Texas Southeast Belt
THANKS! Greg & Gary for the comments and encouragement!

Greg, the curved track is the "main" and goes around to the rest of the layout. The straight track by the fuel dock is the drill track for the yard. The scene is wedged in between the curve and the yard ladder so not much room to move around. Actually, the cramped and congested look is not unintentional - I added the last two bldgs, the speeder shed and yard office...

[Image: IMG_1904.JPG]

I'll move things around a bit, mainly to accommodate some details here and there and a couple of vehicles. The corrugated bldg in the rear is temporary and there will be some sort of low relief background bldg against the backdrop.

Thanks y'all for taking time to look and comment!
Len Turner
Texas South East RR
Added a few more details to the diesel fueling and MOW area.

[Image: IMG_4947.JPG]

As always, THANKS! for taking time to look and comment!
Len Turner
Texas South East RR
WOW! That scene looks really good! Nice modeling.
Detroit Connecting
We are your
inner-city connection.
Just keeps gettin' better 'n better....

All those details make a world of difference.... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Very nice Len, are you going to be adding a backdrop?

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
THANKS! for the comments everyone.

Mike, I am planning to put some low-relief building fronts against the backdrop.
Len Turner
Texas South East RR
Post deleted
[Image: IMG_4947.JPG]

This looks very good! Thumbsup

Member of American Model Railroaders of Eastern Germany (AMREG)

Visit: http://www.amreg.de/#Startseite
Cheers Thumbsup Worship
greeting from the blade city Solingen / gruß aus der Klingenstadt Solingen


Scale Z and N
Thanks everyone for the comments! Latest project has been filling in one of the bare corners on the layout.

The bare corner...
[Image: IMG_1962.JPG]

The corner with stuff in it...
[Image: IMG_1982.JPG]

The building is a DPM modular and the water tower is a Walthers built-up. Still got some clean up to do and more details to add.

Thanks everyone for taking time to look & comment!
Len Turner
Texas South East RR
Love your scenery..!! Thumbsup

Just the right mix of colors and textures...And gorgeous buildings...
Gus (LC&P).
Very nice scenery! Oh yes, I like it! Thumbsup
Please more pictures ....

Member of American Model Railroaders of Eastern Germany (AMREG)

Visit: http://www.amreg.de/#Startseite
I agree with Sven, this is one of a number of very interesting medium sized around-the-office layouts on this site -- more photos! And Len, have you been working on an operating scheme at all?
Gus, Sven, JWB - T H A N K S for your interest and comments!

JWB - Operating scheme will most likely be a combination of switching scenarios from a simple switch list. Nothing too complicated...
It is an industrial switcher, so no mainline trains or passenger service to deal with, just the daily local switch job to and from the yard.
Len Turner
Texas South East RR
Len, great work !!!! Thumbsup Thumbsup Cheers
greeting from the blade city Solingen / gruß aus der Klingenstadt Solingen


Scale Z and N

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