The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Glad to see you're out of the hospital and back home. Surely, getting around at first is going to be tricky, but you seem to be in good spirits for what you've been through.

Let's hope you don't have to wait too long to get a prosthesis and some physical therapy to make you better than new. Thumbsup Thumbsup

Good luck and a speedy recovery, as you can see, you've been missed here.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Welcome Back RB!!! Big Grin Big Grin You'll have to be more careful, hobbling around!!! Like Don said - Once you get used to all of it and get some therapy - You'll be on your way to being better than before!! Smile

Take care!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Great to see you are back!
RB, it is very good you are back. I am sorry you had a fall.
I want to relate a story so you will know what to expect.
When we first moved to town our neighbor and her husband became good friends of ours. We even rode motorcycles on trips together. Ed was a policeman and he acquired a dog in a drug bust because he didn't want to see the dog go to the pound. He conned us into keeping him for the weekend so he could find him a home. (the week end lasted 14 years Misngth ). Any how. about a year later, I saw Tamper (the dog) had Ed by the ankle and was viscously attacking him. I ran to Ed's aid, and he was laughing like hell. He said not to worry, it was a game they played, and that Tamper knew which leg was artificial. We had known them for 4 years and I never knew he had lost a leg in Nam. He then proceeded to tell us the VA had refused to buy anymore limbs for a while. He tore one up in a motorcycle wreck, and broke one sky diving.
I hope you will use this as an inspiration when you get down. I still laugh when I think of that dog and the way he played the game with Ed, and how I got suckered in.
It is great that you are back, and it won't be long until you are building computers and layouts too. And above all, do what the doctors say. We want you around for many years to come and the sugar is a war you can win.

Glad to see you are out of the hospital and home. We all missed the weathering and desiel projects Icon_lol
Good to see you back RB - a model railroad forum isn't the same without you!
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Hey RB - good to see you back - take care - Jack
Good morning everybody. After the USA is Germany and many other European countries going to post a formal travel alert for all areas of Egypt. It has been in effect for Cairo, Alexandria etc. since month but the vacation region at the Red Sea had been excluded so far.It looks not so good for the planned scuba diving vacation mid of September in south Egypt..... Sad
RB - Welcome back!!!!! Waveof7 Dancing Waveof7

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

It's hazy and 50 degrees this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. High for today is expected to be in the mid 70s.

Yesterday we traveled to Ames to visit with our son and his family. They are in town while her mother is in the hospital. Mother-in-law is out of danger but will be in the hospital for a couple of weeks due to a cyst in her colon. Also got a call from wife's sister yesterday. Wife's dad has been scheduled for an MRI and a discussion about options. It does not sound reassuring.

Today I'll be leaving for Beatrice for their annual train show. I'll be back on Monday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, We're at the front door of the weekend. I remember when we had our cabin up north, frequently, the weekend would start a day early so we could beat the traffic heading up that way. We stopped doing that almost 20 years ago when we sold the place. Now we have to contend with the high desert heat. Speaking of which, I just read another "high heat advisory" for the area with temps as high as 115 through the weekend. What still boggles my mind though, is that the Weather Channel app shows no chance of rain for at least a week, and those TV personalities say our "monsoon storms" are returning with a 10-30% chance of rain for the next three days. I still wonder if these guys are reading off the same page. Icon_lol Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Don - I usually go straight to the source - the national weather service. The TV weathermen and the national weathermen from weather channel just aren't very useful this time of year. That is, if it matters. I just plan that every day in July and August has a chance for a dust or thunderstorm, with temperatures that could be as high as 115. Two nights ago, a storm soaked my yard. But a mile away - nothing.
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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FiatFan Wrote:RB - Welcome back!!!!! Waveof7 Dancing Waveof7


I echo Tom's wishes.....
My 'puter went on the blink a few days ago so was out of the loop on your surgery.

Hang in there and get well soon...
Gus (LC&P).
nachoman Wrote:Don - I usually go straight to the source - the national weather service. The TV weathermen and the national weathermen from weather channel just aren't very useful this time of year. That is, if it matters. I just plan that every day in July and August has a chance for a dust or thunderstorm, with temperatures that could be as high as 115. Two nights ago, a storm soaked my yard. But a mile away - nothing.

Yup, we've seen storms hit Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale, Chandler and parts of Phoenix, but like you say, a mile away, nothing... We've had less than 0.1" of rain all summer here in Surprise. That could be the answer, 30% chance of rain, they just don't say where. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon. It's 84° with 50% humidity. The high will be 89° but will feel like 93°.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

Been busy today getting things started with a care provider and home health services. The care provider is just for help with bathing and light housekeeping. Home health care will be providing wound care and some physical therapy. Other than that I have no plans for today.

[Image: Image21.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

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