The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good morning. It's 61° with 100% humidity. The high will be 75
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] in the morning becoming [Image: pcloudy-1.jpg] in the afternoon.

So far the only plan today is to get the park programmed into Native Fury then set up the subroutine that will record the variables set during the game (items picked up, etc) so they can be read by the next segment of the game.

[Image: P1011300.jpg]

[Image: P1011217.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning all, yet another nice day in store for here. Temps in the low 50's right now and the TV weather person says it's a, "light jacket" morning. Geeze, now they're telling you how to dress.....

We caught our beloved, but confused, Ziggy in downtown St. Maria going out to trick-or-treat for Halloween......... I don't think that he understands that you carry the bag to get it filled with candy and not get in the bag and eat the candy. Nope

Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning Blue
We have a fall morning, overcast, damp and 53 degrees.
These are I don't fell like doing anything days.
Had a chat with some of the forum guys last night and stayed up till the Tigers won the game.
No train news though.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning. Passing through while living in London or Seattle. Rain extended another day. Had to come back to Town Hall and also do a another routine blood draw.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Well I finished with the park and lake front and the tie-ins with the motel and the dunes. I added a back door and a porch to the motel lobby so the character can enter/exit there. I also made it possible to enter one of the rooms on the back side of the motel via a window. But beware, in the room there could be a nasty surprise! Some little touches in the park are a nasty little troll and an overly friendly pigeon. If he character looks in the right place he'll find a note with a clue to the artifacts location. It ain't in part one. To wrap it up I programmed in the variable handling subroutine that'll record all the item variables into a text file that can be read by a read subroutine at the beginning of part two. That's the end of the trail for part one. I'll get started on part two after I work out a tentative flow chart for it. The final size of forest (file name for part one) is seventy-seven diskette sectors. At that size it takes about twenty seconds for the file to load.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good afternoon all,

Cold is back for round two may brake down and go to doctor.

here are a couple pics the first is the local bird of prey sitting on top of street light pole just before dusk. The other pic is of a 3D printed VW van.


AF350: I hope you get rid of that cold soon. That little van looks good.


I got started on part two of Native Fury this afternoon. It starts right in front of what roughly resembles my parents home in 1972. The house is still is still there today but it's much different. Someone who knew how it looked then would have some trouble recognizing it now were it not for the color and the windows in the older part.

I programmed the opening to describe the house then after the character has looked at something else the description changes and just says the house is there and mentions a few other things instead. Well, see for yourself in the photos below.

Opening screen:
[Image: DSCN5430.jpg]

standard screen:
[Image: DSCN5440.jpg]
The 'PRESS RETURN' has since been changed to 'WHICH WAY'. The program was in debug mode when I took the photos.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I've been working on part two of Native Fury. So far I programmed most of a generalization of my parents home (house, yard, outbuildings) more or less as it existed in 1972. I did change some things. Things such as the direction the house faces, locations of some rooms, etc. I also put one of the artifacts the character is seeking in the house. I'm not saying what it is or where it is or how many have to be found. I'm having a lot of fun with this. Since I'm forced to be an armchair model railroader it's a fun way to pass the time until I can get more projects to work on.

Well it's time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Forest is the file name for part one of Native Fury. Note the size in relation to the disk space remaining.
[Image: DSCN5425.jpg]

[Image: P1011216.jpg]

[Image: P1011201.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning everyone, here we are at the end of the workweek for most people. Temp-wise here, the weather is great, lows in the 50's and highs in the mid to high 80's. A/C still kicks in occasionally, but I think we'll turn it off in the next day or so. Some years we have only about a week or two where we don't have either the A/C or the heat turned on. The weather is kind of unpredictable this time of the year. For instance, the record high for today was 101 just ten years ago (A/C definitely needed), but the record low was 42 back in 1968 (yup, the heat was on that day).

I hope you all are looking forward to a great weekend. Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. It's 54° with 100% humidity. The high will be 75°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with a [Image: cond20.jpg]

Well this morning I tallied up the amount of work I've put into part two of the game already and the result was surprising. So far I've done nineteen blocks with an average of seven lines of code for each block. A functional line of code can be as short as three characters or numerals or combinations thereof and can be as long as the maximum line length allows. I've never counted exactly how many letters/numbers/etc can fit on one line but it's a pretty good number ans sometimes still not long enough for my needs. Most times I find they average from twenty to somewhere around one hundred fifty letters. Some are longer but that's just an average. And then there's the IF, THEN, GOTO, INPUT, PRINT functions that go into things like this simple line 880 IF NA1 = 1 THEN PRINT "YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE. YOU JUST ACTIVATED A TRIGGER ON A 5-POUND BLOCK OF C4!":INPUT "WOULD YOU LIKE TO KISS YOUR BUTT GOODBYE NOW? Y/N";E$: NA = 0: PRINT "HAVE A NICE DAY.": GOSUB 52000: GOTO 5000.

Below is a rough map of Part II of Native Fury. The area circled in red is the area I coded in yesterday. You can see how much there is yet to go.

[Image: DSCN5442.jpg]

As for my plans today, I have none.

[Image: P1011192.jpg]

[Image: P1011120.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 53 degrees. Actually it's not so bad without the wind.
We shopped at 2 stores this morning got all but 3 items on the list.
I browsed through the online MTH catalog but nothing said "buy me".
Big Detroit sport night, Red Wings won Smile , Tigers lost Sad
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Hmmmm, I just noticed that this thread has 11111 views. Goldth Nothing spectacular, but it is interesting. Well, now we have 11112, which makes it not so interesting anymore.. Nope

You gotta admit though, these have always been busy threads, and we thank all you that here every day and share your day with us.... Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:Hmmmm, I just noticed that this thread has 11111 views. Goldth Nothing spectacular, but it is interesting. Well, now we have 11112, which makes it not so interesting anymore.. Nope
When it gets to 12345 views I'll consider that interesting.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Running Bear Wrote:
ezdays Wrote:Hmmmm, I just noticed that this thread has 11111 views. Goldth Nothing spectacular, but it is interesting. Well, now we have 11112, which makes it not so interesting anymore.. Nope
When it gets to 12345 views I'll consider that interesting.

Keep your eyes out, it shouldn't take that long, no more than two weeks.

Oh, BTW, this is the 1000th post in this thread in less than four months. This being the 6th of the series of Hobo Camp threads. Thumbsup Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I been a busy old Indian today. I don't know what happened but I really got locked in on a binge with Native Fury.

[Image: DSCN5442-1.jpg]

Those areas marked in blue in the photo are what I coded in today alone, thirty some-odd blocks. One of them a two-story stainless-steel house. I kid you not. There's one of those in this neighborhood, built back in the 50's I think. It's unoccupied now. I've only been in it once in my entire life so I don't remember all of the layout so I took a guess at some of it. The real house doesn't have any hidden areas that I'm aware of but I wrote one into my version of the house in Native Fury. I decided to have some fun and gave it sort of an Ali-Baba flavor. If the character goes up the stairs to the bedroom up there and chants 'Open Sesame' a part of the stairwell wall will open revealing the entrance to the secret room. Thus far I haven't put anything in the room yet. Any suggestions?
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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