Scratchbuild - Another Bridge Project
S-two-fiddy, I appreciate the comments. This is one of those cases where I am exactly on the fence. I can see the good and bad points of both sides and the scale is balanced at the moment. I can live with it either way. So, it isn't that I will be trying to build the layout for Big Blue, I just need a push in one direction or the other. Plus, all of the great comments so far are enjoyable to read, and to get a view into how each of us think is a plus.

Also, thanks to everyone who has voted and taken the the time to make a reply. Thumbsup
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Gary, you are building your bridges at a speed that it is hard to follow Wink . I know I am a bit late on the question of the spilled ballast :oops: , but here is my opinion anyway. If there is spilled ballast on the prototype, I would spill it on my model too. I even put tons of trash on my layouts to make it look realistic, though I hate it in real life ... so a little spilled ballast won’t hurt.
Gary S Wrote:DocWayne, I was hoping you would chime in. In the event that the alcohol is not compatible with the paint, then for the wetting agent, maybe just water with dish soap?

Any other thoughts? Maybe a couple coats of spray-on sealer or matte finish before the ballasting?

Going back to this real quick. I will second Doc's use of dish soap as opposed to the alcohol. It works just as well and it what I use in my wetting agent. Just a couple of small drops in a spray bottle full of water and you're good to go! Thumbsup
Kurt, appreciate the comments! Seems that 2/3rds of Big Blue prefers the spilled ballast.

Tetters, I'll go with water and dish soap on this one.

Now, have been doing a little on the bridge. Built the end bents and test fitted the bridge on the layout:



Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Brrrr....Looks cold in that place... Goldth

Coming along real nicely...I might give that styrene a try one of these days..... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Gus, I am enjoying working with the styrene more than with wood. And sometimes, I think the styrene can be made to look like scale wood just as much as real wood can.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Another fine looking bridge. Can't wait to see a train crossing this one also.

Whats next on your list? Warren Truss scratchbuild? Plate Girder?
Whatever it is, I'm sureit'll turn out as greta a the last two.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
88, still alot to be done on this one before another project is started. Gotta get all the bents in, the water done, and some dirt underneath, then will set the bridge in place. At that point, I can again run some trains.

Then will start on the next bridge which will be a thru-plate girder bridge, but it will either be Central valley or MicroEngineering kits. Although, as I think of it, I just remembered a really sweet bridge over a road that would be a plate girder in the middle, and concrete on the ends.

There are a total of five "large" bridges on the layout, this is number two, so have a ways to go, but I am really having fun with these projects.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Put down another vote for spilled. If thats how it was then thats how it should be!!

Andy Kramer - modeling the Milwaukee Road in Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Road is alive and well and running in my basement
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Thanks for the input, Andy. Since the vote was 70% for spilled, spilled it is. I did do just a little less than the prototype.

Ballasted, rail and ties painted:


Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
This bridge is going to look fantastic Gary. A fine piece of modeling. Thumbsup
Great work Gary! Looks fantastic!
There is just something......natural..... about the look of a little bit of ballast on the walkways. Sweep it all away, and the next heavy freight that crosses the bridge will shake one or two more pieces loose, and it will be "sweeping time" again.
Detail, paint, weathering, "look", Bravo Zulu ( that's Navy for well done )
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Thanks guys! I'll try to get some more progress photos up tonight.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Hey, Gary! ... that amount of spillage looks just about right!

Nice work!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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