The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Well it's been a very wet and uneventful day. The power went down a couple of times but only for very short periods. The cable went out in the wee hours of the morning and was off until a bit after noon. Several storms swept through during the day. As a result I only had three or four hours of internet time. No progress on Oliver's adventure today. I did get in some practice at going up and down steps when I was checking out the dryer this morning. I did finally get it to work but everything has to set at maximum and even then each load has to be run through two or three times. Some of the dial settings are no longer working. It's very definitely dying. My niece has already picked out a matching front loader washer/dryer set and they are big. Not the biggest home units you can get but they're close.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good night all. Had record high today [mid 70's]. Expecting record highest low over night as mid 60's. Record high tomorrow as into the high 70's. Rain late tomorrow afternoon through Monday. Chilly for the Christmas holidays.

Wired in new electrical panel in Frankie's new work shop/storage building. Then wired in the breaker in his house main panel. Completes his new building. He got a trencher and trenched in number 8 wire, waterline and coax 3 feet deep. Building is over 200 feet away from house. Really nice. 24X14 with big garage door.

Off to bed.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Nasty winter weather here in Michigan -- freezing rain. Lots of limbs coming down all over the place. Almost got clipped by what looks like half a tree when I was driving home about an hour ago. Not cool. I think we are in for a real winter this year......

Detroit Connecting
We are your
inner-city connection.
Good morning. It's 55° with 100% humidity. Isolated showers continue this morning. The high will be 65° with isolated showers this morning then partial clearing later.
This morning [Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond20.jpg]. This afternoon [Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

No plans set in stone today. I need to get in more practice going up and down steps. This leg has a flexible ankle and that tends to throw me off a little if I'm not careful. I can get up and down steps now if I pay close attention to where ad how I place my feet and I don't dare do it while carrying something. That'll have to wait until I have more experience.

I may be able to do some work on Oliver's adventure. I've decided that one of the things he'll encounter in the Kings Port and Western baggage car is a caged pterodactyl. A living exhibit from The Land of the Lost.

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[Image: DSCN5757.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have gloom and 33 degrees.
Our area stayed wet instead of freezing. But only by a few miles.
A couple of on/off power outages last night had me thinking I would be up all night running the generator for the sump pump.
I woke a few times during the night and the power was on. I don't have to tell you how many thank you's I gave this morning.
We have a lot of snow melt, I can see the grass here and there but the temps drop again tonight so back to winter before morning.
A chat with some of the guys last night.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning. Cloudy, breezy and extra warm. Rain on the way. Going with Wifey to take back things she bought as Christmas presents and did not need. Wallbang Its a lot.

Good luck Sir J. Hope all goes well and you keep power.

You Ohizo folks might get flooding. Good luck to the folks in the path of bad weather.

Have a great Christmas week.

Just got info that Cracker Barrel just pulled Duck dynasty stuff. Not good.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, looks like a bit of rain here but can't really tell. We're use to having things dry out in a matter of minutes, but the cold damp weather is keeping things a bit damp. I truly feel for those in that kind of weather that we've been seeing on the newscasts. I hope anyone that's traveling gets to where they're going safely and on time.

Chief Eagles Wrote:...Just got info that Cracker Barrel just pulled Duck dynasty stuff. Not good.


I just saw an article that says at least two other networks are standing in line to pick them up. Unfortunately, their contract may allow A&E to pull the plug on them, but they're not allowed to have another show anywhere else for a period of time. To me, that's unfair and should be challenged. I've never seen the show myself, I'm beginning to tire of these "reality" shows. There's a whole list of those that I have no doubt that they are mostly scripted with something new every episode, frequently with something left open to make you come back next week to see what'll happen. Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:Good morning all, looks like a bit of rain here but can't really tell. We're use to having things dry out in a matter of minutes, but the cold damp weather is keeping things a bit damp. I truly feel for those in that kind of weather that we've been seeing on the newscasts. I hope anyone that's traveling gets to where they're going safely and on time.

Chief Eagles Wrote:...Just got info that Cracker Barrel just pulled Duck dynasty stuff. Not good.


I just saw an article that says at least two other networks are standing in line to pick them up. Unfortunately, their contract may allow A&E to pull the plug on them, but they're not allowed to have another show anywhere else for a period of time. To me, that's unfair and should be challenged. I've never seen the show myself, I'm beginning to tire of these "reality" shows. There's a whole list of those that I have no doubt that they are mostly scripted with something new every episode, frequently with something left open to make you come back next week to see what'll happen. Icon_lol

Not a big fan of the reality shows either, real life is nasty enough most of the time we do not need shows that glorify the worst traits of human behavior. No fan of the soaps for the same reason. Dancing with the stars maybe the one exception.

Not sure if undercover Boss or Shark tank count as reality shows, maybe boarder line at best.

I watch very little broadcast TV any more. Just Big bang Theory, and once in awhile two broke girls.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Filled up on gas for the truck ws 60 deg. and a bit breezey. Gas at Kroger today was $3.25 with kroger card.
Found out today we are all going to one of my sisters on Christmas day mom does not want to fix a big meal anyway.

Sounds like you are making some good progress with the walking.

Keep up the good work Thumbsup

We had lots of wind and rain yesterday and some scatterd tunderstorms in the area as well.
Well the new washer and dryer came today. Watching my sister and my niece unload them was better than watching the Marx Brothers at the circus! I even applauded once they had both units on the ground. They were being real careful getting them into the house. With a price tag of around two grand they certainly didn't want to damage them. Now that the new units were cluttering up the living room it was time to move the old units out which only took fifteen minutes. Then came time to start hooking up the new ones. When they took out the old washer they took out all the hoses and connectors with it. I told them they were gonna need the 'Y' connector that allowed one wall tap to connect to both the cold and hot water connections on the washer. "No we don't, there's two faucets on the wall". Turn the hot one on I said. My sister turns it on. Nothing! Surprise, surprise. "Oh well, we can connect one hose to the cold water connector and just leave the hot one as it is (unblocked)". I told them to have a bucket ready when they test the washer. "No water will come out. It's blocked from the inside. Water can go in but it can't come out". Uh-huh, you go on thinking that. My niece was behind the machine when my sister turned it on and almost instantly I hear these screams of "turn it off, turn it off!". She was soaked from the waist down. All I said was I told you so.

Got a little work done on Oliver's adventure. He's inside the baggage car at least. Hasn't seen anything yet though.

Also found another spot in the socket of my leg that's giving me a bit of discomfort. Remember the little bump that was filed off? Well the ridge that bump was on was the culprit this time time around. I put a sanding drum on the Dremel and carefully ground the ridge until it was smooth then put the leg back on. Much better! But man, carbon fiber and Kevlar makes a dusty mess!

Got in a lot of walking practice and going up and down low steps.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
The new washer and dryer were successfully installed and have handled three loads of laundry so far. The laundry room floor is still dry at this time.

It's 36° now, humidity 94%, it's supposed to get down to 32° by morning. At least it's not raining.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
KRM Wrote:Not a big fan of the reality shows either, real life is nasty enough most of the time we do not need shows that glorify the worst traits of human behavior.

I watch very little broadcast TV any more. Just Big bang Theory, and once in awhile two broke girls.

Yeah, I got no use for reality shows because they are anything but. I watched 5 min of Duck Dynasty once and that was enough of those idiots.
I am with you AF, Just Big bang Theory, two broke girls now and then, because there just comedy shows and now and then American Pickers because I like to see all of the stuff.

Watching Lexi is keeping us busy today. 2285_

Neither do I. The dumbest are the House Wives. My wife will watch them. All they are is a bunch of women fussing at each other. Why get together if you are going to fight each time? No I was behind him because he should have to right to say what he wants. The first and second amendments are always being attacked.

Rainy and extra warm.

Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all.

Off to work here in a few. Warm temps to gradually fade away to just above freezing, flooding north of here in Marion and Delaware Ohio and some parts of west end of Columbus(called the bottoms as they are lower elevation then the Scioto river).


Plumbing update Kitchen now fixed leak and clog free and did not have to get a plumber 2285_ Icon_lol
Now after the holidays to take on the bathroom repair/upgrade.


Ordered some electronic parts so I can start to build a control panel for my display layout(volt and amp meters, a bunch of toggle switches and safty switch covers). I have 2 turnouts a barreloader, diesl fueling platform, a non working at the moment K-line ctrossing shanty and a manual op Lionel barrolloader, saving up for a coaling tower and maybe a milk car and platform.
Greetings, gang.

Clear and cold in southeast Iowa this morning at -1 degrees. High for today is supposed to be 5. Tonight's low is supposed to be a bone-chilling -15.

Just read a headline this morning where Cracker Barrel is restoring all the Duck Dynasty products.

Due to schedule conflicts, our Christmas Eve is today and Christmas is tomorrow. We'll be traveling home on Christmas Day.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. It's 34° with 91% humidity. The high will be 48°.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

Nothing in particular planned for today. I'll probably just watch some movies. I'm giving my back and right thigh a break as their aching from the workout they got yesterday.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning everyone, hope you all had a great weekend.. I managed to get to see a portion of the Arizona-Seattle game yesterday, and even watched a little of the Bronco's game where Manning made his record touchdown pass. I usually don't watch too much football, or any sport for that matter. I just get a bit turned off when I see some multimillionaire player dancing around the field like a chicken beating on his chest when he does something that he's getting paid handsomely to do. I wonder why they're allowed to do an organized dance in the end zone when they score points which is part of the job they're getting paid to do in the first place. How long do you think a store clerk would keep their job if they were to beat on their chest every time they rang up a sale? Or perhaps a bunch of fireman doing some weird dance and butt-bumps when they put out a fire? That's not going to happen anywhere else, so why is it OK to do it in sports? Anyway, the Cards did win at Seattle which was just short of a miracle.

Just a bit chilly out there right now. It's still just under 40 and it's already 8AM. Still, we're expecting to come close to 70 before the days out.

As for the Duck Dynasty saga, it appears that Robinson is not backing down, the Cracker Barrel first pulled Duck Dynasty products from their shelves, then apologized and put it right back up. And is saying that at least two networks want to pick up the show if A&E cancels it.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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