New free layout design software
Hello all,

The new version 0.9.18 of SCARM is ready and published on Smile

It contains many improvements and updates, together with some important bugfixes. See the list with the most important changes in this version in the following SCARM Blog post –

This release should also fix one major issue – empty snapshots in 3D viewing mode, seen on some PCs. If somebody have met this bug, please update SCARM, make several 3D snapshot images and report the status of the problem – solved or still existing.

SCARM is extensively tested on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 in all 32 and 64-bit versions. However, I am unable to perform full tests on Windows 8. If you have PC, running under Windows 8, please install SCARM on it and tell me how it works.

Hope you will like the new version Smile


P.S. If “Check for Updates” feature in SCARM 0.9.17 reports that there is no newer version of the program, download the installer directly from the website. The old version info file may be cached on your PC and it will need some time that cache to expire.
I've played with it for 15 minutes. It appears to be a great software. But, I received no sample layouts with my download. Could you please zip the layout files and email to me? thanks! <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Hello Robgrune,

There are 3 sample layouts in Screenshots section of They are packed in a ZIP files and can be downloaded directly from the site Smile

There is also a section in the SCARM blog called Railroad Layouts & Design Ideas - check the articles there for modelling inspiration. Some of them have layout plans as well Wink

Good news for SCARM users Smile

The new SCARM v. 0.9.19 is ready and published on Wink

It contains many improvements and updates, together with some bugfixes. See the list with the most important changes in this version in the following SCARM Blog post –

One new key feature is the ability to set user-defined joining tolerances and global minimum radius for all flex-tracks – see the new Edit tab in the Settings window. Also, all placed flex-tracks now are showing the dimensions of their sections and can be modified and divided after laying. I need to update the documentation about this, but in short, just select the flex, right click over it and use "Reshape" or "Split" commands from the context menu.

I hope that you will like the new release Smile I already started to work over the next one Wink


P.S. If "Check for Updates" feature in SCARM 0.9.18 reports that there is no newer version of the program, download the installer directly from the website. The old version info file may be cached on your PC and it will need some time that cache to expire. If the website also shows v. 0.9.18, press F5 key to refresh it.
IMPORTANT – a new bug-fix update SCARM v. 0.9.20 was released today. Download it from and install it to patch the old version of the program.

The latest version fixes two critical bugs, found in v.0.9.19.

The first issue is connected with the procedure for removing doubled control points in the baseboard and the figures, which can cause problems with shapes, containing holes inside. This should be now fixed and the holes will not be affected as before.

The second bug is related to the flex-tracks and user-defined minimum radius in the settings, introduced in v. 0.9.19. It may cause previously saved project files, containing flex-tracks to be loaded incorrectly, with flex-sections disconnected and/or reshaped to the bigger user-defined minimum radius. The issue also affects copy/paste of these flex-tracks. This is now solved and the user setting will not interfere with the flex-tracks already placed, saved or copied and pasted from the clipboard anymore.

I am really sorry if these errors are caused you troubles in your work with SCARM. I cannot guarantee that something like this will not happen again, but I can promise that my reaction to the tracked problems will be as fast as possible. Always report possible bugs in the SCARM Blog or by SCARM e-mail and I will check the potential problem and will make the necessary fixes and changes in the program code.

See the list with all changes and fixes in this version in the following SCARM Blog post –

I hope that you will like the new release and will forgive me for the eventual problems with the previous version of SCARM Smile


P.S. If "Check for Updates" feature in SCARM 0.9.19 reports that there is no newer version of the program, download the installer directly from the website. The old version info file may be cached on your PC and it will need some time that cache to expire. If the website also shows v. 0.9.19, press F5 key to refresh it.
A short update.

Two small bugs were found in the current version, so the new update is on the way and will be released soon Smile

The SCARM Blog articles for June are here: - hope you will like them Wink

And finally, if somebody have MTH tracks and wants to help me in building of MTH libraries for SCARM, please feel free to contact me here or by SCARM e-mail. Any help will be appreciated Thumbsup

Great software Mixy it has kept me busy designing my n scale layout, but i have a question for you. How do you plan roads and rivers etc etc?
Harry Check out my blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Hello railroader9731,

You can create roads and rivers by use of the Figures in SCARM.

At the moment, the roads can be only flat without slopes, but I am working over true roads feature, which will appear in some of the next versions of SCARM.

For rivers and lakes see the following article in the blog: Rivers And Lakes. See more tutorials and examples in Tutorials & Examples section.

Hope this information will help you Wink

Hello again Smile

The new SCARM version 0.9.21 is ready and published on

It comes with new features, new and updated libraries, bugfixes of the issues found i previous release and many small improvements. The most important new feature is flex-track automatic point-to-snap-and-join function with auto shaping of the curved section. See more about this update in the SCARM Blog post SCARM v. 0.9.21 Released. There is also a short demo clip, showing how fast and easy is now the flex-track joining to the other tracks on the layout.

I hope that you will like the new version of SCARM and also hope that next one will come soon Wink

Look also the list of SCARM Blog posts for July: There is an article about the possibility for Running SCARM on Apple Mac - it may be interesting for many of you, who want to try installing and use SCARM on Macintosh computers.


There is an issue with SCARM 0.9.21 that may affect Copy/Paste functionality in the program on certain PCs. Please upgrade to SCARM 0.9.22, which was released today on to fix the problem.

The new version also enables offline documentation and Parts List to be displayed on Windows 8 PCs. See more about this bugfix update in the following blog post: SCARM v. 0.9.22 Released.

I am sorry if these bugs caused any problems and inconvenience in your work with SCARM. If you see another problems, please report them here or in SCARM Blog and I will try to fix them ASAP.

The list with SCARM Blog posts for August is here:

Looks good. Thank you for posting it.
Last week, I posted an article in SCARM Blog about Useful Stuff In Various SCARM Libraries, like platforms, level crossings, signals and more ready-to-use 3D objects.

Note that if these objects are used in SCARM, but they do not appear on the drawing plot, you need to check the Accessories view setting. Open "Tools" > "Settings" > "2D View" > "Tracks" and place a check mark on Accessories field if there is no.


I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but I've been wanting to try your program, yet whenever I try to access your website, I get a warning that the site "Contains Malicious Content" and I haven't had the nerve to go ahead allow access to your site. Could just be my anti-virus software doing this for some reason, but am curious if anyone else has encountered this issue?
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Hello Ed,

This is false positive alert. I know from other users, that this happens sometime, maybe because "SCARM" abbreviation is very close to "scam". You can always check SCARM website against online service where it will be tested with all major antivirus & security suites. I don't know which AV software do you use, but yo can also send them the web address of SCARM to be verified as in this case, the AV software prevents you from using the legitimate product on a clean site.


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