The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
BR60103 Wrote:
Running Bear Wrote:What was initially thought to be an old school desk has on closer inspection turned out to be an old aluminum barbecue grill minus it's lid.
Man, what sort of school did you go to? Icon_lol
Man, ain't cha never heard of the redneck school of outdoor cooking?[Image: ROTFLMAO.gif]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning. It's 27° with 89% humidity. he high will be 47° and feel like 52°.
[Image: condsunny-1.jpg]

Wasn't feeling well last night so went to bed sometime between 7:30 and 8:00pm. Up and around again at 6:20 this morning and still not feeling up to par. Nothing planned for today and I really don't feel like doing anything today.

[Image: P1012440.jpg]

[Image: P1012409.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5937.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and slowly warming temperatures today. At 11:30 last night the temp was -13. Now it's up to 5, headed for a high of 23. Additional warming will take place overnight, rising to 27 by tomorrow morning. Then the bottom drops out. By tomorrow afternoon the temp will be down to 9 and by Sunday morning it's supposed to be -9. It's even worse for Monday and Tuesday.

Nothing major accomplished yesterday. This morning we're headed for the grocery store and then it's time to clean up the house. We have some friends coming over for dinner tonight.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
BURR!!!! Cold and windy. No ice though. Hope all those with cold and snow keep power. Stay warm and dry.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning ta ya all. Glad to see that the snow and ice is settling elsewhere right now, but I do feel for those that are battling the cold weather. Ours here is expected to be around 75, quite a bit above normal but not as high as the records of 83 in Phoenix and 81 in Surprise.

Just in case you hadn't noticed, we've opened a voting poll for the recent photo contest, it is right here. We didn't have a very high turnout this time, I'll take the blame for that, but still, we've had enough entries for you to select a winner to get the coveted Big Blue Anniversary coffee mug. Big Grin So I'm asking to please vote. The polls will close on January 15th, so do it now before you forget.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning Blue
We have 6+ inches of new snow, sun and 4 degrees.
I wish I was in Fla. right now.
The end.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
I looked at the projected low temps for my area and I really feel bad for you folks up north. Our idea of cold would be hilarious to you. An example is our lows for the coming week compared to Chicago, Illinois. Leesville's temp is on the left, Chicago's is on the right.

Jan 3rd: 29 * 17
Jan 4th: 49 * 10
Jan 5th: 22 * -16
Jan 6th: 19 * -11
Jan 7th: 29 * -2
Jan 8th: 51 * 18
Jan 9th: 47 * 18

I wish I could get some of our weather up to you guys. I bet you wouldn't mind sunshine and some rain for a change.

Woke up this morning feeling bad, worth less than two cents actually and wound up going back to bed before 10am. Got up again about 3:20 still not feeling good but better than I did before. I hope whatever this is it's just a little 12 or 24 hr bug. My father and step mother didn't feel well either so that seems to support the bug.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Only thing I did today was locate more programs in my Apple II program files on my PC and put them on an SD card. Probably tomorrow I'll transfer them to my //e. Checked on the delivery status of some Apple II items. Disk drive, motherboard and 80 column/64k card.

Supposed to be 29 tonight. At least it's not raining.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: P4022379.jpg]

[Image: P4022372.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5943.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Very cold good morning. Warming. Then Tues., extremely COLD. You Yanks can keep your miserable temperatures.

KEV, bundle up but nothing runs like a Deere.

Stay warm all.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, I hope that those of you that are in the grip of the current storms that you are able to stay warm and safe. Our TV newscasts are doing the, "stick it in your face" stuff again. They bring in a shot of a news person somewhere in the Midwest or New England and show the plight of them covered and knee deep in snow battling the wind, while our news person is outside in the sun among the cactus, or out in the field interviewing some visitors by the pool of some local hotel. The one I watched last night did both. Icon_lol I can only see them running the same shots back there, wherever that is. It's probably not fair, even if it is the truth. Big Grin Good luck to you all, you have a lot more stamina than I do, and that's also the truth. Worship Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Well, the wind has shifted and the temperature is dropping. At 6:00 it was 36 degrees. At 6:30 it was 27. Right now it's down to 21. By late this afternoon it's supposed to be 9. Our overnight low is supposed to be -8, falling to -10 later in the day. Monday morning it's supposed to be -20 with a high of -10. These are temperatures, not wind chills. Chief, I hope you have a spare room for us Yanks to come visit you for a while.

Had some friends over for supper last night. We must be getting old because by 10:00 we were all sitting around yawning. No major plans for today other than staying indoors.

RB - what kind of flower is that?

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
ezdays Wrote:Good morning all, I hope that those of you that are in the grip of the current storms that you are able to stay warm and safe. Our TV newscasts are doing the, "stick it in your face" stuff again. They bring in a shot of a news person somewhere in the Midwest or New England and show the plight of them covered and knee deep in snow battling the wind, while our news person is outside in the sun among the cactus, or out in the field interviewing some visitors by the pool of some local hotel. The one I watched last night did both. Icon_lol I can only see them running the same shots back there, wherever that is. It's probably not fair, even if it is the truth. Big Grin Good luck to you all, you have a lot more stamina than I do, and that's also the truth. Worship Worship
Well, Don, when it warms up there next month and you guys hide inside in the air conditioning, with foil taped to the glass to reflect the sun, and have to wait until 6 PM to go to the pool because it is too unbearable to be outside we will be enjoying the fresh air and sunshine 24/7. I would just as soon have a couple months of miserable cold than 10 months of unbearable heat. Icon_lol
FiatFan Wrote:RB - what kind of flower is that?
Either a Thanksgiving or Christmas cactus. We have one here in full bloom.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Charlie B Wrote:Well, Don, when it warms up there next month and you guys hide inside in the air conditioning, with foil taped to the glass to reflect the sun, and have to wait until 6 PM to go to the pool because it is too unbearable to be outside we will be enjoying the fresh air and sunshine 24/7. I would just as soon have a couple months of miserable cold than 10 months of unbearable heat. Icon_lol

Uh, I was going to mention that. While you're basking in the 70's and 80's, we're baking in the 115+, but it just uh, kinda slipped my mind... Icon_lol Icon_lol Yeah, having had a pool, I remember the water was still like bathwater all summer long, day and night. :cry:

That's the main reason that we here in Arizona and the folks in Florida have some many "snowbirds" and I guess we should both envy them, winters in the warm climate, then run back home when it starts to heat up. :o We will have another freeze warning here one day soon (the record low for today is 21, back in 1970), and that's when the locals put covers over their non-native plants and bushes, the citrus groves crank up the smoke pots and the snowbirds begin to wonder if they made the right choice in coming here. Big Grin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
My sister in law moved to Phoenix in the early 80's and while she brags about how nice it is she lets all these little tidbits escape, including having to carry water in your car, and the pavement being too hot to walk on, water bill, etc. I would love to visit in the early spring or late fall and we are planning to do that and I hope it is this year. I have a friend that is the chief mechanical officer at the Heber valley in Utah and a few of our Samoyed friends are in OK. and TX. that we would like to see on the trip. It basically depends on fuel prices.

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