The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Nice coat Kev!


I'd be surprised if anyone picked up on something about my computer related photo I posted earlier today. It would take someone who knows the history of the Apple IIe computer to spot it and even they would have to be looking sharp. It a 1982 mother board. In about the middle of the photo there's a very legible number. Look above that number at the dark green area and you'll see a barely legible lighter green number with a letter after it. That letter is an 'A'. It's an early 'Revision A' motherboard. These 'A' boards nearly killed the IIe before it got started. At the time of the introduction of the IIe and into the first months of it's production, the 'revision A' board was factory equipment in all the IIe's. The graphics modes were identical and limited to those used by the Apple II+ before it. Maybe comparable to a modern model loco produced with a motor that was used in 1970? The logic board was not compatible with the ROM firmware update that came out later and most of the newer expansion cards didn't work with this board. This would be akin to building a color TV that shows only black and white and doesn't support the new technology. Apple changed out many of these boards with a 'Revision B' motherboard at no charge. This one was never changed. It's my mothers old IIe. I made some adaptations to it so it could use some of the later expansion cards with little or no trouble. My old IIe that I got back in 82-83 (the black one I have at home) also had a 'Revision A' motherboard but it was changed out with a 'Revision B' board later. The computer in my room here at my fathers place that I'm using to write 'Native Fury' is an 'Enhanced' IIe (or //e) that came out in 1985 and didn't have anything to do with the 'Revision A' fiasco. It came from a school up north and needed work so I rebuilt it with parts I bought on Ebay.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all later.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 30 this morning with an expected high in the low 50s. Then a cold front moves through and our temps will drop to about -1 by morning. By tomorrow afternoon it's supposed to be about -4. I'll be making a pot of chili and some cornbread tomorrow.

With a forecast like that, I should be going out to run some errands but I'm dealing with a pinched nerve in my back right now so movement of any kind is less than enjoyable. I was doing better yesterday but switched to some fancier drugs before I went to bed last night. Woke up this morning feeling worse than yesterday so it's back to the Ibuprofen today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. It's 42° with 80% humidity and light rain. The high will be 55° and feel like 58°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond20.jpg]

This morning I did some work with the SDFloppy ][. I now have sixteen 5.25" diskettes copied to an SD card starting with the DOS 3.3 System Master. I then used the System Master to initialize directories 1 thru F so they now have the DOS image. The computer can be cold booted and start with DOS 3.3 from any directory on the card with the exception of 7 and A. Directory 7 is CP/m and will start and run under the Z80 coprocessor. Directory A is ProDOS and will start and run in that language under the G65SC02 processor on my //e or under the 6502 processor on either of my older IIe's. I no longer have to have a system diskette in one of the disk drives. The system will boot and run normally from the 0 (zero) directory of the SDFloppy ][. This morning I played an entire game of Starfleet1 solely from the SDFloppy ][ with only a blank data diskette in the drive at slot 6, drive 1. If I had this thing connected to slot 6 I wouldn't even need that! It felt good not having to change diskettes every time the program needed something from the other diskette. All I had to do was press a button to change directories. Something else that's nice is that I can copy directly from the SD card to a floppy diskette and the copy will have all the DOS support of the original and run just like the original. From what I can gather from the SD card that was supplied with the unit the programming that runs it was likely done on a Bulgarian Pravetz computer, their version of an Apple IIc clone. Whoever designed the SDFloppy unit is either a genius or one of the luckiest sad sack programmers around. I set up the SD card in MS-DOS then put it in the SDFloppy unit and my ancient Apple computer can write to and read from the card like it's an Apple hard drive. That's impressive! No, that's brilliant! That trumps my claim to fame of getting an Apple computer to communicate back to back and share programs without a modem with a Panasonic IBM XT clone back in 1985.

One of these days I'll get back home and I'll be able to talk about model railroad projects again. I can't do any of that down here without getting griped at about it. The sooner I can get back home the better.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 37 degrees.
One more day and then back to the deep freeze.
An early trip to the local Walmart and yep only 2 cashiers working.
I just had a couple things so I used the self check out which I totally despise.
No special news from the train store so I guess all is well.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all. It's still in the low 50's around 9:30, but are looking at around 70 later today and the next few days. Still about five degrees above average.
sir james Wrote:Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 37 degrees.
One more day and then back to the deep freeze.
An early trip to the local Walmart and yep only 2 cashiers working.
I just had a couple things so I used the self check out which I totally despise.
No special news from the train store so I guess all is well.

SJ: Those self-checkouts at Walmart aren't nearly as bad as at some stores. Our local Fry's (Kroger), seems to have a mind of its own. You scan something and you get a, "operator has been notified" and she's busy talking to someone else, so you wait until she resets things for no reason at all. Then there's the, "please place the item in the bag", even though it's there, or, "unrecognized item in bag, the local store detective and city police have been notified, don't move, we have you covered with automatic weapons" Eek . Well, it's not really that bad, but it makes you feel that way, especially when you did the right thing. Chances are that the computer has the wrong weight of that item programmed in. Curse Getting through Walmart self-checkout is a breeze in comparison.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Well this afternoon I hooked the SDFloppy ][ to the drive 1 position on the slot 6 drive card. Why didn't I do that before? Now when I turn the computer on here's no annoying drive chatter. Just a beep then it boots from the SD card in the SDFloppy unit. I've copied much of my software to three SD cards and I've printed lists of what's on all three. Earlier this evening I played an entire game of Starfleet1 and never once did I have to even have to touch a diskette. I only had to press a button to switch from side 1 of the game to side 2 and vice versa. The game went quite well and I did win but I didn't get enough percentage points to be promoted. I'm still a Vice-Admiral. I gave Lode-Runner a try. It can be controlled via the keyboard but it would be so much easier with a joystick. Maybe someday I'll get one. There are other games I'd like to get when/if I can. Skyfox, Batman, Zaxxon, Defender, Deep Space, Zork Beyond (already have 1,2,and 3. Don't care for zero), ZorkQuest, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Flight Simulator II.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Earlier this evening I got tired of having to hold the SDFloppy unit pinned down while I changed out the SD card in it. So I took the little rubber feet off it, applied a 1/8" diameter spot of Go2Glue to the bottom and stuck it down on top of a dead disk drive that's helping hold the flat screen video monitor up. Now I can change the SD card one handed as it can't slide around. Eventually that dead drive will be moved out of there and replaced with a Lobo Drive that I have (a second one). That drive too is dead but I'm rebuilding it and it will run all the different types Apple software I have just as the good Lobo Drive I have does. When that dead drive is moved I need to be able to get the SDFloppy unit off it and that's where the Go2Glue comes in. It stays flexible and can be easily removed.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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[Image: DSCN5885.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I don't like self-checkouts unless I get a discount for doing someone else's job. And I don't like taking away someone's job -- especially now that I'm retired.

I had a fun problem at one shop. I took in my own bag and put it on the stacker. Serious objections from the machinery because I had the hardcover book I was reading in the bottom of the bag.

It's finally warmed up here; temperature sitting a couple of degrees above freezing and the sheets of ice have mostly melted from the trees. My sister visited. She lives on White Ash Drive and guess what the trees are? Not only were they covered with ice, they are riddled with ash borer. She had a big limb come down when she was walking the dog, just 50 feet ahead of her.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning everyone, I hope you're all having a great weekend, the last of this year. It's hard to believe we're just a few days away from a new year, I'm not sure I know what happened to June though November, the months just whizzed by without stopping for a breath. Today will be a bit above normal, but no where's close to the record of 83 for today.

BR60103 Wrote:Don:
I don't like self-checkouts unless I get a discount for doing someone else's job. And I don't like taking away someone's job -- especially now that I'm retired.

I had a fun problem at one shop. I took in my own bag and put it on the stacker. Serious objections from the machinery because I had the hardcover book I was reading in the bottom of the bag...

My "discount" is time and less aggravation. When I see the last person in line has a full basket of little things with three kids either tugging at her or crying and she's on her cell phone, I opt for the self-check. You're right, rarely do they have enough lines open, they may have 25 or more checkout lanes, I'm thinking that most of them are dummy lanes, not working, but there to impress. Misngth Yet another peeve is when the person that is checking out in the "20 or less" lane, has a basket full of stuff, and the clerk allows them to still check out there. Curse I asked a clerk about it once and she said that the woman told her that she'd leave the basket full of stuff there and walk out of the store if she wouldn't check her out in the speedy she did... 35
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

-2 and sunny right now going for a high of -2 and winds at 13 gusting to 24 mph. Today's menu will be a pot of chili and some homemade corn bread.

I am also not a fan of the self check/bag your own stuff in Walmart and Menards. I was grumbling in Walmart one day that next they'd have us stocking shelves. There happened to be a manager nearby. The next time I went to Walmart the cashier was much more responsive and put all the items back in the cart after they were scanned. Menards really gripes me because having to bag your merchandise tells me that as soon as they have your money they don''t care about you any more. /rant

No major plans for today as back is still bothering me. Wife is feeling much better today, though. She was suffering from a touch of flu yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. It's 45° with 78% humidity. The high will 62° and feel like 67°.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

Checked the hold of the Go2Glue I used yesterday to stick the SDFloppy ][ unit in place and it's holding very well. Why was that a concern? Yesterday I tried some thin Velcro. It's adhesive held to the SDFloppy just fine. However the stuff didn't like the somewhat textured surface of the ancient disk drive I stuck it on. Didn't matter how much I cleaned it or with what. The result was the same. It would slowly lose adhesion until it was just sitting there held by nothing more than gravity. When I touched it or tried removing the SD card the unit just came up Velcro and all. Oh well I wanted a flush fit anyway so off came the Velcro. I put just a small drop of the Go2Glue on the surface and pressed the unit down on it and it's still stuck there now. Works for me. I wonder how little of the Go2Glue would be needed to keep a diesel loco shell in place yet let it be easily removed. It doesn't stick your fingers together the way super glue does and it can be rubbed off if you rub hard enough. I've used it to make 'window glass' in a couple of old Zamac diesel bodies. I can tell you that it sticks to the Zamac VERY well. Putting it on is easy. Getting it off is another matter entirely!

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good evening all,

Power has been up and down a few times this afternoon. Cool and wet with some rain so far today. I have been scheduled for first shift Monday and Tuesday this week last two working days for me this month and year Icon_lol Hope to still be employed well into January as that would be the end of the busy season. I have some other irons in the fire should I find myself unemployed.



You are having too much fun with the new SD floppy emulator Icon_lol


All you lionel railroaders,

Lionel has some new trains comming out that will run on AC and DC power how ever I do not think they universal motors but electronics that acheive this feat. They can also be controlled by remote or transformer, the remotes have several frequencies so more than one loco can be controlled independantly(kinda like TMCC but not). This was an article from their club news letter.


As for checkout lanes, ever notice that the baggers tend to all be at the same lane while other casheirs end up doing the bagging themselves?
AF350 Wrote:RB,

You are having too much fun with the new SD floppy emulator Icon_lol
Darned right I am! It more than makes up for the old 10mb Vulcan hard drive I used to have. It went toes up back in the 90's and took most of my AMI One's (48k Apple II Plus clone) software with it.


Oh man, I found a gold mine of Apple II programs today. I just kinda stumbled on it while I was looking for something else. It has utilities, games, education, home, you name it, it's there. And every thing is in DSK format which is what my SDFloppy ][ uses. I downloaded ten today, half of those are games, the other half are system utility programs. I had tried to copy my two main ProDOS utility disks into DSK format but they wouldn't go. I kept getting errors. Guess what I found on that site! The two very ProDOS utility program disks I need already in DSK format. I have them on an SD card now. The other three utility program disks are two I used to have and one is an updated form of one I already have. They are all on an SD card now AND I copied them onto floppy diskettes in program form so I can use them that way as well. The games aren't anything really stunning by today's standards but they were big in their time. They as well are all on an SD card now. I got 'SKYFOX', 'STAR WARS', 'ZAXXON', CHAMPIONSHIP LODE RUNNER', 'CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN'. Other games I have on SD are 'STARFLEET1', 'LODE RUNNER', 'HELL HOUSE', 'AZTEK', 'PACMAN', 'ZORK I', 'ZORK II', 'ZORK III', 'MOONMIST', 'D-DAY', 'BEE CRUNCH', 'SHARK BAIT' and a whole slew of arcade and adventure games and yes I have 'Native Fury' on SD too even though it isn't finished yet. To say I've been busy today is kind of an understatement. My PC copies the DSK files onto the SD cards at over 2.6 Ghz but my old slow Apple //e processes them into usable form at 1.02 Mhz. That was slow even back in 1982 but that's part of the charm of these old machines in today's world where everyone wants the fastest, newest, glitziest whatever that's out there not because they NEED it in many cases but simply because they WANT it. I know people who get a new cell phone every month simply because their old one is a MONTH OLD or it has a barely visible scratch on it. Jeez! I'm using a Blackberry that I got BEFORE our current president won his FIRST term! And it wasn't even new then! It was refurbished! That thing is older than most peoples cars and it still works fine. I paid nothing for it, the service is free, I get 150 free minutes a month which is more than I need. Now I'm not saying that I enjoy using OLD things, they're just what I have and what I can afford. Sometimes I even use them in self defense. A couple of years ago a young lady half my age was trying to come on to me and I didn't want anything to do with her. I simply told her she's too young. She challenged that and I told her 'Honey, I own a van that's older than you are'. I never saw her again and I don't miss her a bit.

Well it's time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning gang. Sunny and warm. Errands and then east to hunt. Back tomorrow night. Wed. is last day of deer season but not hunting. Hope all have a great week.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all. For those of you that are still working and not retired, I hope you all have this week off, just to give you an example of what life is like when you do retire. 357 When we had our business, we tried to give everyone the whole week off between Christmas and New Years Day. I know a lot of you still have to work, I still wish you the best for this holiday season. Anyway, whatever time any of you have off from work, I hope you're enjoying it. 2285_

Right now it's around 40 out with a high around 70. Not a record, but a few degrees above normal. By Thursday, we'll be pushing on a record for that date, which is 78 back in 1981. Snowbirds are flocking the roads and stores now, with some short-term visitors here for the two bowl games being played. Apparently not enough though since one of the teams returned some 5,000 tickets to the Fiesta Bowl that they couldn't sell. These tickets are being donated to those in the Military and to first responders. An upstanding act of appreciation to those folks that we owe a lot for the work and sacrifices that they make for us. Thumbsup Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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