The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good Morning Blue
We have a sunny 66 this morning.
Already did some grocery shopping and talked to the guys at Wild Bills Trains.
They are expecting a Lionel shipment soon.
Happy Friday
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon. It's 87° with 45% humidity. The high high will be 92° and will feel like 97°.
[Image: cond026.gif]

Got the doc visit taken care of. It was OK with the exception of my blood sugar level which was very low, 55. Blood samples were taken for the lab work then they gave me a chocolate covered donut to munch on. A little while later they check the blood sugar again and it's down to 46. What, did they expect that chocolate covered donut to bring it up? Guess I should have told them I could eat chocolate all day long and it wouldn't effect me much except to make me sick. It's strange, I can eat a bunch of chocolate and my blood sugar rises just a little if at all. But if I even look at a peanut butter cookie it goes through the roof! After the 46 reading they gave a me Charm's Super Blow-pop. Right! At that rate we'd be there all day. My father said he knew of a way to get the level up and fast so we went to Fox's Pizza Den next door (how many doctor's offices are so conveniently located right next to a pizza joint? We're talking adjoining wall here. There's a prototype for it in Leesville guys so you can put it on your layout!) My father had a lasagna bowl with a side salad and I had a small taco pizza and half of his side salad. Mustn't forget to mention the ever present Dr Pepper. We went back to the docs office where they checked me again. 115. Good to go!

Now back at the house I see that my step mother has worn herself out rearranging the back porch. I'll have to check it out to see if she's compromised my new work/paint area.

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[Image: P1010004-18.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN5282.jpg]

[Image: P1010004-17.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

It's cloudy and 66 degrees this morning. We've already had our high for today at 70. The wind has shifted to the north and temps are dropping. We were supposed to get up to a half inch of rain this morning but it bypassed us.

The only activity for today is to haul some yard waste to the disposal site. Other activities will be determined by the Activity Director.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. It's 76°F with 45% humidity. The high will be 90°F and will feel like 95°F.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg] Wind SE 5mph.

I'm not feeling up to my best this morning so I have no real plans for the day. Just take whatever comes along I guess.

Not same photo as last night. Slightly different angle.
[Image: DSCN5281.jpg]

Another entry from the weird loco gallery.
[Image: P1010004-12.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 64 this morning. Going into the 70s. That would be perfect till April 1st for me.
Yesterday was some yard work, just a little, and today will be the same if I can't find a good football game to watch.
Enjoy your weekend.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning. Pretty fall day her. Off to Hunters Haven, chores after that and then lake house.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, hope this weekend is treating you good. Nice fall weather here too. This morning it was only 59 out, with highs expected in the low 90's. No rain and no triple-digit highs for at least a week. We'll accept 96 as being fall-like around here.

Found another fuel depot kit that I had stashed away, so I'm still working on that one. That will make four kits and one that I bought somewhere already finished. It's going to be a very large fuel depot with an assortment of tanks, buildings and a few loading/unloading platforms. We are making progress though... Big Grin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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[Image: P1010002-17.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
AF350 Wrote:Well all my cheek and tooth is throbbing from the torture from the dentist appointment, some advil will take care of it.

Here is what I have been doing today, taking pictures of old electronic equipment and a realy cool old radio.


I know it is a late reply,on my part,,but I am new to Blue and just walking around,a bit..But I would,sure like to spend some time, looking into the back of that OSCOPE..Brings back some good memories.
Thanks for sharing.
Frank (zstripe)
Good morning. It's 75° with 88% humidity. The high will be 85° and will feel like 93°.
[Image: cond006.gif] with a [Image: cond60.jpg]

Looked at the weather radar a little while ago and saw a line of thunderstorms stretching from Arkansas to the Gulf Coast making it's way across the lakes region of Texas and moving to the east. Looks like everything from Shreveport to Lake Charles stands a good chance of getting wet today.

I've already taken my morning meds that insure I'll be a healthier(?) and nicer person today. I'm not too bad without them. I just have a really short and highly explosive temper and people generally wish to be elsewhere when it makes itself known. Guess that's the American Indian half of me mixing with the bits of the British, Irish, French, Scot, German and Welsh parts of me among some others all mixed together in one sack. Oh well, you work with what you get. Maybe someday everything we do and say each day will come in a little pill.

Well Swepco (local power company) has already ticked me off this morning. They missed the timing for the switchover to one of their other generators and it resulted in a two second outage. I don't know what made me madder, the fact that it happened or that it was only two seconds. I didn't throw the computer out the window so the meds must be working.

No plans for today. Maybe the itch to work on one of the F3's will strike, maybe not. I'm hoping that my niece will go over to my place sometime today and come back with a couple of Wal-Mart bags full of DVD's.

[Image: P1010008-4.jpg]

Looks like there was a bit of excitement at the northwest turnout.
[Image: P1010005-5.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
Oh boy it looks like rains a commin. The temp is 64 this morning.
No train news, no Michigan football yesterday, But I did get to see the Buckeyes win last night.
Can't say that about the Tigers and Red Wings, they both lost.
Enjoy your Sunday
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, nice a cool here for now. Temp right now is 80, but according the the Weather Channel, it "feels line 78". Don't know if there's any difference there, but we'll take it. Humidity is down to 15% and the dew point is at 28, so I guess there's no chance of rain for a while. Even the wind is calm at 4 mph, just an average day for the end of September in our part of the world.

I'm not that much into sports anymore thanks to the on and off antics of many of these millionaire players, but I have to report that the Arizona State Sun Devils (my alma mater) trounced the USC Trojans last night 2285_ . Yeah, it doesn't change my life even slightly, but it's worth mentioning anyway. Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
A little while ago my sister and her daughter were working upstairs when they noticed there's a leak in one of the skylights. At this point it's just a seep but like all leaks it'll progressively get worse. So that's another item on the repair list. With all this rain we're getting here I'm gonna get a real workout getting out to the car tomorrow for my trip to Oakdale. I have a doc appointment there tomorrow afternoon to get an evaluation on how my knee is doing. It's looking like it's going to rain all night and all day tomorrow, probably into Wednesday. Tonight we're expecting around half an inch hour, possibly more. The Lake Charles area is already getting twice that. Glad we don't live down there.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Calling it a night early as it's been a busy day. Tomorrow morning my father has a doc appointment in town and I have one in Oakdale early in the afternoon. He'll have to be finished with his by noon at the latest in order to make it to mine on time.

Didn't do any work on the F3's today. In fact nothing MR related got done. My sister and niece did bring me some of the DVD's from my place. Four Wal-Mart bags full. That's two racks worth. There are sixty-six in all. Among those are 'Thunderball', 'Tomorrow Never Dies', 'Jurassic Park', Jurassic Park: The Lost World', 'Jurassic Park III', 'Unstoppable', 'The Train', 'Golden Eye', 'The World is not Enough', Eight of the Harry Potter movies, all six of the 'Star Wars' movies, 'The Terminator', 'The Running Man', 'True Lies', 'Total Recall' (Arnold S.), 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom', 'Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade', 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls', 'AVP', 'Star Trek' (Chris P.), 'Star Trek Nemesis', Gone in 60 Seconds' (1974), 'Extreme Trains' (all episodes), xXx, xXx State of The Union', 'U571', 'Robocop Trilogy', 'The Longest day', 'The Lost Room'. That should be good for a while. If it isn't there's still six more racks over there.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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