The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all,

Off to work here in a few.

No rain yet but maybe some 3 inches or so sometime between now and Friday.

I have my schedule for next week 1st shift Monday and Tuesday.
Good morning. It's 53° with 96% humidity. The high will be 70° but feel like 65°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg]

My appointment at the prosthetics clinic is at 10:30 so that leaves plenty of time for breakfast at McDonald's, my father's favorite place (prices are lower he says). That's another place I don't buy anything from. I'll have the Big Breakfast. There's nothing on their menu that won't blow my blood sugar out of the water so there's no point in looking for something special. Back to the clinic. Hopefully the doc will be able to make the adjustment on my leg and make it feel comfortable to wear. Having that one little piece digging into my knee with every step gets old fast.

Time to go. See y'all later.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, damp and 23 degrees this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. There's a slight chance of sleet and snow in the forecast for tonight.

We've been out and about already this morning. Had to pick up some groceries and then a new shirt for me at Kohl's. Next up is a trip to the gym to work off the calories from the cookies I had when we got home from shopping. This afternoon's agenda is still being negotiated.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
And a good morning to everyone here. Yesterday was not a record-breaker, we stayed in the mid-70's with lots of clouds. Today is suppose to be a bit cooler with some chance of rain tonight, tomorrow and early Saturday. I'm betting that they're wrong once again. The odds are in my favor. Cheers

Remember, we still have a auction going for that N scale anniversary car. Yeah, we are well past our 2nd anniversary, but we were releasing these slowly so as not to flood the market. Icon_lol They will someday be a high value collector's item, and this is your last chance to get one from here. The auction closes on the last day of this year, so get your bid in now. You can view the bidding thread right here.

Speaking of auctions, remember we have a photo contest going, all you need is a photo that shows only the number five or zeros in any combination. This is to kick off our fifth anniversary. The winner will receive a Big Blue fifth anniversary coffee mug. Note that some of our staff have posted photos there, and that's OK, just that hey will not be eligible for the prize. We would like to see more entries. You have until the first day of next year to post your photo. The photo contest thread is right here. Welcome Welcome
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Afternoon [meetings all morning]. Sunny and warming. 70's tomorrow and Sat. No hunting this week.

Mayor's videos this afternoon.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
I got to the clinic this morning and showed the doc exactly what was going on with the prosthesis and he took it into the back room and did some grinding on it. He brought it back and showed me what he'd done. The piece he filed down is very small and I didn't think it would make much of a difference. Boy was I wrong! It's like a new prosthesis! I can walk around with some ease now and it doesn't feel like the thing is trying to dig a hole in my knee. I also asked him about the possibility of making it waterproof for the shower. He says nada, nix, nein, no way! The best thing is to put a waterproof cast and wound protector on it. So we stopped at Walgreen's and got one. It looks like it's made of the same stuff we used for vinyl lined swimming pool patches.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Hello all,

I got quite a surprise today at work. I got to work a bit early this morning My first clue that something was not right was the refrigerator completely empty put my lunch in and sat down for a few waiting for my shift to start. When I went out on the production floor and read the assignments for the day I was on machine 2 normally I am on the big one #4 the smaller machines seem to run better less to go wrong. The person next to kept talking about the enormous shrimp :?: What shrimp I asked? For the company luncheon. I asked When is it and he said today at lunch time 35 Icon_lol 35 They had a nice spread---large shrimp, ham, turkey, rolls, mashed potatoes and corn bread stuffing and some cookies. This was the company that did this, the turkey for thanksgiving was from the union. Had an hour lunch and got to leave 30 minutes early. Big Grin Have to go back in the morning and then Monday and Tuesday next week.


Was a marm 49 degrees here at the end of my shift still calling for rain Friday and Saturday switching back into snow Sunday and Monday.
AF350 Wrote:I got quite a surprise today at work. I got to work a bit early this morning My first clue that something was not right was the refrigerator completely empty put my lunch in and sat down for a few waiting for my shift to start. The person next to kept talking about the enormous shrimp :?: What shrimp I asked? For the company luncheon. I asked When is it and he said today at lunch time 35 Icon_lol 35 They had a nice spread---large shrimp, ham, turkey, rolls, mashed potatoes and corn bread stuffing and some cookies. This was the company that did this, the turkey for thanksgiving was from the union. Had an hour lunch and got to leave 30 minutes early. Big Grin
I'll take a lunch like that any day over a dull and drab sandwich and some chips.


Well it's been a good day. We went to the clinic in DeRidder this morning and got the problem with the prosthesis corrected. It's much more comfortable now and I can walk around with some ease instead of having to struggle with it. I've been getting in some short bits of walking. Things like when I had to go relieve myself I'd park my chair in my room and walk the twenty-some-odd feet to the bathroom then walk back after I finished. The longest bit I got was walking the length of three aisles at Walgreen's. My poor knee was so tired the muscles around the knee cap were so tight they ached. I also got some more practice going up and down some small steps.

This afternoon my father went over to my place and started construction a small wood porch to take the place of the dangerous crude concrete block steps I have there. Those blocks plus some others will be supporting the porch. He says it'll be a five inch step up from the ground to the porch then another five inch step up into the doorway of my trailer. He asked me when I think I'll be ready to move back over there. I told him It'll be within a couple of months for sure but not until I feel I'm ready.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning all.

It is going to be hard to go back in to work today being yesterday got a long lunch and early dismissal. Icon_lol Next week is going to be a bummer I am scheduled for Monday and Tuesday(Christmas Eve) for 1st shift.

Speaking of work I have to leave in a few min.
Morning. Sunny and real warm. Off for the walk and then help Wifey get ready for her family to "drop by" tonight. Hope to get Polar Express down from shelf and have it running for kids.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, I guess I have to admit I was wrong and they were right. I'm talking about the fact that it did rain last night and is still raining on and off this morning. The odds were with me, but I guess the forecasters won this one. Still, I don't mind, rain here in the desert SW anytime is welcome.

RB, good to hear that things are working out good. Sometimes the smallest change can improve things drastically. Keep it up, we're all with you/ Thumbsup

We are now into our last weekend before the Christmas holiday. We normally hit Walmart early, most often before 7 in the morning just to beat the crowds. The last few times, the parking lot was pretty full that early. I think that we're allergic to lines in stores or anywhere else. I remember one year we were shopping at Fry's Electronics and the checkout line wound around the barriers, then went clear to the back of the store. It took longer to check out than it did to shop. One perk of being retired is that you can go shopping anytime of the day. 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 18 degrees with a predicted high of 21. Not going to be a good day.

Today's agenda will be packing the car. Headed to son's for Christmas.

All stay safe and have a merry Christmas.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
It seems like the anniversary car auction has gone totally inactive. I can't believe that everyone has pity on a pathetic old man and letting him steal the car for a MEASLY $25. I had to bid forb someone else to get it that high. SHEEEESH!! Nope Nope

Whitehouse, Tx
Good Morning Blue
We have lite rain and 34 degrees.
At least we don't have to shovel the rain.
We watched two of the grandsons yesterday eve and I addressed a few Christmas cards, but no toy train news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
yellowlynn Wrote:It seems like the anniversary car auction has gone totally inactive. I can't believe that everyone has pity on a pathetic old man and letting him steal the car for a MEASLY $25. I had to bid forb someone else to get it that high. SHEEEESH!! Nope Nope

I would but I don't do N-Scale and I already have one for HO that I bid $50 on. Ordinarily I wouldn't pay that much for a Bachmann boxcar no matter how good it looked but it was for a good cause and it'll look good parked on one of my spurs when I get them put in.

I know a Lynn but who is Lybnn? Goldth :mrgreen:


Good morning. It's 68° with 98% humidity. The high will be 75°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond30.jpg]

Not much going on this morning. Just watching it get darker as the clouds build up. There are sparrows all over the back yard snapping up anything they can find. I'd sure hate to be a bug out there.

Put my leg on this morning and stood up to test the fit. Ouch. Too tight. had to take it loose and take off a sock (had two on) and try it again. Much better. If it isn't too wet outside later I'll go out and practice going up and down some five inch high steps in front of the house. Going up isn't too much of a problem. It's coming down that can be hair raising. The guy who told me I'd have to learn to walk all over again wasn't kidding.

I don't have any plans to work on Oliver's adventure but if I do he'll be starting to explore the baggage car. I've been toying with the idea of throwing in a caged pterodactyl. Yes I know they're extinct but anything can happen in a computer game.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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