The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

It's clear and 54 degrees this morning with a predicted high of 81 and breezy.

Son made it home safely Saturday afternoon. Nothing much accomplished over the weekend other than a little cleaning in the train room and putting the windows back in the caboose I repainted for the Adobe Flats Municipal Railway. Photos should be coming soon.

Today we're off to a round of shopping after breakfast at a local culinary establishment.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
A quick Good Morning to Blue.
We have a cloudy 60 this morning.
Lot's of things going on today. Yawn I need a nap.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. It's 70° with 100% humidity. The high will be 85° and will feel like 93°.
[Image: cond006.gif] with a [Image: cond60.jpg]

Looks like a long day ahead. My father has an appointment with his doctor this morning in Leesville and I have one with one of my doctors early afternoon in Oakdale. He'll have to be done with his no later than noon to get to mine on time traffic permitting. It might be an interesting day after all.

Yesterday my sister and my niece brought me a bunch of DVD's from my place. So last night I was able to watch something other than news reports, congressional meetings, weather, lackluster sit-coms about pointless people with pointless lives, etc. It seems my father picked every one of the worst channels when he got his cable service. The only ones I can find that have any merit are TNT, USA, Discovery and The History Channel and it seems every time I check TNT and USA they have a long commercial break going that totally kills any interest I had in the program, and forget about watching in the morning unless you want to see how you too can cook perfectly, get you laundry perfectly clean, clean your kitchen in a flash with a tiny sponge or clean your carpet with a vacuum that doesn't need a filter or a bag. My mother bought one of those. Looks great, moves easily, costs a ton of money, leaves the dirt in the carpet. Guess you don't need a filter or a bag if it isn't gonna pick up the dirt. But anyway, last night I finally had my choice of what to watch. I wanted to get to sleep at a reasonable time so I put on episode one of Extreme Trains, Coal Train. At the end I was still wide awake because something phenomenal had happened. I had found it to be interesting. SO I set the TV's sleep timer for thirty minutes and changed the channel to one of the 24/7 news channels where they were saying something or other about our wonderful president (catch the sarcasm there?). I was asleep in five minutes.

[Image: P1010002-13.jpg]

[Image: P1010001-17.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning all. Here we are at the beginning of yet another workweek... for most of you, but some, like myself, it's just another day. I know when it's Saturday because my wife is doing the laundry, and it's Sunday because we go to Mass, but the rest of the week... one big rubber stamp :o .

Weather-wise, we're looking highs in the low to mid-90's and lows in the 60's, just about normal for this time of the year.

This is the last day you have the chance to vote in our Orphan Challenge. We, once again, have a four-way time for first place. That's not a bad thing, but if you haven't voted yet, now's your chance. Welcome Welcome The polls close in less than 10 hours. 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening all, 3 weeks in a row of 2nd shift Sunday followed up with 1st shift Monday 2nd ends at 11:30 PM first starts at 7:45 AM Eek

Zstripe, will see if I can get the case off of the old O'scope and post some pics.

Had a near flawless day at work and a near disaster on the way home, there are a ton of scappers in the area some legal and others out right thieves. One had a red pickup with the bed piled hi with metal junk that was unsecured they hit a bump in the road loseing half the load on a major road at the tail end of evening rush hour. I was dodging the other cars that were dodging the spilt scap that was still moving as it hit the road. The little red truck did not pull over but took off down the road a little red old Chevy with no back plate(Ohio requires plates front and back). Just glad to be home safe and in one peice.

Tired from work will turn in now.
Good morning. It's 72° with 100% humidity. The high will be 85° and will feel like 96°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with a [Image: cond60.jpg]

A very wet day yesterday. My father ended up having to reschedule his appointment as he found out there was no way he would be finished before noon. So we got some things done here during the morning then set off for Oakdale at 11am. It was a real workout getting out to the garage, even worse once out there because the ground is rough. I had to be extremely careful. My father wasn't up to driving so he rested in the back seat while my step mother did the driving. It was darkness, heavy clouds and rain the whole way. We finally got there still a half hour early. The doc was very pleased with the excellent healing on the knee and said that it's ready to have a shaper applied to it and in fact was surprised that the doctor in charge of that hadn't contacted me about it. A prescription had been issued to them but they have no record of it. So now everybody is running around trying to find this prescription but nobody knows where it is. They said they'd call me when they find out but so far there's been no word. Things went well on the way back home. However in the garage area I hit a patch of ground that had a hole big enough for one of the walkers legs to slide off into and I went halfway to my knees cussing a blue streak all the way. I did manage to keep from falling but just barely. The rest of the trip to the house was made without incident. By that time I was worn out. If you think two hundred feet with a walker and one leg to stand on is easy you need to try it sometime. Great upper body workout! Get the coordination right and you can actually outrun someone whose moving at a normal walking pace. By that time it was late afternoon and the last thing I felt like doing was getting online. So I spent the rest of the day resting and watching a couple of shows. Watched Extreme Trains 'Freight Train' then watched Robocop. Got something to eat then watched a couple of CSI shows then called it a night.

Nothing planned for today. I think I pulled a muscle in my left shoulder yesterday as it's really letting me know about it this morning.

[Image: P1010002-9.jpg]

[Image: P1010001-11.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning. A somewhat cool morning here, 60° out, about 6° below normal. Refreshing from just a few weeks ago when the lows were in the 80's and 90's.

The Adopt and Orphan challenge voting is over and we have a very close ballot. First, second, third and fourth places were each separated by just one vote, and there for a while, we had a four-way tie for first place.

Anyway, the winners are:

  • 1st place goes to: Sumpter250
    2nd place goes to: Nachoman
    3rd place goes to: E-paw
Congratulations to you all, and especially to mountaingoatgreg with his very close fourth-place showing. Thumbsup Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Got word a little while ago that the missing prescription was found late yesterday and faxed to the clinic in DeRidder. I called them and they have it. An appointment has been set for 9am Thursday.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Hello Blue
We have 64 sunny degrees right now.
A trip to Toledo Oh yesterday to visit my elderly aunt.
She has moved into a senior citizens apartment complex where they will do whatever chores she does not want to do.
Meals included.
A trip this morning to Wild Bills trains and now to goof off.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Well today I paid for an anniversary boxcar I won in an auction last month, bought an Athearn UP GP50, a Silver Streak DVD (1934 version) and I bought another A2M0003 Disk II disk drive for the Apple IIe. If this one works as good as advertised I'll use it. If not I'll strip it for parts to use repair a couple of other A2M0003 drives I have. I also paid my bills and had my father drop a payment at the loan company so they'll be happy for another month.

The weather here isn't looking all that great. We got a bunch of stuff moving north and a lot more coming in off the gulf. It's quiet right now but thunder-boomers have been moving through most of the day and it doesn't look like they'll be stopping before morning. So with that I'll be calling it a night.

[Image: up1624-L1.jpg]

[Image: Imag0001-4.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning. It's 71° with 100% humidity. The high will be 88° and will feel like 95°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with a [Image: cond40.jpg]

As of yesterday I have an Athearn GP50 making it's way here through the postal system. That'll give me something new to work on. I have some passenger cars I can work on but I want to wait until I can get the proper parts for them. I've done about as much as I can with the F3's short of painting and converting to DCC.

[Image: P9240008.jpg]

[Image: P1010010.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 65 degrees.
I am waiting for the grass to dry so I can cut and get it over with.
I picked up a 4-pack of passenger cars for Charlie and a Halloween Box car for me.(yesterday)
I'm not a holiday collector but the orange and black graphics stand out.
Happy Hump day.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

It's a partly cloudy 57 degrees outside my window this morning, High for today is expected to be in the upper 70s or low 80s. Rain is in the forecast from tonight through Saturday. We've had about an inch and a half since the first of July. Normal rainfall is about 2 inches per month.

I've been rather lazy the last couple of days. The biggest chore I've accomplished was cleaning the filter on the dehumidifier. Later this month we'll be heading to South Dakota to visit our daughter and her family for a few days. Nothing else planned until Christmas.

Aside from the politics of the shutdown, I have found one effect that involves me directly. The Astronomy Picture of the Day website is closed.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone. A typical day here in the "Valley of the Sun".... Yup, that's what the Chamber of Commerce likes to call us. Officially though, we are living in the Salt River Valley. The Salt River runs right through the center of our metropolitan area, but fear not, it seldom sees water, and when it does, we have a very serious flooding issue.

Right now it's sunny and clear as a bell, temps are normal, lows in the mid-60's and highs in the mid-90's. It's right about now when the snowbirds start flocking in from up north and we are once again faced with traffic jams, both on the streets and in the store parking lots.. :cry:
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:It's right about now when the snowbirds start flocking in from up north and we are once again faced with traffic jams, both on the streets and in the store parking lots.. :cry:

We have the same problem here, although most "snowbirds" come in their mobile homes and set up shop at the local trailer parks. We also see a leap in the number of ol' folks at the supermarkets and shopping malls. Bet the shop keepers can't wait for winter to roll in...
Gus (LC&P).

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