The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!

TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. It's 30° with 100% humidity. The high will be 55° and fell like 60°. There will be a few clouds.
[Image: cond026.gif]

Not really in a festive mood today. I've was up all night. GERD has been kicking my butt big time. It would flare up for a while, die down for a bit then flare up again. I've been taking some Tums antacid tablets and they're helping a bit but it's still kicking me around. Getting ready to take my morning meds and have a light meal to keep my stomach settled. I hope this goes away before the family festivities start. Of all days why does my body pick today to pick on me? I hope nobody decides to pull a practical joke or something on me because it would be easy to tick me off and having a hacked off short tempered Indian in the room wouldn't be fun for anybody. Well my friend Harry (an Apache) might enjoy it but I sure wouldn't. Think I'll see if I can get a bit of rest while I can.

[Image: PC020231.jpg]

[Image: PC020238.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5849.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Howdy. Might proud to be here. Merry Christmas. Sunny and really chilly. Santa was great to me. Got some train things and an electronic scale and dispenser for reloading. Stuffed sausage biscuits for breakfast. Now to relax. Maybe a movie this afternoon.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Merry Christmas all. Well Santa was good I got 2 caboose's and a boxcar ( 6464-475) B&M from Santa all in great shape especially for there age. Also a rob and some slippers and dungarees

not much else going on hope all have/had a good day talk to you all later.
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

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Well the GERD finally decided to go away and leave me alone, for now. So I managed to get a bit of a nap in and I feel a lot better now. No unwrapping of gifts yet as the festivities haven't started at my sisters place yet. At least this time I'll be able to walk up the steps. I've been practicing a lot and can do fairly well as long as I'm not carrying anything. But if I'm carrying something all bets are off. And I can get into her house without having to do the first seven steps of the ballet on my butt. That's a BIG improvement. Now I already know what one of my gifts is. After all I ordered the little gem.

[Image: DiskIIEmulator.jpg]

That's called a 'FloppySD'. It's a SD card reader/writer that emulates an Apple II Disk II floppy drive. The other gifts that have my name on them I have no idea whatsoever what's in them. I'll find out later today. After dinner they might have to roll me back down here.

Now I imagine there might be one or two questions about this morning computer related photo, like what the heck is that after the '//'s. It looks like EPB but believe it or not it's 'SRB'. Seriously! I entered 'SRB' in 'Source Code Pro' font then switched it to 'Symbol font' and it comes out as '[Image: EPB2.jpg]'.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Well today been a good relaxing day supper isn't to far off and I've been doing this and that on the puter have a few time gone onto ebay to newly listed O gauge trains to see what some got that don't want lol

Hope all have had a good day talk to you all later did have 4 of the 5 loops running trains at once today that was great

think I need to take the B&M GP-9 apart and give a real good cleaning and lubing as it doesn't run as fast as It should as mine as a kid would jump the track even with mag-na traction this one won't even come close at full throttle. So there a project coming up.
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

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Running Bear Wrote:Well the GERD finally decided to go away and leave me alone, for now. So I managed to get a bit of a nap in and I feel a lot better now. No unwrapping of gifts yet as the festivities haven't started at my sisters place yet. At least this time I'll be able to walk up the steps. I've been practicing a lot and can do fairly well as long as I'm not carrying anything. But if I'm carrying something all bets are off. And I can get into her house without having to do the first seven steps of the ballet on my butt. That's a BIG improvement. Now I already know what one of my gifts is. After all I ordered the little gem.

[Image: DiskIIEmulator.jpg]

That's called a 'FloppySD'. It's a SD card reader/writer that emulates an Apple II Disk II floppy drive. The other gifts that have my name on them I have no idea whatsoever what's in them. I'll find out later today. After dinner they might have to roll me back down here.

Now I imagine there might be one or two questions about this morning computer related photo, like what the heck is that after the '//'s. It looks like EPB but believe it or not it's 'SRB'. Seriously! I entered 'SRB' in 'Source Code Pro' font then switched it to 'Symbol font' and it comes out as '[Image: EPB2.jpg]'.


Looks like epsilon P Beta??????????????? :ugeek:

Let us known how the floppySD works.
Good evening all.

No new trains, just stuff I really needed. Two new t-shirts a camo thermal shirt and two packages of steel toe shoe socks extra cushy and dry.

Stuffed full of everything I should not eat and a slice of peanut butter pie Popcornbeer

Glad to be back home where it is warm and comfortable.
Just got back from my sisters place a little while ago. My niece loves the manicure/pedicure station I got her and she like to flipped when she saw the nail dryer. My sister is crazy about the Star Trek collectors set of drinking glasses I got her. Her husband likes that I got the DVD 'Red'. He's a Bruce Willis nut! And my nephew likes the Nascar Bobby Labonte Monte Carlo I got him. It's an AMT model and so has the detailed photos on the box showing what decals go where.

I got the SDFloppy II of course. I hooked it up to the drive controller in slot 5 of my //e as drive 2. I quickly located the copy of Oliver's adventure that I saved to it as a test a few days ago and saved an up to date copy to it tonight and checked it. The SDFloppy II is working great. Now if I want to work on the 'Native Fury' game at night I can save it when finished without the loud disk drive chatter.

I also got both of the new alternate reality Star Trek movies, Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness. I already have the first one but mine had a scratch on it that sometimes makes the movie do strange and not so wonderful things. Last but not least I the manuals on the flat screen TV I'm using as a monitor on my //e. My sister hasn't found the remote yet but says it has to be in her room someplace.

Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN5868.jpg]

[Image: PB240226.jpg]

[Image: DSCN2275.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Great day. Stayed home with NO company. Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Happy Boxing Day Blue Big Grin I hope everyone had a great Christmas?

Spent the day at by brother-in-law's place with pretty much the whole family! Bit of a tight squeeze, but lots of food and drink, and everyone had a great time Thumbsup

It's a chilli 41 degrees F here in southern UK, and frost on the ground. My thoughts go out to all those in the area who have suffered floods or loss of power fron the storms on 23rd/24th. We were very lucky, our neighbourhood seems to have come through almost unscathed, just some trees down and some roof damage, though none to our house.

Relaxing day planned, reading new book I got for Christmas, and watching movies 8-)


Such is life
Morning all [you too English]. Surprise freezing rain this AM early. Turned to mist. Sun due out soon. Wifey off to moonshine capitol of the world. Wikes Co. NC. Going to see friend Gail at her Mom's. Back tonight so I can hunt tomorrow and Sat. Going to get "boys" later and do Train Box with them.

Thanks all you workers. Getting SS raise starting Jan. Thumbsup

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all.

Cold and dry, no flooding in immediate area. Was able to make it to one of my sisters house for Christmas meal and gifts yesterday. We had an early morning get together as nephew had to be at work later that day.



Looks like that FloppySD could be lost if you sneeze Icon_lol

AF350 Wrote:RB,

Looks like that FloppySD could be lost if you sneeze
Yes, it's small but it's got a big drive cable attached to it so I can reel it back in.[Image: ROTFLMAO.gif]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas day.
We spent the day at our daughters house along with # 1 son/family. #2 son is tanning his hide in Fla with his mother in-law.
Our memory for the day is when the 16 year old grson went out to warm the car for us and locked the keys inside, motor running.
We were not too far from home so a quick ride to the house for keys took care of it.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)

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