The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Home again. Off to the farms tomorrow morning.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone. Here we are at "Hump day" once again. The older you are, the faster time goes by, that's why we old folk miss so many appointments. Icon_lol

Temps here were off the forecast a bit yesterday by a good five degrees. Wit hit 108 for a high, and 88 for a low. Eek This is getting beyond ridiculous. They say we will be below 100 by this weekend, but they were way wrong about yesterday, why should we trust them now?

Just in case you weren't aware, we do have our Orphan voting poll going through the end of September. It's never too late to get your votes in. The poll is right here, so please stop by and vote for the projects that impressed you the most. You can vote for one or all, your choice.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

It's a cloudy 64 degrees outside my window this morning. It's already warmer than yesterday's high of 59. High for today is expected to be about 88. Since yesterday morning we have picked up almost a half inch of rain, which doubles the total received since the first of July. More rain is in the forecast for tomorrow afternoon.

First off, Welcome to Frank (zstripe). Nice looking boots. Do you have pictures? We like pictures around here. Pictures of trains, not boots.

Got the wife's car back from the car doctor yesterday and all is well for a remarkably low price. Today will maybe see some grocery shopping and a bike ride after it warms up a little. Nothing else on the agenda for today - yet. The official agenda setter has not spoken.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Welcome Zstripe. Good to see you here.


Good morning. It's 76° with 86% humidity. The high will b 95° and will feel like 100°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg]

I'm feeling kind of confused this morning. I look at things and I don't quite know what they are. I was changing the dressing on my leg and I picked up the roll of gauze and I thought 'now I was going to do what with this?'. Not surprisingly I don't have any plans for today. Surprise, surprise. I'm sure something will come up.

[Image: P4170122.jpg]

[Image: P4150096.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 57 degrees. 70s for today.
It looks like a good day to do some fall chores outdoors. .. Sad
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Tom and Jeff,Thanks for the Welcome..Jeff,yeah,I thought that I would stretch my legs a little,,so far I feel very comfortable,in my new boots, Blue was always one of my favorite colors.
Cheers,,To ALL, Smile
zstripe Wrote:Tom and Jeff,Thanks for the Welcome..Jeff,yeah,I thought that I would stretch my legs a little,,so far I feel very comfortable,in my new boots, Blue was always one of my favorite colors.
Cheers,,To ALL, Smile

Blue is also our favorite color so we're all glad you like it too. 2285_ 2285_ It appears that you have a few friends here, so we're pleased that you stopped by to say hello.

Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
zstripe Wrote:Good Evening,All,
Just stopped in,from a boxcar,from the Chicago,Burbs,found a pair of boots in it and thought,I'd walk around in them a bit,so far,they are pretty comfortable..Have a good evening..
Frank Smile
I'm glad you found us. It's always nice to have some one new hanging around. Our ideas get old sometimes. New folks, new life. You will feel like this is home.
Good evening all.

I got the latest Lionel catalog, I had trouble viewing it on-line but was happy to see it come in the mail, but it is kinda skimpy and half of the product says limited qaunities Nope I did see where Lionel is responding to S scalers not just S gaugers with some scale sized modern locomotives I like both scale and hi-rail trains(as well as O, On30, G and novelty Battery op sets)

Welcome Zstripe Welcome
Home from the farms. Timber thinning crew started today on Cousins' tract I manage. Two of my tracts next week. Had to fix a box stand. Big tree section split off of the trunk and landed on top of stand. Got it off and straighten the pipes. Tired.

Frank, welcome, Frank. More than one Frank makes it great. Welcome

Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
I came up with a pair of number boards for one of the F3's today. I cannibalized them from an old PennLine F7 shell. It still required quite a bit of work and time to get them into usable shape as they had to be cut from the thick plastic of the shell then trimmed to fit the number board slots of the F3. But in the end it looks OK to me. Once it's painted they should look a lot better.

That's it for today. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN5128.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Hello all,

Back seeking refuge from all the so called reality shows Wallbang

Went to the golden arches for supper Mcdouble and some salty fries Popcornbeer

Did watch a new train DVD, the main feature is a history on Chapel cars from the 1800's till 1920's the title is Railway to Heaven. I have a book on the same subject called Gospel tracks threw Texas. On the DVD is a bonus feature about a tourist train in Hawaii based on old train equipment and trains from the sugar cane industry.
Good morning all. Just a quick note on the weather here, but just as we suspected, this summer has been the hottest on record. The average temps was close to 96° and the average low was around 87. It's been crazy and we have the power bills to prove it. Today's low is forecast to be 74, but it's after 6AM and it's down to 68, blowing the forecast out of the water
AF350 Wrote:Hello all,

Back seeking refuge from all the so called reality shows Wallbang ...

My opinion of reality shows is that they are 95% staged. That includes these auction and pawnshop shows. It's strange that the cameras are there just as all the drama begins. There are so many of them right now that it's hard to avoid watching one. I've watched a few of those storage locker auctions. It's always the same format, "wow, I think I paid too much for this locker, let's see what's here".... After digging way in the back of all the worthless junk, we hear, "Hey, what in the world is this?" :o , then cut to commercial before we find that they just found some hidden gem. Then it's off to the appraiser to find out what it's worth.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning all. Fall day here. Mow and hit the pavement walking. Work on Mayor's Show for tomorrow. Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Morning Blue
We have a sunny 69 right now, might reach 80 today.
Yesterday was nice so I got the grass cut late in the day, Gotta do the trimming though.
It feels like a spring day but sadly it's not.
Only TV show of that type I watch is "Pickers" you can tell it's staged but I do like seeing the old things they "find".
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)

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