The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all on this day after Black Friday. I'm still being inundated email with Black Friday sales. Curse I guess they'll be running those for the next few weeks, although some of them say, "hurry, we're running out of some items". Nope Yeah, sure, I remember seeing somewhere where a clerk put only one of an item on the shelf, telling customers that it's the last one and they'd better buy it now before someone else gets it. When the customer leaves with his hard-to-get "treasure", the clerk would put up another one on the shelf. Is that good marketing or just deception, or what? I see no difference, good marketing is deceitful by nature. Icon_lol

Temps today are a bit above average, but still a bit chilly. There is some rain in the forecast for about mid next week. Fortunate for us, it won't come down in the form of flakes, nor will it freeze when it hits. Cheers
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 27 degrees this morning with an expected high in the low 40s. Chances of rain and or snow come into the forecast tomorrow night and last through Thursday.

Today is a day of rest and recuperation. Family members are on their way home and with plenty of leftovers we don't have to cook - just rest, vegetate, and shuffle around the house in our robes and slippers.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning Blue
We have sun and 34 degrees.
Our oldest son stopped in late yesterday for 2 plates of leftovers, then we ran some 3 rail trains for awhile.
Had a nice chat with Brutus, Charlie & RT last night. Mostly train talk with a little bit of misc. thrown in.
Today is a big day for local college football fans, The final game of the regular season. Ohio State vs Michigan Wolverines.
Based on Michigan's poor performance this season it would be a huge embarrassment for Ohio to lose.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon all.

Just relaxing today as I am scheduled for Sunday 2nd shift and Monday 1st shift again.

Tons of stuffing leftover, and some turkey as well.
Good afternoon. It's 59° with 32% humidity. The high will be 62° with some clouds.
[Image: cond026.gif]

Woke up this morning to a house full of ants! They were mostly concentrated in the great room. We can't find anything they were after and we haven't found any trails going outside. The ants were seen as being an offensive attack force and were executed via a counterattack using chemical agents.

In other news I may get a chance to work on Oliver's adventure today, I hope. I found a box of ten blank pre-formatted 3M double-sided,double-density 5.25" floppy disks on Ebay for a real good price and free shipping so I snapped it up. I believe they're formatted for IBM but I can easily reformat them for Apple. So there's he 3M disks, two disk drives and a Monopoly game disk coming. That should keep me happy for a bit.

Nothing special going on here that I know of. I'm giving serious thought to stopping the posting of the computer related photos. I don't think anybody really cares for them anyway.

[Image: PC260321.jpg]

[Image: PC250307.jpg]

[Image: PC180299.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
KRM Wrote:Hi Blue,
Looks like everyone survived the holiday and did not fall victim to the crazy shoppers at the malls.
Did all my shopping from right here at the keyboard. Even picked up some things for myself. My nephew doesn't know it yet (isn't that the best way?) but he's go a 1/25 scale Munster Koach coming to him. And it's the original version, not the one from the remake. I had one on a G Scale layout many years and he almost dehydrated himself drooling over it. He's thirty now but it should still get his attention.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Well so far I've gotten only three affirmatives on continuing the posting of the computer related photos. Think I'll wait out the weekend and see if there are more but so far it's looking like I'll be going back to two photos a day, both of layout related content, no more computers and components. Don't DCC systems and decoders fit in there somewhere?
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Well I didn't get much of a chance to work on the game today other than do a little debugging. In this particular part of the game Oliver has entered seating compartment seven in the old coach where he of course starts searching. You'll see here he gets one of his pockets picked!
[Image: DSCN5700.jpg]

And who says you have to go to a city to see something tall?
[Image: DSCN5695.jpg]

Here's an update photo showing my little homemade redneck style card spacers. I painted them black (only color I have) so they look better. They look good in contrast with the platinum color of the case.
[Image: DSCN5693.jpg]


There's been a bit of activity here today. My niece is already starting to string icicle lights along the front of the house. Somehow or another she managed to pop two circuit breakers. Of course one of them is the one my //e is on. I had corrected some bugs in the game program and was about to save it to make the corrections permanent. Oh well. I can make the corrections again tomorrow and save the corrected version then. In the office where my internet computer is located we have a window unit for ac/heat. It's only 5,000 Btu and I have to say the little heater in it doesn't do much on cold mornings. Yes, 32 here is cold. So lately I've been setting the window unit on fan. I moved a small DeLonghi electric radiator heater about a foot in front of it and turned it on high. The window unit blows the heat across the room and that works much better.

Well time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: PC100263.jpg]

[Image: PC080258.jpg]

[Image: PC020231.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning Blue been a while again. Hope all had a good holiday weekend. Mine was good. Worked Thanskgiving day getting the meals to the vets at the V.A. I work at then came home and had thanksgiving dinner with wife. Down to 195 day till I retire. 2285_ Think mentally it will be a big improvement in my life. Well take care all will try to get in more often
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

visit my web page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> also <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Morning all. Nothing but does so no shooting them until later this month [can shoot four all season but I wait]. Sunny and warm. Today, law NC passed become law. Prevent demonstrators along funeral routes and at funerals of fallen soldiers. Hope all have a great December. Later
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Morning Blue
The temp is 34 with cloudy skies
A last minute effort by Ohio State yesterday saved them from disgrace.
Only news this morning is Dec 1st and four long months of winter.
A short chat with RT last night finished my day.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 27 with a high in the low 40s.

Not a good night last night. I was carrying some stuff downstairs and noticed a rust spot on the basement floor. Further investigation revealed a drip in the main water line coming into the house. I put some gasket material and a hose clamp over it and it's holding for now. Tomorrow I will be calling some plumbers to see what it will cost to fix it. I'll probably have all the water pipes replaced as most of it is galvanized pipe and quite old.

All stay safe (and dry).

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Grambling State University (Tigers) got stepped on royally yesterday by Southern University (Jaguars) in the Bayou Classic. 40-17. Ouch!


Good morning. It's 53° with 73% humidity. The high will be 68° with lots of clouds.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg]

Today I intend to get some debugging work done on Oliver's adventure. I had found several bugs in the program and DOS coding yesterday and had corrected them in the program listing but hadn't yet saved the corrected version. My niece was working outside hanging Christmas lights and managed to pop the breaker my //e is on. Needless to say I lost the corrections and have to go back through and make them again. Relatives. Gotta love 'em. She does that again and she'll be getting a bundle of willow switches for Christmas.

In other news I accidentally knocked one of my Varney/Athearn F3's off the top of my internet computer this morning. It hit the tabletop, bounced over onto a wood file cabinet then fell some more and hit the long foot of the left leg (metal) of the computer table before coming to rest on the carpet. The front worm clip was knocked loose and the motor was knocked partially out of the mounts. Nothing I can't fix in ten minutes.

Time to get on with the day.

[Image: PC040242.jpg]

[Image: PB260227.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5705.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Running Bear Wrote:Well so far I've gotten only three affirmatives on continuing the posting of the computer related photos. Think I'll wait out the weekend and see if there are more but so far it's looking like I'll be going back to two photos a day, both of layout related content, no more computers and components. Don't DCC systems and decoders fit in there somewhere?


I may not always acknowledge your posts, but do follow with interest your computer postings. Having been the proud owner of a IIe and a IIc (both of which I "dumped" on the Evil Bay...) Curse I wish I had them back,,,As well as a TI-1...

I was surprised to see a black IIe..!! So keep it up..!! Thumbsup

And, yes....DCC is a very "specialized" form of computer applications...
Gus (LC&P).
Steamtrains Wrote:RB...

I may not always acknowledge your posts, but do follow with interest your computer postings. Having been the proud owner of a IIe and a IIc (both of which I "dumped" on the Evil Bay...) Curse I wish I had the back,,,As well as a TI-1...

I was surprised to see a black IIe..!! So keep it up..!! Thumbsup
And unless somebody else makes a black IIe that's the only one you'll see. The only other black Apple computers I've seen were a line of Black II+'s licensed by Apple and sold by Bell and Howell. The consumer Apple II+ wasn't UL-listed because the top cover could be removed while the unit was in operation and the board of education wouldn't allow a product that wasn't UL listed to be used in schools. The Bell & Howell model was the same as the consumer version sold by Apple except that it had a black case which couldn't be easily opened and wouldn't operate when it was open. It had a special audio/video package allowing it to be sold as audio/visual equipment. Bell & Howell packaged the unit with optional "back packs" that offered various inputs and outputs for audio/video equipment to easily interface with the II+. This was the only black computer Apple would manufacture until the Macintosh TV in 1993. Because of the black case and owing a bit to it's appearance and not to mention the popularity of 'Star Wars' the Bell & Howell II+ was quickly dubbed 'Darth Vader'. The name stuck. My black IIe is an homage to the B&H 'Darth Vader' even if it is just a regular IIe painted with black epoxy paint.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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