The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, here we are at "hump day". I understand there's a school somewhere that has forbid their students to use that phrase. :o There is also a school that has suspended a student for making a gun gesture with his fingers, another suspended one for bringing a key chain with a gun medallion on it and yet another was suspended for playing "cops and robbers" on his own front yard while waiting for the school bus. Some schools have banned playing dodge ball, tag or other "harmful" games. Some have even stopped having recess. Icon_lol

On last night's news, they were saying that there is increased funding for more officers to patrol the local schools, and there was a picture of an armed policeman standing in the hall while students were going to class. Gee, I remember when we had student or teacher "hall monitors" that would yell at you for running in the hallways or you could get detention for being late, but there were not armed officers to enforce this. What has our school systems come to???? Don't these people that are now making these rules, remember what they did when they grew up. We came back from recess with skinned knees, sometimes even a black eye, we played games with fake guns, shot rubber bands and spitballs at others in class, and even settled our differences with an after school fight, and I think we all survived to grow up as good people, well, most of us anyway..... Icon_lol

Maybe that's it, the kid that makes a bang-bang gesture with his fingers today is the bank robber of tomorrow. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Back in the day................
Schools are a bit different these days, there seems to be a "mentality" out there that thinks it is OK to bring a gun to school and shoot someone......Where was that mentality when we needed volunteers to be "In Country", in Viet Nam !?, instead of running off to Canada to avoid the draft.

I have no real answers, but ........ Wink A squirrel, passes gas two counties away, and it is in the evening news.
There isn't a week that passes that we here, in the Chicago area, don't see on the evening news another grieving parent of an innocent child shot on the streets of Chicago, a victim of a "gang banger".
I get the feeling that the "American Empire" is fading into decline, and will soon join the Roman Empire, as nothing more than a subject studied in a history class.
Instant news, Instant communication, Instant awareness of all the wrong that's happening, is, I fear, becoming the instant erosion of societal values, or worse, the new "spectator sport" of death by gunfire.
Seriously, when "Positive Achievements" have to take a "back seat" to all the death and destruction, it becomes a case of "murder" gets you more "press", than finding a cure for the incurable, or saving a life at your own risk.
With all the movies, and the proliferation of "Reality TV Shows ", criminals are becoming glorified, Nope Not the best message to be sending out to society Eek Eek . If this must truly be the course that society has set? then so be it, Aharrr and fall on! :o :o
As ye sew, so shall ye reap. I'll be steppin' down from the "preachin' box" now.

I had a great night out last night. 2285_
Monday, the new furnace was installed and is working beautifully ! 2285_
I'll see at the end of the month how my Gas Bill compares to what it was with the old furnace. Big Grin
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Got the Athearn screw in motor mounts a full day early. The GP50 got the first pair. The mounts in it were so deteriorated the motor was falling out of it. Now it's seated good and tight. The remaining pair went to one of the F3's that had a torn mounting lug. That motor won't rattle.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Sumpter250 Wrote:Back in the day................
Schools are a bit different these days, there seems to be a "mentality" out there that thinks it is OK to bring a gun to school and shoot someone......Where was that mentality when we needed volunteers to be "In Country", in Viet Nam !?, instead of running off to Canada to avoid the draft...

With all the movies, and the proliferation of "Reality TV Shows ", criminals are becoming glorified, Nope Not the best message to be sending out to society Eek Eek . If this must truly be the course that society has set? then so be it, Aharrr and fall on! :o :o
As ye sew, so shall ye reap. I'll be steppin' down from the "preachin' box" now.

There must be common sense and moderation. What evil harm can come of a kid playing a game in the street or enjoying themselves playing in the schoolyard like we used to do? But you're right, after a night of kids watching all the craziness on TV or at the movies, or playing games on their computer or cell phones, it's no wonder authorities are on edge. It's OK for kids to see violent films and games, watching people get blown up, cars crash and burn, buildings disintegrate before their eyes, yet they've pulled many Tom & Jerry cartoons because the cat picks on the mouse all the time and that can be bad for your self-image. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hi Guys,
Back in the day,,,,,,I can say, I have been there and somehow survived,,,DAV Viet Nam vet,1967,,,,I here that if you would run away to Canada,to avoid the Draft,,you could be forgiven and then become President...That still fries my backside ,but I won't say any more about that..
The school system though,,,that is one fiasco,in this country..It would appear to me there has to be a way,to spend as much time teaching as opposed to restricting...We are supposed to be the #1 power in the World,,,but why are we ranked last,in Math and Reading,,,not to mention,common sense? Need I say more? That is just one 70 yr old man's thinking..
Cheers, Worship
Frank (zstripe)
In 1935 I started 1st grade in a county school with 2 rooms, 1-4 in one and 5-8 in the other room. 2 teachers, each one taught 4 grades, (about 40 kids) ALL subjects. Whisper, chew gum, etc. and there was punishment. In those 8 grades I feel like I got an outstanding education. Now, ask a 12 year old the capital of LA and they ask if that's a city or state.

I give up
Whitehouse, Tx
yellowlynn Wrote:ask a 12 year old the capital of LA and they ask if that's a city or state.
Well I consider LA to be Louisiana therefore the capital would be Baton Rouge. My nephew is a high school graduate and has absolutely no idea who John F Kennedy was. What the hell has this country come to?
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good evening all.

Not as old as some here but can see a big change from when I was a kid way back in the bicentennial(1776-1976) to now.

You can not blame any one person or one group as there are alot fronts where our society is being bought, stolen and eroded by outside influences. Who's at fault ? WE ARE!!!! (collectively).

As they say life imitates art(music,video games and movies), also what's wrong with todays youth---today's adults are a big part of the problem be they musicians, sports hero's, teachers, parents and especially politicians with their temper tantrums be they from the left or the right side of the political spectrum.

As for schools we (America) need to revamp the whole education system instead of throwing money at the problem hoping that it will solve it's self. First off kids need to be tought how to "study" early on as knowing how to study will make or brake a kids academic record and self image later in life. When I attended DeVry university I was suprised at how many people were in the remedial math class in a TECH school!!! And even a few in the english/writting class(I took the refresher class in english/writting even after having having tested out of it, a lot of good it did me as I still can not spell very well Icon_lol )

Any way one of the classes that all the students took was a class on just how to study, It is not just how long you study but how often you study several short periods versus trying to cram it all in in just a few reads makes the difference as repitition
makes the new information "stick" easier than trying to absorb it all at once. Proof of that is in shows that kids are into and know everything about it is because they are short and are on tv in repitition same with popular songs they are played so often that you can not help but know the song.

OK enough of that as my train of thought has derailed.
No movie watching today though I did start on 'Raiders of The Lost Ark'. Worked on two locos, played a couple of games and that's about it. I was feeling too bad to do much of anything else. Hope I feel better tomorrow.

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[Image: P9270096.jpg]

[Image: P1012698.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
What's that conflagration about in the first two pics..??
Gus (LC&P).
I'm back online. We're camping in Jersey City (Campground rating: beauty 1, Washroms 5, nearby attractions 10).
We bought an iPad for this trip after a roaming fiasco on the last one. But we needed to get a US SIM card.
First large communications chain in Jersey City offered a 2-year contract at 50 or 80 a month.
Same firm, at their Wall Street store -- can't do an iPad. Across the street, Second communications giant gave us a card but suggested we go to Apple store in Grand Central for installation. Very nice tech in Apple installed card and started setup for us; went well until we got to credit card -- wouldn't take Canadian address. Went to giant's store across the street -- it won't take Canadian cards over the net and they won't take paymet in the store.
Apple suggested a pre-paid card (but they don't have an address) and also a firm we didn't know three blocks away.
Went in, small wait, bought card and one month plan and paid. This took until after 12.

And now I'm online again.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Steamtrains Wrote:What's that conflagration about in the first two pics..??
That's two different fires, both were training fires for the new guys. The first one was just big debris piles being burned. It was hot and dry so couldn't allow embers to fly and start fires elsewhere. The second fire was dual purpose. Train the firefighters on how to keep a fire from spreading from one structure to another and it was also getting rid of a health hazard. The house was infested with rats and there was a very real danger of a hantavirus outbreak. It's very difficult to see in the photo but everyone near the fire is wearing a filter mask.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

It's sunny and 55 degrees with an anticipated high of about 80 and windy. Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse with winds up to 40+ mph.

Just wanted to add to the discussion about schools from yesterday. I found a story on CNN about a school in New York that is banning just about everything except Nerf balls. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... pt=hp_bn11</a><!-- m --> How's a kid supposed to have fun?

No major events planned for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning once again, I hope everyone is having a great week. I can't believe that it's Thursday already. Time really does go by faster the older you get. It may be an illusion since time doesn't change, but the explanation that I've heard is that when you are young, a day is a significant part of the time you have lived, (1/3650 for a 10-year old) but as you get older, a day becomes a less significant part of your life (1/25,550 for a 70-year old). Big difference. All I know is that I can't remember where the past few months went, never mind the past few days. Icon_lol

Today, as forecast, it's chilly and wet. There was a nice shower earlier, but it has stopped for the moment. I hope that's not all we're getting today. Temps right now are in the low 50's, we haven't seen that since around March or April. Highs today should stay in the 70's, then go up to the mid-90's for the next week or so.

RB, there's a similar-looking fire right now on the east side of town that started yesterday. About two acres of landscape garbage and wooden wire spools are still burning. The say that the mound was about 45-feet high and will probably burn at least through today. More and more, the fire departments are taking the, keep it contained but let it burn itself out, approach.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. It's 63° with 84% humidity and patchy fog. The high will be 85° and will feel like 89°.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

Nothing planned for today. I was extremely tired yesterday and try as I might I couldn't get any sleep at all. Finally got to sleep about 1:00 am and got about five hours. Better than nothing I guess. At least I feel much better this morning. I think later I might hunt around on Ebay for a couple of Athearn motors. I'm eventually going to need at least one. The F3 I was working on yesterday has a Jet 500 and while it is DCC compatible it takes more power than the more modern motors. Plus it won't hurt to have a skew wound motor in it. The old motors are fine at speed but become jerky at low speed due to cogging.

[Image: P1012676.jpg]

[Image: P1012669.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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