NASCAR Fantasy League
I'll just grumble for a couple of days........
At least one of my drivers finished in the top ten.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Was doing great for a while, but then the wrecks began!

Well, every train needs a caboose to bring up the rear. At least I know I am serving a useful function that way!

President and Janitor of the Arenac & Southern RR
Hey 88fan,
Congrats on taking two of my drivers out. Icon_lol Dwight, how did you know David Ragan would be your number 1 driver? That was easily the lowest scoring race the two of us have ever had. Congrats on the victory. Don't ever do it again :-)
Big Grin Big Grin Smile :|

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Hi Jesso:
You know what they say, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while. But I am going to have to sit Hornish and switch to Sorrenson. Still feel like I am scrambling.
Good to see Little E is crying........even the announcers were hesitant to criticize him for his move on Vickers. Talk about homer announcers. And now he wants the rule changed if he gets his tire out of the box. If he can't park his car, he shouldn't be driving.
dwight77 Wrote:Hi Jesso:
You know what they say, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while. But I am going to have to sit Hornish and switch to Sorrenson. Still feel like I am scrambling.
Good to see Little E is crying........even the announcers were hesitant to criticize him for his move on Vickers. Talk about homer announcers. And now he wants the rule changed if he gets his tire out of the box. If he can't park his car, he shouldn't be driving.
Ok - just for clarification... He only wants the rule changed to on the line is "in" the box...

It'll give everyone's tire changer s a few more inches on the inside tires.. Something critical at Bristol for instance.

Figure if the driver comes in an inch or to "inside the mark (4" line) -- If allowed to be On the line, they could gain 4 - 5 inches of room inside.....

Jr was only an inch on the line. Yes, his crew should have made him turn right and back off the line.. they did mess that up.

But you're right - if he was paying attention, he should have gotten it right Big Grin Big Grin
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Whats the old saying.....give and inch....take a mile.......but it was also the fact that he was crying about it.
League Standings (Week 1)

Sarge Racing 1 ----------- Sarge ----------------- 652 ----- W1
The Gauge Racing ------- N gauger ------------- 639 ----- W1
CNE Racing --------------- Eightyeightfan1 ----- 560 ----- W1
cab forward 7 ----------- Dwight77 ------------- 467 ----- W1

Lightbender Racing ----- Lightbender ---------- 533 ----- L1
PJ's ----------------------- Puddlejumper -------- 526 ----- L1
A & S Racing ------------- w8JY ------------------ 450 ----- L1
Jesso --------------------- Jesso ------------------- 387 ----- L1

League Ranging (Week 1)

Sarge Racing 1 ----------- Sarge ----------------- 652
The Gauge Racing ------- N gauger ------------- 639
CNE Racing --------------- Eightyeightfan1 ----- 560

Lightbender Racing ----- Lightbender ---------- 533
PJ's ----------------------- Puddlejumper -------- 526
cab forward 7 ----------- Dwight77 ------------- 467
A & S Racing ------------- w8JY ------------------ 450
Jesso --------------------- Jesso ------------------- 387

Week one ended early with a rain storm Sad Time to take the trailers and war wagons to the Sunshine State.... We're off on a 2 day trip to Cal-I-forn-I-A to the Auto Club Speedway near Fontana for The Auto Club 500.

Tell JR. to calm down!!! Tell Kenseth Congrats on a great win at Daytona..... And everyone take those Restrictor plates OFF!!!!!!!!

Race Starts at 2Pm California time... That's 5:00 PM Eastern - it's a LATE one!!!!!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Those standings really irritate me. I thought I had last place locked up!

Guess I will have to try a little harder next week.

Going to have to send my team to the bumper car track to practice dodging. Wallbang

President and Janitor of the Arenac & Southern RR
I guess I get to brag this week Misngth

Can't wait till next week Popcornbeer

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I guess I'll have to......Hang my head in shame.......

And hope Jr. practices parking, and merging into traffic.........
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
I know I did terrible this week, but I didn't do that bad, they have several people's qualifying scores wrong. I would have done a lot better if Junior didn't suffer a case of road rage :-)
I didn't know qualifying scores counted.. I just looked, I have no idea wether they are right or wromg though. But remember they may be going by the race scores, not order of qualifying in the total pack of 43.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
They used qualilfying last get 43 for the pole....42 for next....etc....etc...etc.
Your total points is what you get during the race plus your qualifying points.
I guess that we are pretty well stuck with the way they figure it. It would be an immense amount of work for someone here to go through and add the qualifying points.

I would have made out better (I think) if they were added, but at least it is equally fair (or unfair) for everyone.

Remember, no matter how it is scored, I am going to make it difficult for someone to finish below me! Watch out, Jesso - your last place position is in jeopardy!

President and Janitor of the Arenac & Southern RR

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