Flatt Bear
Don't know if anyone remembers "Lil' Abner", "The Little King", or "Flash Gordon", strips that I read as a kid. "Smokey Stover" was another one that I remember along with "Maggie and Jiggs". Others like, "Nancy", "Blondie" and "Gasoline Alley" still live on thanks to new artists that have taken them over while these others are gone for good. I'm sure many of these old cartoon strips can be found somewhere on the Net, I know there are a couple of magazines, like, "Good Old Days" that reprint some of these old strips. Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I'm late finding this thread ( what else is new Icon_lol ) . Packey I wish you all the best with your new endevor! Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
don, i'm sure ou remember henr, nanc and sluggo, casper milqueoas, and gump, illie he oiler, ou our wa, and freckles.

i need o qui. he keboard gave up on some leers. come afer s and x

Whitehouse, Tx
ezdays Wrote:I asked them why they didn't remove a few pages from the sports section instead

Don !!!! Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Blasphemy !!! The only thing more Holy than the sports page, are the advertizements !!

I remember just about all the above listed comics, then there's Beyond Mars, Brick Bradford, ( :o Dick Tracy, didn't get a mention ? :o ), Twin Earths, and I'm sure Ive forgotten some others. Big Grin Big Grin
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Sumpter250 Wrote:Don !!!! Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Blasphemy !!! The only thing more Holy than the sports page, are the advertizements !!
Yup, over the years, they've cut out the afternoon newspaper, cut way back on the business section to where it's only a few pages, and other sections have been reduced, eliminated or combined with others, but the sports section seems to be thicker than even the news. And I thought that's why they called it a newspaper...

Sumpter250 Wrote:I remember just about all the above listed comics, then there's Beyond Mars, Brick Bradford, ( :o Dick Tracy, didn't get a mention ? :o ), Twin Earths, and I'm sure Ive forgotten some others. Big Grin Big Grin

Then there was "Mandrake the Magician", "The Katzen Jammer Kids", "Little Orphan Annie", "Buck Rogers", "Mutt and Jeff", and "Popeye". These all date way back, there's just too many to list and too long ago to remember. :cry: And yeah, you can still read "Dick Tracy", but it's not quite the same. Nope

Someday, maybe fifty years from now, someone is going to say, "remember Flatt Bear, that funny cartoon?" Goldth
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I liked most of those and another that I liked and was set in your neck of the woods Don was Tumbleweeds.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Tyson Rayles Wrote:I liked most of those and another that I liked and was set in your neck of the woods Don was Tumbleweeds.

Yeah, I've been trying to think of the name of that strip. I loved that one, read it everyday. Thumbsup So many good cartoonists are no longer with us, some strips have been taken over by relatives or others, some, like this one, just ceased. :cry:
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Best of luck to you, Packey..!! Let's see mo'...

Best strip ever..?? POGO...!!!
Gus (LC&P).
My wife stopped letting me read Pogo books in bed -- it shook too much.
I started reading Dick Tracy when I was quite young -- there was a page where he was chasing someone around a hopper. I read for years but they never went back. Wallbang Nope Sad

Good luck, Packey. How do you make money on it?

The paper that the family has read since (at least -- we can document) the time of Edward VIII has reduced the comics to 2 lines at the bottom of a page in the (horrors!) sports section.
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