The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good morning. It's 63° with 98% humidity and dense patchy fog. The high will be 78°
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Not feeling well this morning. I suspect the new med I'm on has a lot to do with it. I don't see much if anything getting done on Oliver's adventure today. I don't really see anything getting done.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning. Sunny and real warm. Tom, thanks. Guess you are sending the cold rainy weather for the weekend. Time to walk. Been watching DVR'd Trains and Locomotives on RFDTV. Then some errands to run. Later
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, clear, crisp and a bit chilly our right now. Rain in the forecast for tomorrow, none for Thursday and some on Friday. Odds are that if it's going to rain, it will be Thursday. 357

RB, as you well know, all meds have side affects. What gets me though is when you take one med to fix one problem, then another to fix the side affects from the first one. Icon_lol And worse yet, is the government's decision to cut back on what they pay for some meds. You find one that works just fine, then you find that it's either removed from your insurer's "formulary", or that it's no longer a "preferred" drug and you wind up paying four times as much for it. Curse

There was a Ziggy cartoon strip a while back that shows him reading the side affects on some medicine that he just bought and exclaiming, "but that's what I got this for in the first place!!!!". That's truer than you think, just look at some of the medications for headaches that are out there. I've noticed that on some, the headache meds have one of the side affects listed as..... yeah, you guessed it..... headaches. 35
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
FiatFan Wrote:... word of caution here: wife had the tv on in the kitchen as I wandered through. They were advertising some garment which is supposed to give a person a "sculpted" fanny. Wife asked if her fanny was sculpted. It's ok to say yes but just stop there. Do not add "but so is Mount Rushmore." The remainder of the conversation is left as an exercise for the reader.

All stay safe.


I cried from laughing so hard...!!! 357
Gus (LC&P).
Alright, young feller, settle down and grab on, Ole' Bad Mouth is back and rarin' to go.

I've had a pacemaker/defibrilator for the past 11 years. It seems like on Sat. nite, after my shower I noticed things weren't right. Wife told me the thing was coming out. She gauzed and taped it to hold it in and headed to the ER. I was already scheduled for surgery to have it replaced, but that was a week too long. Had to change hospitals because they had a more powerful laser. Sure was a good thing because he had to burn pretty deep to get the wires and all the infection out.That was Wed., and I got to come home today, take antibiotic pills and heal. I'll get another in maybe 4-6 weeks when I'm all healed up.

In the meantime I have to wear a "life vest" with a monitor. Same as a pacemaker and such except it is worn outside the body. Wear it until I get my new gadget. The picture shows the skin rotting away and it's about to fall out.

I finally got caught up with Big Blue. RB, I have absolutely no interest in computer guts, or even the games on them, but reading what you are doing, and the game you are writing absolutely fascinates me. So don't let any other stupe like me try to twist your knickers. I find everything on BB very interesting, even when I don't understand it

Time for me to go Nite-Nite


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Whitehouse, Tx
Good evening all.

Fixed kitchen faucet 2285_ 2285_ 2285_ but drain pipe from disposal to main drain pipe rusted thru and broke apart when touched while tracking down the kitchen sink problem 35 Mom wants me to remove the garbage disposal as we do not use it that much anyway but they will need a plumber to fix the drain pipe in the wall as the threaded part is broke off into the cast iron main drain(which needs to be replaced as well) the house was built in 1958 so that iron pipe is showing some seepage thru some rusted spots, I had the one at my house replaced with pvc a couple years ago. I will fix the bath tub faucet and replace the bathroom sink/vanity/faucet my self but the drain pipe is beyond my skill and willingness to tackle.


RB, just completed the program I was working on including my little add on I wrote myself today, 22 pages of line numbers in basic. Might add to it later on with some more component standards on how to read values on capacitors and any other thing that would make for a good study guide for students and hobbyists.



That does not look good, my father is about due for a pacemaker replacement, he is on his second one, he also has a mechnical valve.

Good evening all.

Fixed kitchen faucet 2285_ 2285_ 2285_ but drain pipe from disposal to main drain pipe rusted thru and broke apart when touched while tracking down the kitchen sink problem 35 Mom wants me to remove the garbage disposal as we do not use it that much anyway but they will need a plumber to fix the drain pipe in the wall as the threaded part is broke off into the cast iron main drain(which needs to be replaced as well) the house was built in 1958 so that iron pipe is showing some seepage thru some rusted spots, I had the one at my house replaced with pvc a couple years ago. I will fix the bath tub faucet and replace the bathroom sink/vanity/faucet my self but the drain pipe is beyond my skill and willingness to tackle.


RB, just completed the program I was working on including my little add on I wrote myself today, 22 pages of line numbers in basic. Might add to it later on with some more component standards on how to read values on capacitors and any other thing that would make for a good study guide for students and hobbyists.



That does not look good, my father is about due for a pacemaker replacement, he is on his second one, he also has a mechnical valve.

Lynn, prayers for speedy recovery. Great day. Turn cloudy and cooler by night.

Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Lynn: I'm glad you caught that when you did. It could have been much, much worse.


Time for me to close up shop here and get some sleep whether I want it or not. I tried getting a nap this afternoon but my nerves kept acting up and shooting shocks down my legs. Couldn't sleep not matter how hard I tried. Maybe I'll be able to tonight.

No work on either of the computers today, modern or antique. I did play a short game of Monopoly on the //e just to see if the game still worked. It works. And it's loud! Problem with the //e is the speaker volume can't be turned down. It has two two settings. LOUD and OFF and many programs don't know what OFF is.

See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning all. What a day!!!!!! Started off with a bang. Cranked 4 Runner and loaded dogs for groomer. 4 Runner has new serpentine belt put on by my local service center. Heard a loud clicking noise yesterday evening and stopped by the center. Belt had a bad place on it. Well, it shredded going out of the driveway. Didn't notice until steam was coming out behind vehicle. Stopped. Part of belt still on and part wrapped around fan shaft. Obviously hit a hose and knocked it off or cut it. Antifreeze all over engine. They sent wrecker and Wifey came and took dogs to groomer. Messed up our schedules. Wallbang Of course service center is all apologetic. They will loose money on this deal. Bet they only get reimbursed for belt and not all the towing. additional labor and etc.

Extra warm and cloudy. Warming and turning fair. 62 for low Friday morning. High 72 Friday. Then temps drop. Cold rain for Sat and Sun. That may stop the Christmas Parade Sunday sponsored by the Chamber.

Appointments today and then reception this evening.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, hope all is well for you so far this week. Just a bit chilly our and a forecast for rain. I'm not sure about that, I could see the stars when I went out for the newspaper this morning. They also have moved Friday's rain to Saturday and Sunday. Do you not get that weathercasting is not an exact science?


That's some hole you have there. Eek It sounds like your battery gave out in one last gasp and burned you from the inside. That's just a guess on my part though. I hope it heals quickly enough and that the next one is a step up in technology. Good luck my friend. Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Lynn - glad you caught that in time. Hope all goes well with the replacement.

It's a very foggy 34 degrees in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. 34 is as warm as it's going to get for today. Winds are supposed to increase to about 25 mph from the north and temps will be falling to the low 20s by this afternoon. Overnight low will be in the single digits. As a special added bonus, there is supposed to be about an inch of snow along with that.

Chief - not good news about the truck repair. Had a transmission repaired. Two months later it went out again. A 10¢ washer had failed.

No major events planned for today. Had the first plumber out yesterday to look at replacing the water pipes. He won't be able to start the project until the end of January. Another plumber coming tomorrow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning Blue
We have clouds and 41 degrees.
Ten day forecast looks like some mighty low temps for next week.
No news from the train store but a good chat with some of the guys last night.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Down in the upper 60s this morning, and 78-80 today. Better enjoy it because starting tomorrow, COLD! I think Fri or Sat it is to be 31 for a high.

I was/am very fortunate in that there was no pain involved. The doc thinks tha it moved enough sideways to cut off the blood supply to the skin. The it just kind of rotted an opening. Seems like rotting skin would smell, but no.

It sure feels good to be home and back to BB Later

Whitehouse, Tx
Good morning. It's 69° with 96% humidity. The high will be 78°, cloudy and a little rain.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with a [Image: cond20.jpg]

Not so good here. My step mother insisted that I do my laundry today instead of her taking care of it. She knows full well that the steps going up to the laundry room are a problem for me but insisted that I could handle. It's just two steps. How hard could it be? First time up was OK. Had trouble keeping my balance while loading the washer. Coming down I lost my balance and banged my knees on the floor. That's Italian marble and it doesn't give a bit. Second trip up not so good. Got up the steps all right but lost my balance and fell against the wall. That was OK. Got the clothes from the washer to the dryer OK. Closing the dryer was a small problem as the walker kept getting the way of the door. Making my way down those two steps for the second time I lost it. Banged my left knee again and hit my head against one of the dining chairs (wood with casters and arms) then my head tagged the floor. You know, you really do see stars. It took a little while before the room stopped spinning and I could concentrate again. My knees hurt like hell and I have a headache and a half but I'm feeling OK. God, I hate steps!

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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