The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Well despite not feeling well today I did some more work on the game. Native Fury is growing slowly. Today I added in the subchart for the rural airport. That only has six blocks which cover three parts of the runway (center, north end, south end), the airport office and pilot's lounge. It's advisable to look around on the runway for a certain object BEFORE entering the pilot's lounge, otherwise bad things could happen to the character. I added a bit of mystery by throwing in an unearthly shimmer at one end of the runway. However the character can't enter this shimmer - yet. The programs size is up to thirty-one diskette sectors.

Well it's time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

it's cloudy and 50 degrees with a projected high of 53. We picked up 3/4" of much needed rain last night with attached fireworks. Nice thunder and lightning. Made for great sleeping.

Yesterday I installed the ceiling fan and all went well until I tried the light. Nothing happened. After tracing down the wiring, it appears as though there's a loose wire inside the switch housing. I'll be calling the manufacturer today to see if there's anything to be done short of returning the whole fan.

Today's activities will include the aforementioned phone call, a trip to the gym, gas up the car and wash it, pack for the forthcoming trip, and numerous other minor chores.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning All,
A little cool here in the Chgo.Burbs,45 this morning,but I think it beats the white stuff.

That day you were not feeling well, You should have got a massage,from those,''Tree Rats'' you posted,not long ago..
I thought that was,hilarious. Where did you ever find that?
Cheers, Smile
zstripe Wrote:RB,
That day you were not feeling well, You should have got a massage,from those,''Tree Rats'' you posted,not long ago..
I thought that was,hilarious. Where did you ever find that?
I take it you're referring to the 'squirrel massage'. I was looking at photos of squirrels one day and just stumbled across it.


Good morning. It's 72° with 94% humidity. The high will be 85° and will feel like 88°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with a [Image: cond40.jpg]

Yesterday I got some work done on the game with getting the airport module tied in starting at line 3000. Today I'll be going back to line 2000 to start tying in the rest of the trek through the forest and it's perils. After that will come an abandoned motel, a series of dunes, a lakeside park. That'll finish off the first file of the game and thus completing the first flowchart. There will be two more files, thus two more flowcharts and a lot more trouble for the games character (I haven't picked a name for him yet) to get through or die trying. The goal of the game is to find an as yet unnamed Native American artifact.

I have no other plans today.

[Image: P1011316-1.jpg]

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
All in all it's been a productive day. On the game front I finished with the walk through the woods, exploration of the killers cabin, some exploring at the airport (where there's an Area 51sh type of shimmer), looking through an abandoned car, walking over the dunes where ATV enthusiasts have their fun, found an old motel, fell in a river and emerged from the shimmer at the airport. Are we confused yet?

There's still more to go. I have yet to make the park and the abandoned motel. Oh you'll like it. It's a killer place. And that will do it for part one. I'll need to close the file on it. It's almost up to fifty sectors. There's still parts two and three to go and we haven't even gotten to my neighborhood yet. Oh yes, even though this is purely a work of fiction nearly everything in it is based on areas around here.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
No further progress on the game today. Tomorrow I'll get started on making the subchart for the motel and park. That'll include a few blocks for lake scenes and maybe one or two for the spillway. The motel will be a bit of fun. I'm looking at two floors with four rooms per floor at least. They won't all be normal rooms. Some will have "surprises".

One thing I did today was double the RAM on this computer. I put in two 1GB DDR2 800 memory sticks a friend sent me and I dumped the single 1GB DDR2 533 stick that was in it. It'll only take two so I used the two DDR2 800's. The increase sped the system up by a little over a third. It uses 1.87 gigs for the RAM, the rest goes to VRAM.

Time for me to call it a day. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: P1011382.jpg]

[Image: P1011391.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Something I didn't mention earlier as it had completely slipped my mind. In between programming sessions today I left the IIe running. I back up all the files just in case then lock the write protect. Well at one point I was out here in the office and I didn't see the cat around anywhere. Well she's upstairs in the balcony curled up on the couch up there I thought. When I headed back toward my room I cast a glance up there and didn't see her. As I entered my room I saw her. She was curled up on top of the IIe. Nice and warm there. All it took was a dirty look from me to send her off in search of another warm place. I'm still trying to figure a way to work a train into Native Fury.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning. Passing through. Did see one nice buck but not shooter for me. Antlers too small. We are beginning to believe we moved to London England. Been cloudy and rainy for over a week. They keep extending it each day. Crops hurting. Off to babysit Oldest animals. Back next Tues.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Goooood morrrrning allll. Temps are in the chilly 50's right now, suitable for what I just saw. :o I woke up this morning to find this on my layout. My haunted house on the hill looks as if it's been overtaken by bats and spiders, just in time for Halloween. I'm almost afraid to go in and clean things up, especially with that spooky mist hanging over the house, maybe I'll just wait until it gets light out and all the "tenants" retire for the day. Icon_lol

Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. It's 70° with 95% humidity. The high will be 75° and will feel like 78°.
[Image: cond006.gif] with a [Image: cond70.jpg]

Looks like today may be a wet one. I've worked out a subchart for the motel and park in Native Fury. So far the motel is a single floor. I'll add a second floor later. For now the motel and park is a twenty-two block assignment and that's going to be a long programming session. It starts at line 3500 and goes to line 6000 before it finishes. Maybe I can work a model railroad layout into the lobby. Something with the motel's name in it. I'm calling the motel 'The Empire Inn'. There shouldn't be anybody in it as it's been abandoned for years. The real motel (different name) I'm basing it on burned down shortly after I came here from El Paso. Anyway, the games character (as yet unnamed) enters the motel lobby from the north then can proceed south out the back to explore the park behind the motel or he can go east down the hall which runs east and west. There are eight rooms, four to the north and four to the south that open onto the hall. The character can access the park from the lobby and the east end of the hall. The park runs north-south along the east end of the motel and east-west along the entire south side. The charts below will give a rough idea of the layout. The first photo is of the original flowchart from my initial plan. The area indicated in red is the area I'm working on now. The second is the subchart I drew up last night. The numbers are the starting line numbers of each block. The red lines indicate the path the character will take when exploring the motel.

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[Image: P1011305.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Been busy on the other computer with Native Fury. I have more than half of the motel done. Still have to program in the rooms on the south side of the hall. I also worked a train into the mix. There's an old HO 4x8 layout in one corner of the motel lobby. It doesn't work though. Part of the track is torn up and the locos wouldn't run anyway. Their rubber bands are all rotted away. Mention is made of the layout again when a room is being searched. The character finds a picture of the layout when it was working and the motel owner is at the controls. Mention is also made of the possible object of interest of the game. Indian artifacts can be seen hanging on one of the walls, most notably a ceremonial headdress. Once I finish the motel only the park is left and that's going to be a headache in and of itself. The game now takes up fifty-seven sectors of diskette space. I'm also keeping a duplicate file on a diskette in drive two.

No model railroad action here as I have no active projects to work on. I have to wait until I can get parts for them.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Well I finally finished programming in the motel. What a workout! I am wiped. What happened to the days when programming was a lot easier? Oh yeah. I could see better then. Well after today's programming marathon I pulled up another program I wrote many years ago called 'Hell House'. It's about a character who's searching for a particularly valuable bond and he has to go through many perils to do it. It's so complex with so many things that have to be collected and so many perils to dodge that it's nearly unwinnable. I've only won it twice and I wrote the thing. Despite it's complexity it was written in very simple code, similar to what I'm using for Native Fury.

Here's a couple of sample shots of parts of the program listing. It was written to run in 80-columns but I'm showing it listed in 40-columns so it's easier to see. The program is so large it's stored on the diskette in seven segments, the largest being seventy diskette sectors. It was written on an AMI-ONE, a 48k Apple II+ clone.

This first one is from the segment concerning a Civil War era silver mine.

[Image: DSCN5408.jpg]

This second one is part of the listing from the ancient manor house.

[Image: DSCN5414.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Well it was a nice day even with the off and on rain showers here, cool but not cold. Last night I printed out a VW van model it took 8 hours and 59 min. to complete the task. Not sure what scale if any it is but it looks like it would fit on an O gauge flat car will print another one so I can have a pair on a flat car. The design is not mine I found it on thingaverse.

Voice is still not recovered I feel fine but sound bad still.

Have not programed or "coded" in any language in quite some time and may not unless I get really board with other stuff going on.

Ran some trains while waiting for the 3D printer to do its thing, also watched the Star Trek DVD for the billionth time.
AF350 Wrote:Ran some trains while waiting for the 3D printer to do its thing, also watched the Star Trek DVD for the billionth time.
Can't run any trains but I can sit and look at the few locos and cars I have on top of my computer and monitor. There's one Varney F3A still with all it's parts and it runs. Two Varney F3A's that I repowered with Athearn drives. I guess that makes them Varnearn's or Athney's and a complete Athearn blue box GP50 in UP colors. Has the metal handrails still on it. I have one freight car. A Big Blue and Gauge RR 40' anniversary boxcar. And I have about seven O.K. shorty Streamliner passenger cars from the 40's or 50's.

On the Star Trek DVD, I have the first new one (Chris Pine) here along with Nemesis. All my others, all the other movies with the exception of the newest one, all three original series seasons, all four seasons of 'Enterprise', the animated series, that's all over at my trailer. Same place all my track is. Might as well be on the moon buried under a mile of solid rock.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Had a busy day today. Programmed thirteen or fourteen blocks into Native Fury. That was the motel by itself, not including the tie-ins with the forest and dunes modules. Tomorrow I'll be programming the park behind the motel. That's another nine to eleven blocks. Almost a full day counting breaks and I'm taking my time on this. When I wrote 'Hell House' back in 97-98 I was programming almost thirty blocks a day. After ten hours of that kind of fast typing your eyes feel like biscuits that were left in the oven too long and there's so much code running through your head your dreams even come up looking like Fortran, C and C++. In my younger days I could almost speak assembly language. Taking apart a program and rearranging it with a sector editor or a nibbler was child's play. Now it's difficult because I haven't done it much since 1990. It's true what they say about use it or lose it. What I'm doing with Native Fury is nothing. I'm playing with it. An eight year old could do it if you gave him/her the proper instruction in the use of Basic code, C++ and VBasic. Kids used to learn this stuff in the third grade. I gave both my nieces and my nephew their first two semesters of computer instruction. Didn't take with my nephew. He's a gear head. Give him a computer and he's lost. But give him a car or truck engine and he can tear it down and rebuild it in his sleep, under water and blindfolded. My two nieces, they're a different story. The one that lives here, she's always having to show her husband how to program the phones and troubleshoot problems on any of their computers. The niece in Virginia already has her six year old son checked out on Visual Basic and he can already do more things with Windows than I thought was possible. I'd love to see that kids IQ score. I wouldn't be surprised if it's higher than mine.

Well enough with the program talk and techno babble. It's time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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