The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good morning. It's 44° with 89% humidity. The high will be 65° and feel like 68°.
[Image: condsunny-1.jpg]

No plans set in stone today. I may get some work in on Oliver's adventure. I think he's all the fun he's going to have in the passenger car. Time to move him on to the baggage car. You know even when a train is dead-heading it can be transporting something of value. So far Oliver has been finding keys, killers, thieves and a bunch of surprises. Who knows what may be lurking in the baggage car? Could it be something interesting? Possibly. Could it be something dangerous? Quite likely. Could Oliver be excited about finding it? Don't bet on it.

The disk drive emulator I ordered on 12/08 has made it's way from Bulgaria, landed in New York and is now on it's way cross-country to my location. I estimate it'll arrive on the 20th or maybe a few days later even though the USPS estimate is from the 20th to as late as January 8th.

I've already gotten a little walking practice in this morning. I intend to get some more later.

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[Image: DiskIIEmulator.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning folks, Today marks the fifth year that Big Blue has been open. We cherish your participation in our forums and we're looking ahead to the next five years, nay, fifty years. Big Grin Do you think by then that we'll have finished all the tasks that we've taken on? I know that I'm still working on my Fuel Depot as part of the "Orphan" challenge that started last June and ended in September. I hope to get that finished before our next anniversary, surely, if I'm lucky, by June of next year.

The thing is that, It's a hobby folks and we all should enjoy what we do and how we do it. And to be sure, we enjoy you sharing it with us. Thumbsup

Weather wise, we're into the mid-50's in mid morning, and are looking at just under, or just over 80 today, depending on who you listen to. We could have record highs for the next few days before it drops back down and possibly rain. 357 The only way that'll happen if we get our vehicles washed. Yes, we park them outside and they do get hit with dust storms, rain, cat paw prints and the leftovers from birds as big as teradactyls. Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:Yes, we park them outside and they do get hit with dust storms, rain, cat paw prints and the leftovers from birds as big as teradactyls. Icon_lol
Very funny! Dust storms, rain, cat paw prints and bird droppings I can put up with. I'll have to get out the anti-aircraft gun for the pterodactyls though.

Yes, you misspelled it. 35 Not that you're being graded.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Running Bear Wrote:...Yes, you misspelled it. 35 Not that you're being graded.

Yeah, but you should have seen how I spelled it before I went to Google. Eek I wasn't even close. Nope They have it spelled both ways, but show pictures of "teradactyls", so I thought that they look like the birds I saw flying over our driveway, but as usual, I relied on Google and came up short... Icon_lol

Did I ever mention that the highest grade I ever got on a spelling test was a C- ? :oops: Yup, if it wasn't for spell checkers, I'd flunk out of writing altogether. 35
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening all,

Snow has melted a bit but more overnight and then rain and 60's by weekend Confusedhock: with the probability of flooding in some areas.


I discovered yesterday that "no good deed goes unpunished" and "Random acts of kindness" are both false statements, as I believe nothing is random and some people are still decent in nature. Monday I was shoveling my parents drive way and sidewalk while mom was getting ready for a doctors appointment, did not take long so I went ahead and did the side walk from mom's house down to my sisters house that is about one third of the street on that side and I also did my drive way and sidewalk. Well mom was still getting ready so I did the house on the other side of parents house as that person is a widow and unable to much anyway. Finally mom was ready to go to her appointment, I drove her there and afterwards we stopped at the bank and Walgreens. She just needed to get a prescription so while waiting for it to be filled we looked around the store to kill some time. We ended up in the Holliday decorations area and there where some music box decorations(looked like an old record player and played 2 or 3 songs) they were Snoopy/Peanuts , Alvin & the chipmunks and an Elvis version they were kinda neat but too expensive as they were buy one at $12.99 and get a second one 50% off. While we were playing with the decorations a nice decent young woman was looking at them too she talked to mom and asked which one she liked of coarse mom said Elvis, then the pharmacy paged mom as her prescription had been filled. We went and got the prescription and were still "shopping" when this young woman came up to mom and gave mom a hug and handed her a bag which had the Elvis decoration in it and said merry Christmas the young woman had bought 2 and gave mom one.

Just had to share the story as I still can not get over the encounter at walgreens Smile
Did a bit of work on Oliver's adventure. He's out of the coach and into the baggage car. I've drawn up a rough map of it to use use as a guide while I construct it in the computer. There will be bags, boxes and crates to open, guys with bad attitudes to avoid and deadly perils to survive.

Well I did some walking around today. Getting better at it. Steps are still being somewhat of a problem. I wore the leg most of the day but finally had to take it off at 6:45 this evening. That problem piece at the top of the socket was making a red spot on the side of my knee.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning ya' all.

Great story AF350, there is kindness this time of the year that you wish would stick around for the rest of the year.

RB, good to see that you're making good progress. Not without problems, but I'm sure they will work themselves out.

Weather report: yes we did break a record yesterday with 82 degrees for a high. We could today as well, but by Friday, the Weather Channel has a 90% chance of rain and below average temps.... hmm, that leaves us a 10% chance of sunny skies. Icon_lol We'll see.... Smile
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 27 degrees outside my window this morning. It's been warming up all night. When I went to bed at midnight it was 10 degrees. High for today is supposed to be n the low 40s then back in the deep freeze with more snow tomorrow night.

AF - nice story.

RB - sounds like you're making good progress.

Nothing much happening around here. Only thing on the agenda is a trip to the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning Blue
We have the same gloom day after day. The temp is 28.
AF isn't it nice to have someone do a good deed now and then. I have kept my neighbors walk cleared for years and she has never said thanks or offered me a dollar for gas.
I addressed a few Christmas cards this morning, been doing a few each day.
We don't send many but I'm just not in the card mood this year and many have stopped sending them altogether.
No news from the train store.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. It's 50° with 84% humidity. The high will be 67°.
[Image: cond026.gif]

Nothing special going on today. I may do some work on Oliver's adventure later. I need to work out what he's going to find and where he's going to find it. I also need to work out what and when whatever is going to find him.

Tomorrow I'll be going to see the doc about my prosthesis. He has to make an alteration on it as it's very uncomfortable on the left side. I've got a red spot on the side of my knee from it. There are times I have to take it off because I can't stand it anymore.

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[Image: DSCN5639.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
ezdays Wrote:Weather wise, we're into the mid-50's in mid morning, and are looking at just under, or just over 80 today, depending on who you listen to. We could have record highs for the next few days before it drops back down and possibly rain. 357 The only way that'll happen if we get our vehicles washed. Yes, we park them outside and they do get hit with dust storms, rain, cat paw prints and the leftovers from birds as big as teradactyls. Icon_lol

Dust Storms, Rain, Cat Paw Prints.......OK I could deal with that.
Leftovers from birds.... Eek Nope it's time for " teradactyl " uhhh... pterodactyl PIE !!! 357 357 357 357
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Sumpter250 Wrote:
ezdays Wrote:Weather wise, we're into the mid-50's in mid morning, and are looking at just under, or just over 80 today, depending on who you listen to. We could have record highs for the next few days before it drops back down and possibly rain. 357 The only way that'll happen if we get our vehicles washed. Yes, we park them outside and they do get hit with dust storms, rain, cat paw prints and the leftovers from birds as big as teradactyls. Icon_lol

Dust Storms, Rain, Cat Paw Prints.......OK I could deal with that.
Leftovers from birds.... Eek Nope it's time for " teradactyl " uhhh... pterodactyl PIE !!! 357 357 357 357

You know, my old spelling teacher is probably reading this and saying, "I told you you'd never amount to anything if you can't spell that big bird's name." Nope I should have listened to her, but...., my spell checker couldn't tell me how it's spelled either and somebody in a pay grade higher than mine, got good money for putting that together.. 357 357

And yes, we'd be pleased to make pterodactyl pie, if only we could catch one. Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
No work on Oliver's adventure today. I just didn't feel like it. The legs been causing me a little pain today but nothing like it did yesterday. That was crazy. Hopefully it gets fixed tomorrow.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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[Image: DSCN5519-2.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Running Bear Wrote:No work on Oliver's adventure today. I just didn't feel like it.
You were just trying to figure out how to get a pterrydactile in it without spelling it. Goldth
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
BR60103 Wrote:
Running Bear Wrote:No work on Oliver's adventure today. I just didn't feel like it.
You were just trying to figure out how to get a pterrydactile in it without spelling it. Goldth
That would be an interesting thing to put in a cage in the baggage car. Live pterodactyl exhibit from the Land of the Lost.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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