The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
KRM Wrote:...I know what you mean Don. Jan 30th will 5 years of retirement for me. When I was working for Cat we shut down from Christmas eve till Jan 2nd. It was nice to have time off that time of year. We went to Florida and would hang out on the beach for 8 years. Fun stuff.

Have a good day gang!

Kev, I've got you beat by a few, and as you know, most days are not like a vacation, but the enjoyment of going to Walmart or any other store or restaurant any time of any day that you choose, is worth it. Want to drive somewhere for a few days? No problem, just be sure you don't have a doctor's appointment those days. Wink

Funny thing, one year we asked our employees to work a few Saturdays to get some extra time over the holidays since they only had Christmas and New Years as paid holidays and we'd take off a whole week plus. They did it, but I can still hear them complaining about it. :o The next year I asked them to work a few ten-hour days to make up the difference and they still didn't like that. They preferred to take either vacation days or no pay at all, rather than work the extra hours, so that's the way it went from then on. I could never figure that one out... Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
KRM Wrote:Good morning Blue,
The Bobcat is eluding me. We need some fresh snow so I can see what he is doing and maybe Shoot
Get a FoxPro electronic caller with squalling rabbit. He'll come.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon. It's 41° with 88% humidity. The high will be 45° with a small chance of rain.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with a [Image: cond20.jpg]

Been busy this morning downloading software for my //e. My Starfleet1 game is quite old and has some errors that were causing problems so I got replacement programs. I'll copy my personnel records from the old one later. Other programs I got are:

I figure that should keep me busy for a little while at least.

I need another SD card for these so I asked my father to get me from from Wal-Mart today. The nice thing is I can have the SD cards serve double duty. I can only store sixteen 5.25 diskettes on each one so they can still be used in my camera and for data storage on my PC.

Only other thing going on today is I'm doing a load of laundry. Yeah, I've finally gotten to the point that I can negotiate the steps to the laundry room well enough to get in and out of there. I hope to be able to climb higher steps soon.

[Image: DSCN2038.jpg]

[Image: PA170212.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5905.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Been busy recoding some programs today. All were set up to run on Apple II computers but some for II's, some for II+'s, some for IIe's. They're all Apple II's so what's the big deal right? Mostly the way the memory is set up. The Apple II and II+ take 16k extra memory from a memory card and bank switch it over their ROM memory so whatever is stored in THAT extra memory can be used as if it's IN ROM and it doesn't detract much from the 48k of main RAM memory which can be used for running software. The IIe on the other hand takes 64k of extra memory from a memory card and bank switches it over it's 64k of main RAM memory giving it 128k RAM. This leaves more space in the main RAM for running software as program data can be stored and executed in the 64k of extra RAM. It only has 16k of ROM memory and nothing from the memory card can be stored or used there. Is everybody confused now? An additional compication but nothing I can't remedy is that some of these programs were made to run from 13-sector diskettes in DOS 3.2. I'll be running them from 16-sector diskettes in DOS 3.3 so unless the were converted at the time the were stored as ROM's I may have to convert some of them. The CP/m programs aren't a problem as my computer has a Z80 co-processor.

Hey, I came across some really old programs. Who remembers Wordstar? Anybody? maybe this will jump start your memory:
[Image: DSCN5912.jpg]
I'll be posting some photos in the near future from some of the software I found. It's gonna be fun transferring this stuff to floppy disks.

Been getting in some more walking today and I'm getting much better going up and down steps. However I still have to see where I'm putting the feet so carrying something in front of me is still problematic.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good evening all,

Snowed all day long but no accumulation. Very cold with a wind chill. Tuesday will be last day of work for this year will not have to show up till some time next year like next Monday more then likely Icon_lol .

CTT issue came in the mail today, kind of a ho hum issue, they did have at least 2 articles about American flyer.

Slowly working on layout I have ordered some switches and some panel meters for a control panel. I need to stop spending on trains and concentrate on getting some operating accessories (already have a k-line barrel loader and a Lionel manual barrel loader, k-line diesel fueling platform, k-line animated control tower)Need to get a coal loader and maybe milk car / platform.

Also need to take a serious look at some unfinished projects and take them on one at a time until some progress is made.
In the new year my goal is to not start anything new until at least one project is completed 24 Icon_lol
I've been trying to fit my old scenic curve (the railfan site) into my new layout. It's gone in but it is on a grade while a lot of other stuff in the corner can't be.
Ah, well.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
My internet connection is getting a workout. Remember the site I said had lots of software for my //e? I have a mega download of all the recorded Apple II software they have in progress.No, scratch that. It just completed! Now it have it being copied to another drive just in case. It's in the form of a .ZIP file and it's 197MB in size and contains many hundreds, maybe a couple thousand .DSK files! Almost all of the files are less than 60 kilobytes in size. They consist of applications, compilations, demonstrations, educational content, games and operating systems. I think I got everything they had for the II, II+, IIe and IIc. I don't know. The Wal-Mart and Walgreen's here may run low on SD cards before I run out of software ROM's. Jeez! I didn't realize they had SO much! OK, the copy to the solid state drive is now complete. That alone took about ten minutes.

Does anybody know if there's something that can safely store say ten of fifteen SD cards at a time? I mean something that's actually made to do that job.

It's now 12:20am Later today my father will be putting the black-eye peas on to cook. To that he'll add ham hocks, cabbage, rice, some bacon or salt pork. Cornbread and collard greens will be provided as side dishes. That's pretty much our traditional New Years day meal.

[Image: PA170220.jpg]

[Image: PA180225.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5917.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning all.

Cold but roads seem to be clear for the most part.

Fixed navy beans and corn bread for diner last night, new years meal is normally sauerkraut and pork or hotdogs.

Trying to wake myself up before hitting the road for work .
Greetings, gang.

It's cloudy and 3 degrees outside my window this morning after an overnight low of -6. Just before supper last night I went out and shoveled about 3" of "less than an inch" of snow. More snow is predicted through Thursday with temperatures remaining very cold. After I shoveled I saw the neighbor shoveling his sidewalk and walked over for a chat. We decided to go on strike until the state does something like importing less snow or more warm temperatures. Nope

Yesterday afternoon I ran several errands including getting the tires rotated. I also made stops at Menards and Walmart. After super last night I replaced the innards on the first floor toilet. It only took about 45 minutes. No major plans for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning Blue
We have sun, a lite new coat of snow and 15 degrees.
New years will come with us right here at home. Probably in bed at the time.
We had many years of parties now it's for the younger folk to carry on tradition.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Tom, I wish you had been around me yesterday. I had replace the flapper 3 times and it still leaked into the bowl. Took the tank off, replaced the innards, and was tightening them in place. I then found out ceramic and slate tile floors do not get along. I found a used tank that fits, got the guts in, and that took up the day. My daughter said she would come over after work today and help me get it back on. I'm not supposed to lift over 5# until my shoulder surgery heals. Tom did it in 45 minutes. It's taking me a day and 1/2. Don't you dare laugh or I'll hunt you down 790_smiley_picking_a_fight

Whitehouse, Tx
Good morning. It's 39° with 89% humidity. The high will be 48° and feel like 52°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg]

I guess I'll be taking a break today. Most of the left side of my body feels like it's still asleep. This is nothing new, I've had tingling on my left side for a few years. It's usually not quite this intense though. I have been pulling some really late nighters though and that could be part of the problem.

[Image: DSCN1641.jpg]

[Image: P1012517.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5934.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good evening all.

Snowed at lunch time a fair amount but was gone by second brake time.

Got to leave work one whole minuet early Icon_lol

Ate some left over beans and corn bread.
Well will try this again Not much going on here sorry been a while since I've stopped in. Hope all have a HAPPY NEW YEARS Talk to you all later
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

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Good evening everyone. I hope you all have a safe, yet fun-filled New Years Eve. Us, we went out to dinner and will watch a movie at home. Sometime we go to a movie after dinner on New Years Eve, but it didn't look like there was anything we wanted to see anywhere, plus we wanted to get out of that miserable traffic as soon as we could, so we'll throw something on the DVD and watch something at home. Celebrate, gee, it's been years since we cracked open a bottle of bubbly, and the only reason we're up a midnight is that someone in the neighborhood has fired off a few fireworks. A few years ago, they made selling fireworks in Arizona legal. The thing is though, most large cities have ordinances against using them. So, they're selling fireworks in a shopping center parking lot about a half-mile from our house, but I can't fire them off anywhere here in town or any adjacent towns. It's dumb that they passed that law in the first place. 35

Regardless of what you do tonight, dinner out, hit the nightclubs, go see a movie, go to a party, just have a great time whatever it is you do.... 2285_ 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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