The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Watched a movie today. Nothing major, something called 'Josie and The Pussycats'. In my opinion mildly entertaining so not a complete waste of time. It also gave me a chance to pull my Atlas H24-66 and Atlas SD27J off the display rack and give them much needed attention. The SD27J was badly damaged in the tree mishap. It's back together now but still looks like it's been through the mill. The H24-66 took hardly any damage. It just required a cleaning. It's a dual decoder loco. A Bachmann decoder for motor control and a Digitrax DZ125 (burned out motor circuit) for lighting.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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[Image: PIC_0021.jpg]

[Image: DSCN3565.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning Blue, it a warm sunny morning here in the UK, with just a little breeze.

Well, it's been a hectic week here. My wife had a fall about ten days ago, and broke her humerus bone (probably spelt wrong!) just above her elbow, as well as splitting her head open! Several trips to the hospital and the docs still can't decide whether to operate on the arm Wallbang but they say they will make a decision tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Needless to say, not much modelling has been done, as I am chief cook and bottle washer now .... I've not managed to poison us yet Goldth


Such is life
My wife did the same thing two years ago - they didn't operate - just put it in a sling and let it hang to reset itself - I have to say that it has been weak ever since!
Morning. Sunny and beautiful. Hope to dry out. Some roads down east still flooded as waters flows toward the coast. Woods full of water.

Went to lake house and "opened it up" [never really closed it] for the year. Mowed [double as grass was so tall] and sprayed Roundup. Serviced mower.

Came back yesterday to run train in the park. Train died third trip. Poor maintenance. Battery post corroded so bad it dropped off of battery from vibration. Was another Chamber failure. Easter egg hunt this far after Easter. The rain shut down the original. Should have canceled. Train is the biggest draw anyway.

Prayers for 1340's Wife.

Meetings today and tonight.

Out to do walk before meetings.

Garden tomorrow and then down east tomorrow night or Wed morning. Last week of turkey hunting.

Have a great week.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning. It's 69° with 79% humidity and patchy fog. The high will be 88° with some clouds.
[Image: cond026.gif]

Nothing planned for today. The Home Health nurse will be around sometime. She always calls about a half hour before.

The party I worked a deal out with for an Apple ImageWriter II printer should be bringing it today. I hope it works as well as he says it does. If not I'm not out much.

I think I have everything I need to repair a CP/m card that's been taking up space in the junk box.

Other than that there's nothing going on.

Click image to play video.
[Image: th_DSCN3085.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
Well we have the usual gloomy skies and 47 degrees.
A trip out this morning with friend Andy. Breakfast, P & D hobby and Wild Bills trains. I just bought a few parts.
The grass looks real shabby but I keep waiting for a nice day that just hasn't come.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all. A hot weekend here, both days above 100. Now the forecast for Wednesday is that it might not even get up to 80.... Eek We are above that already today, it's 9:00 and I see 82 on the outside thermometer. Crazy weather, but nothing to complain about.

I hope you all remember that we still have an autographed anniversary coffee mug up for auction. The auction closes this Sunday, so I advise you to get your bids in now before you miss out... The current bid is $34.00, far below the last one that we auctioned off, and without signatures. So, my point is, don't let someone steal this collectable object with some low bid, get yours in today right here

Remember, 100% of the proceeds from any auction we hold goes to help support Big Blue... 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Well my friend 'Andy' brought me the printer this afternoon. It works in a self-test. question is will it work when connected to a computer. None of the 'extras' alluded to when I bought it were included. I've found I do have a manual but no extra ribbon cartridge. I'm holding off on getting any ribbons until I confirm that this beast actually works. A power cord and printer cable for this type have been packed away in my closet for about twenty years so I don't have to get them. I can get a pack of six ribbon cartridges for under twenty bucks, so I know where part of next months fun fund is going (if this thing works). I'd forgotten how heavy these old printers are. My friend set it down then I picked it up and had to make sure my arms hadn't stretched! It's only fifteen or twenty pounds but if you're not expecting it you're in trouble. Bulky is the operative word here.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

My very first printer was a Panasonic dot-matrix printer also used it well into the PC XT era not sure what happened to it after I got my first HP printer. Currently have and use an HP all in one flatbed scanner/printer and a Kodak all in one scanner/printer and two dinosaur Xerox printers one is a desktop fax/printer/scanner and the other is a beast of a black printer about the size of 2 IIe computers Eek Also have a Logitech scanner stored away some where.


I took several naps yesterday and today, too cold and wet out to do much outside today.

Lots of road work all around town it is the orange barrel season already Wallbang

Not much else interesting here so far.
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 66 degrees after a high of 70. Low tonight is predicted to be 45 with tomorrow's high to be 70 again.

Thank you all for the kind words, good wishes, and prayers. We got back from chemo about an hour ago. Nothing but good news. White blood count was good and liver appears to have decreased in size, meaning the cancer cells are dying off. Only drawback today was an excessive amount of benadryl which caused My Fair Lady to sleep a lot. during the 4 hour session. That will be adjusted in the next session which occurs in 3 weeks. After the next session the doctor will schedule a CT scan to measure the progress.

All in all a very good day.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
AF350 Wrote:My very first printer was a Panasonic dot-matrix printer also used it well into the PC XT era not sure what happened to it after I got my first HP printer.
That's a lightweight. My first printer was a 132 column Apple 'Letter Quality' daisy wheel printer built by Qume. At the time it was the Cadillac of letter quality printers. It used a special 130 character print wheel vs the closest competitions (Qume) 96 characters. It weighed in at a respectable thirty-seven pounds but at almost twenty-four inches wide required a lot of tabletop space. My parents used it into the early years of the last decade. It was taken out by a lightning strike.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Fiat fan,

Hope your wife's health continues to improve.


Had a late nap and missed a $1.00 spagetti diner at a local church, they have one more before summer starts and will pick back up in the fall.


Have to do some "real" work on the home pc for awhile, then maybe play with vintage basic compiler, somehow lost the electronic math program file that I modified and added to, glad I printed a hard copy of the code(lines) that where corrected and debuged Big Grin


RB, did you ever complete your Zork type text adventure?
AF350 Wrote:RB, did you ever complete your Zork type text adventure?
No. It's on the back burner for now. I need to make a more comfortable computer station first and that isn't happening as long as I have this big wound on my foot.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good evening. Not much went on today. Got my wound vac dressing changed as is usual for Monday. Got my ImageWriter II printer. It works for the self-test. Don't know about full operations yet. I was looking around online and found a word processor that was written for the Apple II series and the Commodore 64. It's one I've looking for and it was going for cheap so I grabbed it. Other than that I've been watching TV. Got a call from mt father. He said they were in Lancaster Pennsylvania waiting on my younger sister. She's meeting them there tomorrow. He said they'll probably be back here some time this month. I told him he better be. He only left enough food for the dog for three weeks.

Didn't make any headway on the CP/m card I mentioned this morning. As you can see below it's missing several chips and the processor. Maybe I can complete it tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN6138-1.jpg]

Well, nothing else going on here so I'm calling it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN2898.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning. Pretty day. Veggie garden today. Way behind. Got three foot tall tomato plants in greenhouse with blooms. Hope to get them out today. Then hit the road east for some late turkey hunting.

Tom, prayers for your Wife.

23rd, some serious cutting on my back. Bad mole. That should fix it Dr. says. Remove a chunk and help me lose weight. Wink
Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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