The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good morning. It's 47° with 100% humidity. The high will be 75° and will feel like 79°. It'll be sunny today.
[Image: cond026.gif]

Woke up this morning to find that fall has indeed fallen. It was 45° outside but about 70° inside with the exception of the office where I am now. It's not tied into the central ac/heat the rest of the house has. Instead it has an ac/heat window unit. I have it turned to heat and cranked up to 80°. Until it heats up in here I have two T-shirts on.

I have no set plans for today. As one of my relatives was fond of saying, 'You have no idea what's going to happen so setting plans in stone is like pouring a concrete foundation before you know where the homes walls will be.'. Not surprisingly he built houses for a living. I may do a bit more planning for more work on 'Native Fury' later. I need to lay out the blocks for the final subcharts of part two.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Kev, you did your best to show me up, and did a whang-up job of it. One day, and you hustled up an absolute minimum of my 28 days work. I realize that you wouldn't do that to me on purpose, but------. Just reading all that made me feel like dialing 911. I was purely pooped by the second line. You youngsters have no thoughts or respect for geezers. I would normally give you high praises for getting that much done, but since you live too far away to do my jobs, I find it difficult to condone you rubbing my nose in it. I have to hire a high school lad to help since neither my wife nor I can bend over, much less exert ourselves in menial labor .

There, I believe you have been properly chastised so I'll let you go. Shoot :hey:

Lynn Misngth Misngth
Whitehouse, Tx
Well today I received one of the parts I needed for my mothers old Apple IIe. The drive controller card. I tested the card and it works like new. It's now installed. This particular machine is one of the early IIe's and had to be shaken down due to the problems that were inherent of those early offerings. Apple had all those corrected for the 1983 line. This one has had the original Revision A logic board replaced with a revision B board so it would be compatible with the expansion cards offered later. These wouldn't work on the original Revision A boards. These boards shouldn't be confused with the enhanced '"-A"' boards offered in later years. Those were in functionality Revision B boards. The only thing different besides the enhancements was the letter. One thing that made the early IIe's recognizable at a glance was the keyboard. White letters on tan keys as opposed to the black letters on tan keys that started in 1984. However that doesn't mean every IIe with black and tan keys was an '84 or later model. Lots of older IIe's got the newer keyboard when the keyboard had to be replaced as happened with my IIe.

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[Image: CopyofDSCN5465.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Tom: we were in Rapid City last September. Have photos of us with all your presidents. Stumbled upon a pleasant hobby shop.
We also found the only shop (according to them) that's equipped to service RVs. Luckily it's attached to a dealer for the same brand chassis as we have.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
I was a bit busy today but not at what I wanted to be doing. No, my father wanted me to look up for him the medicinal and nutrition uses of cactus plants and mesquite trees. So that kept me busy for a while. I didn't get any programming time in today. Maybe tomorrow.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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[Image: P1010911.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning all, yet another nice day in store for here although by Wednesday they are talking about a high of 90°. Here we are but ten days away from Halloween and.... we...uh.....GOOD GRIEF CHARLIE BROWN, Eek it's the Great Pumpkin coming over the tracks, heading for the school yard..... or is it just Ziggy in a Great Pumpkin Halloween costume????? Icon_lol What do we know, since no one has ever seen the Great Pumpkin, it just might look like Ziggy.... 357 357

Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Well I see Ziggy is in good form this morning.

Good morning. It's 53° with 97% humidity. The high will be 78° and it will feel like 81°. There's a small chance of rain today.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with a [Image: cond20.jpg]

Yesterday was a bad day for Mickey's cousins living in the kitchen cabinet. Two of them got caught in traps. One was on a glue trap and was very much alive when I discovered it trying to drag the trap away (and it was doing a pretty good job of it too considering it had only one foot to work with). A rap on the head with a small household hammer put it out of it's misery. I wrapped it up trap and all in a paper towel and asked my nieces husband next door to dispose of it as it's quite difficult for me to get outside without help. The second one got snared by a snap trap and was very much life challenged when I discovered it this morning. I wrapped it in a paper towel and as no one is home next door I put it in a plastic bucket and set it outside the front door. I checked the glue box traps and there was nothing of interest in them. So far their only customers have been a brown recluse spider (good riddance!) and a very unfortunate largish grass hopper.

Well today I hope to get some more programming done on Native Fury. I'm sure there are bugs to be worked out. I usually work bugs out of the blocks as I go along but sometimes they creep into the code that ties the blocks together. I just hate to be playing a game and suddenly get a 'GOSUB WITHOUT RETURN' or a GOTO with no address to go to or something like that.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have an overcast sky and 53 degrees.
Nothing to report, the Lions lost by 3 points yesterday so that completed the cycle.
Tigers, Red Wings and Loins all lost over the weekend.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
No problem, Kev. No harm done. If I had known I would live this long I'd have t5aken better care of myself.m You're not too far behind me, so take my advice and slow down. I even got tiored this morning just thinking about all you have done.

Enjoyed our reparte tho, and that made me feel better. 357

Whitehouse, Tx
Working on part two of Native Fury again. I've changed a few things. #1 when a direction is entered, IE S, the game responds with SOUTH, pauses for one second then executes the command. #2 In the middle of the circle that the homes in part two are clustered around is a large garden. Originally I had it labeled as Mr. Cable's garden and would advise the character to stay out of it. That just didn't feel right. So I changed it to Mr. Addam's garden. Seems like a good place to avoid. #3 in the kitchen of the metal house the character sees a large metal lunchbox on the kitchen counter. On the side is the label 'P. Addams'. Ring any bells? Gives me some ideas about what to put in the secret room. At present I'm starting work on the double-wide trailer next door (west) to the metal house. The plate beside the door reads 'M. Munster'. I'm planning on the character to see a large family portrait hanging on the wall as he enters. I'm gonna have some fun with this one!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Kev: Looks like that stump grinder does a dynamite job.


Well I got the M. Munster residence programmed and a high old time I had of it too. It seems as a standard double wide trailer until the character gets inside. There's some of the funny parts of the Munster home in there. the kitchen is one. Grandpas bedroom is another and the sleeping quarters of one Edward Wolfgang Munster. But it's when the character searches the master bedroom that the character breaks the land speed record getting out of there. Seems there was this little thing with Herman sitting up in bed 'Excuse me young man, we'd like to have you for dinner.'. Somehow I think I would've left too! It wasn't a hard bit to program. Just thirteen blocks. But some blocks have up to ten lines of code and some variable lines of code. If a variable is set one way a certain set of lines are displayed and if the variable is set another way another set of lines is displayed. Some funny things are found too. A Vandergriff generator connected to a hair dryer (That'll curl your hair!). A large bucket of electric eels connected to a washing machine? Grandpas been at it again!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Aw, shucks Kev. I now just think you're doin' all that just to make me jealous that I can hardly walk. That's OK. Another twenty couple years and somebody else may get on you. The good thing is, I can still laugh about it and enjoy myself. I wouldn't dare pick on anyone else if I couldn't laugh at myself.

By the way, that was bang-up job you did on that stump. Looks great.

Whitehouse, Tx
As I said earlier, I got the M. Munster residence programmed in. Next will be a three room cottage nearby. The cottage, porch, front and back yards and lake and road frontage will consume eleven blocks of program space and will likely take half a day to type it all in. No CADs or scanners for that old Apple computer. Scanners were the new toy on the block back when the //e was on the market (01/83 to 11/93) and there was little or no support for such a device on the //e's logic board. I don't think it was ever made available for the //gs either.

Not much else went on today. My nurse came this afternoon and checked my foot out and said it's doing well.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
yellowlynn Wrote:I wouldn't dare pick on anyone else if I couldn't laugh at myself.
As my grandfather, Woodrow Reneau (R.I.P.) said, if you can't laugh at yourself what good are you?
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning. It's 61° with 100% humidity. The high will be 72° and feel like 75°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg]

Nothing much going on today. I'll get to work on Native Fury a little later. So far I have only a cottage planned but I may program in the house next door as well since it was here in the time period I'm using. While I'm using the basic description of homes that were then the room layout, their location in the community and their directional orientation differ. Some locations were here then, others weren't and some have never been. I'm using my own creative license.

On the mouse front, none of the traps were tripped and there was nothing stuck in the glue traps.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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