin as I was concerned it would bring on a crash toward morning. As it turned out the Metformin the Rehab Hospital doc put me on in addition to my other meds saw to that and then some. I went into a crash less than an hour after taking the meds. So I had to eat again to bring my blood sugar back up. I thought it was over. Silly me. Within two hours I was headed into a full blown crash again! Yep, had to eat again to bring the blood sugar back up. By now my system was so upset I spent most of the rest of the night on the throne. I did manage to get a little sleep but I'm too tired this morning to do anything. I had planned to work on my van today but now that's out. I'm dropping the changes that doc made to my meds. What I was using before was working and he had no business changing it. I've already removed the Metformin from my meds and will not taking it anymore. That stuff is massive overkill.

I'll be taking it easy today and hopefully get some rest. The wound vac is working fine. I added some extra drape film to the dressing to reinforce it as it has to last till Monday when it will be changed by the Home Health nurse.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Well, I'd said I wasn't going to work on the van today. Silly me. I got an email alert that the packages with the decoders and computer parts had been delivered so I wad going to go to my fathers place to get them. Went to start my van and 'CLICK'! So I ended up having to work on it anyway. Took off the clamps and cables then put a steel brush bit in the Dremel and polished everything. Posts, clamps, cable ends, nuts, bolts, tabs. It all got cleaned. Put it all back together and it starts up great now. Still gotta get a new battery though. This ones toast. About ten to twenty seconds cranking is all it's good for then it's just real slow cranking. By the time I got it started I was wiped. So went down to my fathers place and opened the packages there. I inspected them them put everything in one box for ease of carrying.

Power went out too. For about five hours. There were about thirteen hundred homes effected. When it came back on my step mothers Life Alert system got a wild hair and called 911 so we were all surprised when an ambulance showed up in the driveway.

Had to change the filter canister on my wound vac. It's only been one day and it was full already! It holds 150 ml and it was indeed full. So it has a new filter on it now. I put the old one in a gallon bag so the Home Health nurse can see it Monday.

My father wants me to go with him to the Easter service at church tomorrow morning. I don't often go to church services as I'm very uncomfortable around crowds But I decided that since it's a special day I'd make an exception and go. Also he hasn't got many years left and I want to spend as much time with as I can with him. We didn't get along well when I was younger and it seems we're both trying to make amends for that in the last few years. He's mellowed quite a bit and I've calmed down a lot from the wild person I used to be.

Here you can see the Digitrax decoders and most of the computer boards I picked up. The CP/m board is already in a computer and isn't in this photo. What is here is a RAM expansion card and three disk drive controller cards.

[Image: DSCN3539.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
The computer cards have all been tested and been found to be in good working order.

The two Digitrax DH126D decoders have been installed in two of my repowered Varney F3A's and they run great.

Van starts and runs good after all the work I did on it today. That's less that I have to do tomorrow. However my back and my left foot are letting me know all about it.

Time to call it a night. See y'all sometime tomorrow.

[Image: P8120090.jpg]

[Image: P7081491.jpg]

[Image: P6040422.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning all,

A quick post before going to work this morning.

Temps here are a bit cool but no snow 2285_ Icon_lol 2285_

Will mow some grass Tuesday it needs it bad.

Drove the Trans Am a bit over the weekend.
Good Morning Blue
A Happy Easter to all.......Sun and 45 degrees.
We will dine at oldest son's house today.
I have no new train news this morning.
Will just try to enjoy the day with our kids.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning all. Happy Easter All.

Well not to much going on today. Think I will go back to the unit tomorrow to rearrange it some. Got some stuff for free as some one didn't sell it and didn't want to pack it back up worst scenario pack it up take to auction house and get $5 for it. lol I'm getting things in a organization I like little by little. still need to get more items so that's a slow process ( other than trains lol) although I'm getting more and more interest each week.

Wife is getting up to make Easter dinner just a lazy day around here it was like 9 before I got up lol.

Well guess will go down and organize the train table and get the other remote dug out as think I will take one of the tmcc sets to the flea market to use.

Have my sign stating Authorize dealer/installer of ERR items just waiting for first order to come back with there letter of acceptation which doesn't sound like its going to be a problem.

AF350 Wrote:Good evening all, got some bad news from work I am scheduled for first shift this Sunday Curse 2nd on Monday. I was supposed to go to one of my sisters house for Easter............oh well.

Good news someone gave me some Lionel stuff some old track, a transformer a FA ALCO "dummy" loco lighted with coil coupler and four cars for the MPC era (1970's) It was fun looking them up to see what they are. First thing I noticed was the Alco had a coil coupler got excited it is a 2032 ERIE FA A unit gave it some power and it lit up but no go. I looked at the bottom of loco Made in New York that is when It hit me there was no reverse unit lever there for no motor as it was from the 50's and it was lighted looked up the number it is part of an AA set Icon_lol The paint scheme is pretty well worn but other wise nice condition. I have 3 options:

1)Look for a motorized matching mate for it
2)Run it with a modern production FA unit(powered)
3) Find a running FA with equally worn paint scheme re-paint both for the BFT Icon_lol

As for the cars I have some MPC era freight cars plastic wheels and trucks one operating coupler on one end and a fixed coupler on the other. The cars are follows:

9011 GN Hopper BLT 7-70

9136 Republic Steel Gondola (missing canister load) BLT 2-72

9300 PC log/pipe dump car no BLT date on car (missing load) produced from 1970 - 1977

And a mystery flat car no number or BLT date only markings are DTI and molded in MPC marking looks like same ERA as the other cars and in my books the closest thing to a DTI flat is a DTI work caboose but of course no pic to compare it to. The DT&I flat is most like from a Yardmaster train set they made like 3 different variations but they had a small black flatcar in them here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 3ce013da26</a><!-- m --> top right should be your flat car Researching even the less collectable stuff is fun 2285_ Icon_lol 2285_
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

visit my web page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> also <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Yes, and a good Happy Easter morning to you all. Well, it's morning here, but I know it's past noon on the east coast and other places across the pond. A good time to reflect beyond the candy and eggs. Just like Christmas Day, our church was almost filled to capacity, about three times as normal for the 7AM mass. I guess that's the way it is everywhere, so I guess we can call that "normal" for an Easter Sunday...

10% chance of rain on Friday and we got barely a sprinkle. 20% chance yesterday and we got nothing. Nope If we don't get a decent rain soon, we're going to have to go out and get our vehicles washed. :o They get a bit seedy-looking waiting here for some rain.

I hope the day goes well for you all, Easter Baskets, colored eggs, ham for dinner and family gatherings if that's what pleases you. For us, by the time we got to the store, they were all out of regular jelly beans, and not a Fudgie Bunny in sight, and we still have last year's egg coloring kit, so it looks like we're skipping the candy and eggs this year. :cry: Just Peggy and myself and a small ham for dinner. Smile
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon. It's 79° with 42% humidity. The high will be 82° and it's cloudy.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

This morning I, my father and stepmother went to Burger King for breakfast, my treat. From there it was on the Baptist church for the Easter service. Yes, it was nice of me to go but with my problems it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. It was fun for them, miserable for me. I'm uncomfortable in crowded places. Add to that my foot and my right knee were doing their darnedest to make me wish I'd never left my trailer. By 2pm I was back home and I can relax like I'm supposed to.

Last night was another bad one for me. The wound vac kept shutting down and several alarms kept going off. Blocked line. A close inspection couldn't detect any blockage. Low pressure - Therapy interrupted. What low pressure? It was running at 125 mmhg, peak performance. Leak in dressing. Nope. Inspected it very carefully. No leak found. It still registered 'Leak in dressing' with the line pinched off. For that it should have set off the 'Blockage Detected' alarm. Replaced the filter canister and suction line and that made no difference at all. It wouldn't work for more than twenty minutes before one of the alarms went off and often the alarm had nothing to do with why it shut off. So I removed the dressing this morning and replaced it with a standard wet to dry dressing and set the wound vac aside. Tomorrow I'm going to recommend to the Home Health nurse that it be inspected and/or replaced before they attempt putting it on me again.

The rest of the day I'm going to relax and take it easy. I don't even intend to turn one of the old computers today.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Happy Easter All. Church and Sunday School. Home and resting now. Moved oldest Wed and Thursday. Thursday PM, went to farm for a stay. Turkey hunted Friday. Got one around 4 PM. Got home and Windows ran and updagte and no Desktop. Computer at computer shop. Maybe a total stop of hard drive and that has nothing to do with updates. Now on laptop.

No train time lately. Mostly Town time and a little hunting. Same for this week.

Hope all are OK.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

Your link to set on e-bay also shows the caboose body and tool box/side walls top center of picture, under the rusted old Lionel track I found the tool box/side frame. But it sure is from that set or something similar as I also have the republic steel gondola. If I look up the number 9025 that should be the work caboose/flat car. I see that it may be designed to be either.

Does anyone know how to activate a coil coupler? I never seen one before till now Icon_lol The Erie dummy A unit out weighs the Powered A unit of modern production Icon_lol I am not sure if the coil coupler is bad or I do not have what it takes to activate it. :?
AF: I think the coil coupler is activated using the extra rails on the uncoupling track, but with the "uncouple" button, not the "unload". There should be a shoe on the bottom that contacts this.

(Now to be thoroughly abused by the Lionel experts.)
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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