The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
AF350 - Glad everything went well at the eye doctors Smile Smile
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
BR60103 Wrote:RB:
I seem to remember that previously you had no pain at all, even when your foot was falling apart.
I had pain then but it wasn't in the foot or lower leg. The pain I have now is being caused by a small inward curved place at the top of the socket. It's putting pressure on the side of my knee and is really starting to get me irritated. I'm going to call the doc and see if it's possible that I can remove the one small piece. It's a bit smaller than a silver dollar.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
RB - really, really pleased for you!
Morning. Cold and sunny. Warming fast. Off to get deer from processor. Hunting this afternoon as 3/4 way to the farm. Cold rain tomorrow but no SNOW.
KRM Wrote:Cloudy and a bit warmer today on the North Bluff with snow coming tonight.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Morning Blue
We have 23 degrees with snow expected by late afternoon into tomorrow.
My Tuesday surgery is sore but appears to be healing. I just have to be patient and wait it out.
A nice chat with Brutus last night.
HAPPY FRIDAY the 13th.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all.

Cold but no snow yet.

Watching 2 big pots of chili, for a church function this weekend.

Turkey day and post turkey day(s) ended with an 8 pound gain Confusedhock: Back on the diet I must go I was down to 255 at one point and that is my goal to get back down to that "healthy" weight as I do not want to go back on medicine for diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol Sad I went from 379 to 255 the first time around but I was religious about exercise and not sneaking regular food I can do it again just have to set my mind to it. For a few years I was maintaining but now am back sliding. 35

Not much else going on here at the moment.
Good morning everyone, yeah, it's still morning around here. Not too cold, pushing 60 with highs forecast in the mid to high 60 for the next couple of days. As I predicted, their forecast of up to 40% chance of rain turned out to be a dud. I think I have a clue as to how they get those numbers. One TV station has been reporting a 20% chance of rain and when they did the complete weather report, there was a 10% chance in the late afternoon and another 10% chance in the evening. Add it up and I guess you can see how they got that 20% number. Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. It's 50° with 56% humidity. The high will be 58°. It'll be cloudy with a fair chance of rain.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond50.jpg]

Still having some pain issues with the new prosthesis but at least I know now what's causing it. My stump is shrinking more and that causes it to sink lower into the socket and causes parts of the socket to press against places they it was intended to clear. I talked with the doc about this at some length this morning. His advice is to put on the extra socks that came with the prosthesis. That should take care of the problem. Well it did to some extent. The problem part of the socket was still pressing hard against the side of my knee. So I took one of the socks, folded it in half and put that between my knee and the part of the socket that's giving me a problem. That helped quite a bit. My knee isn't really happy but it's not complaining loudly either. I also made it a point to ask the doc if I could take a shower with this thing on. That was one of my stipulations when I'd ordered it in the first lace. The answer was a disappointment. No. I can't get it wet. When I see him next week I'll grill him in greater detail about what I can do to it to make it possible to take a shower with it on. More importantly I'll be demanding to know why I didn't get a waterproof one like I had asked for. Probably the insurance cheaping out.

No set plans for today. I'm thinking about working on Oliver's adventure later. That's not the name of that part of the game but it sounds better than 'Native Fury: Train segment' don't you think?

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[Image: DSCN5780.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I had to take the leg off for a little while. I had put some extra padding in it earlier to see if that eased the pain a bit. It did for a while then it start hurting so bad I couldn't stand it anymore. So I took it off and waited for my knee to stop complaining. I put back on about twenty minutes ago minus the extra padding and so far it feels good. We'll see how long that lasts. Updates are sure to come later. One of my aunts, her late husband wore a prosthetic leg for over forty years. She says his first one and a replacement he got many years later gave him trouble. He had one replaced because it was so bad. The other one he made some slight modifications to it and it was tolerable. I hope mine comes under the 'slight modifications' heading. If the doc doesn't have it fixed I will fix it, to hell with the warranty.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, dark, and 19 degrees outside my window this evening.

Miss a couple days and three pages have gone by. First off, congrats to RB and AF. Sounds like you both had good days yesterday. Wed. was a day of non-accomplishment for me as I was still under the weather. Yesterday My Fair Lady and I traveled down the road a ways to get her eyes retested. She was having trouble seeing at a distance. We'll know if that is resolved when her new lenses come in, probably next week. Then we hit a few stores in Ames to pick up some needed (and some unneeded) items. One of the new items is a Network Attached Storage drive. Hooked it in to my router and spent some time trying figure out how to do a full disk backup. Finally figured that out this morning. Once I got that going it took 4 hours to complete.

Also on tap for today was a retirement reception for a friend. After that was some grocery shopping. Home by lunch time. This afternoon was fairly quiet. My Fair Lady has gone to bed as I think she is just getting what I am just getting over. She's not happy about that as she is just starting the final push to get everything ready for Christmas.

Tomorrow we'll mail out the first of the packages full of presents to distant relatives. That will be followed by house cleaning as our older daughter and her husband will coming over for our first Christmas celebration of the season.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Waiting for the snohio Shoot to begin Sad 3 snow storms in one week.. Last year we had 2 storms 1 with 1" and 1 with 3".... This year we have already had more than that Eek
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
I did a little work on Oliver's adventure today. Mostly adding some detail to the dialog that's displayed.

In the battle with the prosthesis I believe I found the answer. Baby powder. I sprinkled some on the inside and outside of the gel liner (goes between the stump and the socket), in the socket where the liner encased stump goes, being especially careful to get it on the part that's been bugging me. I also put some on the inner surface of the sleeve. The sleeve is a rubber tube that's rolled onto the prosthesis and the unrolled up over the knee and onto the thigh. It locks the prosthesis and leg together as a unit. They don't come apart easily. Now the liner, sleeve and socket can all slide against each other a little and still do their respective jobs and it feels much better. I've had the leg on for three hours and I hardly notice it. I've even been walking around on it a little and it feels all right. I can feel the pressure from my weight (240 pounds) bearing down on it but I don't have the pain I had earlier. Looks like the powder is the answer. A while back somebody said Gold Bond powder worked best, so when I can get some I'll give it a try.

Time to call it a night. I'll see y'all tomorrow.

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[Image: P1011446.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5660.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good night all. Only deer I got today was frozen in packages. Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning Blue!

It's 10am and a surprisingly warm 41 degrees F here in the UK! Much warmer than it has been, and with very little cloud and no rain it's going to be a nice day.

Running Bear, I'm glad you are making progress with the new prosthesis, I thought I was going to be facing an amputation couple years ago, but I managed to find a surgeon willing to fit me with a new experimental knee joint (not your usual 'knee replacement where they just replace the bearing surfaces) this thing is like a hinge! So far seems to be working ok, so should fend off the amputation for at least 15 years with luck.

Back to it being a good day .... my wife has gone out shopping with ne of her girlfriends, so leaves me a free day! I'm planning on getting some more work done on the Norfolk & Western layout - hopefully I'll finish laying the track in the distillery area and get the car-float tracks mocked up. I need to make the final descision on whether to go for a two or three track float .... I'm leaning towards a three track just to Mae loading and unloading more interesting.

If time permits I might try to do some more work on the buildings too.


Such is life
Really glad that you got your mobility back. The other issues though are going to take time and adjustment. I have a feeling that weight, may have a lot to do with the pain, in the small area of support.
Wishing You well!

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