The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good Morning Blue
We started daylight at 11 degrees, it's 13 now.
No news from the train store, mostly Christmas stuff at the register.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good chillily morning all.

Do not know the temp but it is cold dry and roads look fine.

I have to go to the eye doc this afternoon just to hear him say not sure if you have glaucoma or not Nope My optic never cup is large but some people are like that it is a change in size as in getting bigger that is a first warning sign they look for. Also peripheral vision is good. I do have stigmatism and may need bifocals in the near future :?

May not be back on the forum today if they dilate my eyes will have to bring someone with me to drive me back as it is a long haul back home from the doc, may start looking for one closer to home.

Hope the old Bear will be up and running again soon. Good luck with new leg.
Good morning all. Nice day here yesterday. Today brings up to a 40% chance of rain this evening. So far it is clear and sunny out so I haven't a clue as to where the rain is coming from. Nope

We are starting to get some nice entries in our anniversary photo challenge. It is a short one ending on the first day of the new year, so don't hesitate or you could miss your chance to enter. Remember, there are no limitations on how many times you enter.

Also remember, we are running the last auction of our other anniversary car. We have been releasing them over the last few years, but this is the last one that we'll auction off. Don't wait, if you want this car, you have until December 31st to bid on it. Right now the high bid is $19.00, a real steal at that price since this car was expected to bring somewhere in the $46,000,000 range based on an appraisal by Jake the plumber who is planning on taking an appraisal correspondence course, so we have every confidence that his appraised value is close to being correct. Mind you, there is not reserve and not buyer's fee, and Sumpter250 has even agreed to pay the shipping, so we will sell at the highest bid, which is getting closer to that $46 mil mark every day. 357
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon. It's 48° with 48% humidity. How often does that happen? The high will be 52° with some clouds.
[Image: cond026.gif]

It's a nice sunny day. Good weather for walking around outside. I've already done a little of that. Got my new leg this morning. It's a bit stiff but that should work out soon. The doc said to make sure I walk on the heel, not the toes. That way it'll stretch out the muscles and tendons in the back of my thigh and up into my back. Bad thing is it's probably hurt like the dickens for a month. That's OK, I have a high tolerance to pain. I've got it on in the photo below. As you can see I'm looking my best and wearing strictly formal attire. Maybe you should send the kids out of the room.

[Image: DSCN5775.jpg]

I'm working on getting the bend out of the knee so I can stand up straight.

No plans today. I might work on Oliver's adventure later.

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[Image: DSCN0601.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5802.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

Cheers Cheers Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Cheers Cheers
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Great looking leg Jeffrey. Outstanding.

Here are some photos for the fellowship hall [what us Baptist call it] of the Mormon Church in Apex NC. Where we had a special luncheon sponsored by the Church. Nativity scenes from all over the world. Outstanding.

[Image: ry%3D400]

[Image: ry%3D400]
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Jeff, I won't remark on your "shapely" leg, but it is great to see you standing upright again. Cheers

Whitehouse, Tx
Jeff...Your formal attire is just right for getting back on your feet...
Here's to wishing it works out well for you... Cheers
Gus (LC&P).
Jeffery, you've had a full day, take the rest of the day off. We're very please for you, you've been through a lot over the years and let's hope this makes life easier for you... Good luck Thumbsup

Chief, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Goldth That's a goodly number of people attending, I take it that the lunch went well. 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
RB, glad to see you have the new leg. 2285_ 2285_ 2285_
Hey RB, nice gam! Glad to see you're back on your feet!
Detroit Connecting
We are your
inner-city connection.
Eye appointment went well, no major change in vision, peripheral vision good, pressure good, no diabetic problems with the eyes. Just astigmatism and not quite ready for bifocals yet. As for glaucoma the right eye is under careful watch left eye fine. Only have to see the doc once a year now which is good.


I got a small bonus from work which will let me get the 3RD Planit RR cad program that can also out put 3D printing files that can be used by shape ways 2285_ Big Grin


Temps low 20's down to teens here but no snow till Saturday.


Got the printer working mostly again, had to reinstall the software and update the driver 99.9% fixed the ink level says 0 even though it is full and prints with no problems. Confusedhock: Kodak printer is neat in that I can enlarge and decrease in 1% increments great for resizing plans but over all HP printers are better, have not got a laser printer yet but want one when I get around to getting the decal pro system that will allow me to make my own dry transfers.



Here in Ohio we get people who wear flip flops in the winter and in fall they wear shorts and parkas, as for me when it is below freezing I have on sweats and jeans overtop that a t-shirt a sweat hood and a good heavy coat and an old army cap that has the part that folds down over ears. and you have to have good winter gloves and boots as there is nothing more irrertating the cold wet socks Icon_lol
AF350: Glad to hear the eye appointment went well.


Well it's been a pretty full day for me. Went to the orthopedics clinic this morning where they fitted me with the new leg. I then stood up and started walking around the docs office with only a slight limp. He was surprised to say the least. He said most people need help just to stand up and then need assistance to walk a bit. I go back there on the 19th. When we got home it was really nice to walk from the car to the house. I used the folded up walker like a cane just in case. Since then I've been walking around in the house a bit. Just made a trip to the bathroom and back with only my cane for assistance. I had left my chair parked in front of the computer in the office. It feels great to be able to walk around again. I found out earlier today that if I have to take the leg off for any reason (bed would be one) it has to go back on absolutely straight or it hurts really bad. I did it earlier just to see if I could get it right quickly. It took me about fifteen minutes to get it just right.

Time to call it a night here. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN0618.jpg]

[Image: P1011609.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5783.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I seem to remember that previously you had no pain at all, even when your foot was falling apart. (well, we have to look on the lighter side).

Check out Martyn Green, the Gilbert & Sullivan comedian. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> who also lost a leg.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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