The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
RB, I don't see what their problem is, other than lack of taste, appreciation, or just jealousy. I think your pictures are great. The one I especially like is that broken down ramshackle line shed. Most of the weathering on your rolling stock is great. You are right, tho. If they haven't the guts (intestinal fortitude) to stand up and admit who they are, they're not worthy of acknowledging them.

At the doctors office yesterday I found out they will try an EMG (whatever that is) and an epidural to see if that helps any. I have extreme difficulty walking, and pain 24/7. RB I can sure empathize with you. Constant pain really gets old after a while.

Everybody have a good one
Whitehouse, Tx
He all,
Saturday is already 5pm, day was dry and warm, 72 degrees.
In the morning I visited a model train swap market unfortunately only German stuff that I do not need. I would be very surprised if I had found American models.
And Sir J. white bread in morning is good - but one or two of 40 different sorts of dark bread at evening - delicious! Including a bottle German beer!
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
This morning I've been working on mapping out the homes in the little community of Paradise Cove. This is the floor plan of one of those homes.

[Image: pcovehome.jpg]

So far I've mapped four. Only about two dozen to go.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Running Bear Wrote:I was considering stopping my posting of layout photos due to some very descriptive anonymous emails I've been getting saying that my layout photos look like crap. But I've decided that I'm not going to give that pleasure to someone who's too much of a coward to even give me an address to send a reply to.
There's a lot of that in this hobby, but I'm told there's a lot of it in every hobby! Certainly keep on keepin' on, RB, it's a HOBBY.
Good afternoon all.

It is cold out and a bit windy as well here.

Sorry to hear of an @$$ #0L& is giving you some trouble online.


Went to the last farmers market(at the North Market downtown) for the season and for $10.00 we got 10 lbs of sweet potatoes, a medium zucinni, 5 large sized brandywine tomatoes.


I have some work around the house to do may post some more later.
Keep on posting the pictures RB. I think they are great. It gives me ideas for my layout. Thanks.
Today is the oldest you have ever been, yet the youngest you will ever be!
I got started today programming in the properties and homes of Paradise Cove (Native Fury part III). I got both the property (front,back,side yards) and the home at 120 Nelson Street programmed in and I got the property at 302 Nelson Street programmed in. Tomorrow I'll do the home. And that's just getting started. There are about two dozen properties and homes. Ouch! My poor fingers!

Well it's time for me to call it a night. I'll see y'all tomorrow.

[Image: PB070186.jpg]

[Image: P1012625.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

It's a very sunny 30 degrees here in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. High for today is supposed to be about 63 and a little breezy.

Watched my team go down to an embarrassing defeat yesterday and got the first crop of leaves up from the yard. Last night I upgraded my computer to windows 8.1 Just a heads up for those using it - it's a massive download. Then the installation takes about another hour. Today I'll be watching the F1 race in a few minutes (it's on tape). Not sure yet what I'll do this afternoon but will try to find things to do outside.

Tomorrow my wife and I have appointments at the eye doctor.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. It's 61° with 91% humidity. The high will be 75°. Showers are likely.
[Image: cond006.gif] with [Image: cond70.jpg]

Looks like it's gonna be wet today. Feels like it too.

I was working on the Paradise Cove module (Native Fury part III) and I say without a doubt that there are trains in Paradise Cove! In separate bedrooms too. I submit my evidence below.

[Image: DSCN5498.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5503.jpg]

I knew I'd eventually get trains into this!

No other news for now.

The car has returned from it's nightly junket.
[Image: P1012613.jpg]

[Image: DSCN1608.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
Another gloomy morning at 39 degrees.
Hmm maybe I will just skip the bread altogether and go straight to the beer.. Smile Thanks for the suggestion.
I too have been having trouble walking, it feels like a pinched nerve down the back of my leg, from butt to foot.
BUT I am also Very Grateful not to have the problems that RB has gone through in recent years.
No train news this morning but a fun game watching the Buckeyes walk all over Penn State.
(Penn beat Michigan Wolverines last week in a OT game after a penalty call that pretty much handed Penn the game)
I like to see my favorites win but a loss is not going to ruin my day.
Have a good one.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all on this first day of the last week of October. Huh, well it is Misngth ..... No big deal other than it's also Halloween week. We never seem to get enough kids coming to the door on Halloween to make it worth our while to stock up on candy only to have a big bowl left over, so the past few years we've just turned the lights out and hunkered down in the bedroom to watch TV. We check once in a while, but rarely ever see any kids walking around. We do have young ones in out neighborhood so I don't know what they do for Halloween trick or treating. :? Anyway, for about the sixtieth year in a row now, I won't be out trick or treating either. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning all, well slightly after noon Icon_lol

Getting ready to go to work 2nd shift again followed by 1st shift Monday morning.

May not be back online till sometime Tuesday. Have a Happy holloween.
jwb Wrote:
Running Bear Wrote:I was considering stopping my posting of layout photos due to some very descriptive anonymous emails I've been getting saying that my layout photos look like crap. But I've decided that I'm not going to give that pleasure to someone who's too much of a coward to even give me an address to send a reply to.
There's a lot of that in this hobby, but I'm told there's a lot of it in every hobby! Certainly keep on keepin' on, RB, it's a HOBBY.
Sorry to hear that, but I agree with ''keep posting'',screw em. I like with Dr. Frankendiesel,show's. Worship
Frank zstripe
RB, You have a very fine layout, and I am amazed at many of the things you accomplish. Perhaps this idiot sending emails is just jealous. You keep posting your layout pictures. When you get back home I hope you can post lots more.
I did a lot of work on the Paradise Cove program module today but it doesn't amount to much when compared to the overall size of the module. Let's see if I can put it a way that everyone can understand.

Below is a property block. You'll notice in it a gray block for the home. As far as the player is concerned the home block is played within the property block even though they're different parts of the program.

[Image: propblock.jpg]

And below is a typical home block.

[Image: homeblock.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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