The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Bright sunshine and ridiculously cold this morning. Right now the temp is 7 degrees with an anticipated high of only 28. We won't see temps above freezing until Wednesday.

Spent the day yesterday with our son's mother-in-law. Did a number of chores for her and then took her to a lawyer appointment in the afternoon. On our way out of town we stopped at a local K-Mart to do some shopping and found the ink cartridges that she needed for her printer so we dropped those off before heading back home.

Today's agenda remains uncertain as the chief agenda setter has gone back to bed for a while.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. I thank Charlie B for reporting that spammer so quickly. Thumbsup As a result, we were able to ban him within minutes of his posting that spam. Thanks to all of you over time, we have been able to keep the spammers here down to where it is rare that one lasts more than a hour when they do get though.

Temps here are flirting with records. It was 93 here in Surprise, a few degrees higher than Phoenix. Today we should have more of the same. We should be back in the mid to low 70's by this weekend though. On the good side, we haven't had to turn the furnace on yet, although we probably should have had the A/C on for a while yesterday. :o
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:Good morning all. I thank Charlie B for reporting that spammer so quickly. Thumbsup As a result, we were able to ban him within minutes of his posting that spam. Thanks to all of you over time, we have been able to keep the spammers here down to where it is rare that one lasts more than a hour when they do get though.
Oh gee! Did I miss something? Thanks Charlie B. And thanks to the admins for keeping the spammers down to the level of crab grass. Only an occasional trimming is required.


I'm not feeling good today so I'll probably not be on much. I have a games disk coming by mail today. Some old adventure games. Big Quest, Kid's Adventure, Earthquest and Grungy Towers. I can use these to get more ideas for obstacles to put in Oliver's path.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
happy 11/12/13
We have bright sun that started the day at 23 degrees.
I clean the disc about every 2 weeks. Don't know much about such things but I did learn defrag and disc cleaning. I don't defrag very often as it doesn't need it. And I doubt that the auto setting works as I don't leave the laptop on.
A trip to Walmart is on today's schedule, we don't go there often but they do have the best drug store prices.
No train news this morning.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Weather here is getting pretty cool for this time of year. It's 41° now and it'll be down to 32° tonight and tomorrow night. No sign of rain until Thursday night.

Nothing done today. I just felt too bad to even think about it. Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good evening folks

It was 35 F when I headed onto the dry roads this morning. As I traveled the temperature went down to 33 F and I was driving in and of snow squalls. Of course anytime I drove into a squall the other drivers freaked out. Nothing like drive at 60 MPH on the Interstate and suddenly have to drop down to 10 MPH because a bunch of panicked drivers slammed on their brakes due to the “snow”.

Volleyball club try-outs were frustrating. Neither club my daughter tried out for had enough girls show up for an 18U team. The one on Saturday which was for a high level competitive team only has two 18 year olds attend. On Sunday the club she played for last year also had issues. The 18 year old team she played on last year had two 17 year olds including my daughter, and the 17U team had 10 players. You would think that there would be at least 10 to 12 returning players. Over two days they only has 6 players show up. Also the level of talent at both try outs was below what she played with last year. She has try-outs with another Delaware club on Wednesday night and then several Pennsylvania based clubs on Sunday and Monday. Filling 18U teams is always tough but we (and the club directors we spoke with) did not expect it to be this challenging. In addition she had to ask her future college coach a question about a technique and style of playing that one club wants her to do. This technique and style of play would mean unlearning what she has been trained to do by several D1 and D2 coaches and is actually a step back. The coach responded that he wants her to keep doing what she has been doing. This may have now eliminated this club from try outs.

I did not get to the workbench. Between try outs, Boy Scouts, and some jobs around the house I just ran out of time. Tonight might be a good night since the only thing on the schedule is my son’s tennis lesson which is right after school.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning. It's 31° with 84% humidity which makes it feel like 25°. The high will be 52°. Freeze warning in effect from 2 AM to 8 AM cst Thursday.
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I actually had to turn on the heater out here in the office this morning. It was 78° in the house but only 45° in here. I may get to do some more work on Oliver's train adventure. That is if nothing else gets in the way. No plans set in stone today.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have bright sun and 28 degrees.
Started the day at 21.
We spent yesterday morning shopping, actually got everything on the list. Now that is a rare feat.
Nothing new in my train world, I don't make as many trips to the train store as I use to. My train friend is there often enough to keep me informed.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
A quick cold [Yankee cold] good morning [thanks to Fiat]. Drove back in the snohio and cold wind. Shirt sleeve weather at noon yesterday. Then it got windy. By 4 PM [in stand] had on my layered camo coats and my gloves. Windy dropped temps 20 degrees in no time.

Hunting: saw lots of does. Yard dogs ran through first morning. Wallbang Does and nice 4 pointer yesterday morning. Does yesterday afternoon until I go out of stand early. Buddy shot big buck crossing field and got blood. We tried to rack the deer and it got dark. Wind howling and snow started blowing. Finally gave up. Big fields, deep ditches and etc. He is going back this AM to look. Cold so deer will be OK.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks. Yet another above average temps yesterday. Not to rub it in for you guys in the 20's and 30's, but we hit 93 again yesterday. :o Big change today though, mid-70's is the forecast. We also resisted all temptations to turn the A/C on last night.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Rub it in, .......go ahead, rub it in !!! Icon_twisted 357 357 357 357 357
There's still traces of snow on the ground here. Wink :o Goldth
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Sumpter250 Wrote:Rub it in, .......go ahead, rub it in !!! Icon_twisted 357 357 357 357 357
There's still traces of snow on the ground here. Wink :o Goldth

I'm sure your daughter has already called you to tell you not to come down right now, it's getting too crowded as it is... 357 357

Snow???? Oh yeah, that's one of the few things I remember from my childhood, coasting down the hill to school on a sheet of ice, and hoping that it would thaw by the time school let out, so I could go home. Eek
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Snow? Ah yes! That's the white stuff that gets everything here closed. Army post, stores, schools, everything. We don't get that very much.


Well my father was off from work today so it's been one thing after another. Only chance I've had to get on the Apple computer was to check out the new drive card that came in today. It works good so I left it right where it was, installed in my //e. I put the old one (still works perfect) back in my mothers old IIe. Still looking for a good low-priced keyboard for that one, preferably without having to buy a parts computer to get it. For the most part it's been look up this or that on the net, open this or that jar, do this, do that. Then there was a trip to Wal-Mart for groceries. I went along to get my stuff myself. If I have my father do it he changes my list and gets things HE thinks I should be eating without taking into account problems that I have with certain foods, or if I tell him to get Brand X he comes back with Brand Y because it was a few cents cheaper. Relatives! Gotta love 'em. It's too much trouble to pile drive 'em into the concrete. And with a sick dog in the house it's almost impossible to concentrate on anything. My fathers little poodle has an enlarged heart. No worms. Just a bad heart. She's on meds for it but she's really hacking up a storm. I told my father she sounds like an old Harley Davidson trying to start with bad points. Chug, chug, hack, wheeze, chug, sputter. Constantly! I may get a chance to work on the game program tomorrow IF my father has to work tomorrow. I can't do much with him getting in my hair about this or that. He thinks I should get a job fixing Apple II computers because I'm so good at it. I just look at him and say 'and get new parts from where? Nobody makes them anymore'. The best I can do is get three or four busted ones to make one good one. Can't convince him of that. He just sees me dump out a pile of parts and a working computer system seems to magically materialize. It's not that easy.

Well that's my day in a nutshell. Now where's yours?
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
My father is off from work tomorrow. So he'll be taking me to my prosthesis fitting in the morning. I sure hope he doesn't waste another day for me like he did today. I let him know this evening I didn't much appreciate having my day wasted doing little BS things for him that he was fully able to do for himself and had the time to do them. I had things I wanted to do too. Tomorrow will be pretty much a nothing day. We have to go to DeRidder for my prosthesis fitting then back to Leesville for his cardiologist appointment (reason he's off from work) then several other errands. By the time we get back here probably the last thing I'd want to do is be at a computer programming stuff. Maybe I'll get time over the weekend.

It's going to be another freeze tonight. A low of 30°. It's 35° now.

Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning. It's 30° with 99% humidity. The high will be 61° (feel like 65°) with some clouds.
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Been up since a little before 0600. Already ready to head out for DeRidder, just waiting on my father. He'll be going through his usual morning routine including a close shave and making sure every hair is in place. Compared to him I'm a hairy bearded beast. Gonna have to find a barber shop at some point before the Parish starts checking for dog licenses. Either that or get a collar with a license and rabies tag attached. I'm hoping the prosthesis fitting goes well and they won't have to make many adjustments.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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