The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
OK gang. Will not believe this. It is 59 degrees out and misting rain. Dropping to 9 Tuesday night. Rollercoaster.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good one Kev! That's the best laugh I've had all day.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Kev, cannot stop laughing....... 357 357 357 357

We say the same thing about the nice weather until it gets over 110, then it's not fun anymore. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Kev great story but I believe the original state I decided to move from FL to N.Y.

Evening Blue not much going on here today worked and all was a so so day for me. Been kinda down the past few days at one point Friday night to be precise I was really down but doing better tonight. hope all had a good weekend and staying warm for those up north as its looks like a killer up there to me. I've been away from it to long I guess about 30 years lol. Well not much else going on here tonight hope to stop in tomorrow and say hi again need to get in here more often nite all
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

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It's 8:52pm. The temp hasn't yet reached the freezing point but it's not far from it. Just a couple more degrees. It's supposed to get own to 18 tonight. I went to my trailer earlier today and turned the heater up to high then went up front to the shelf above the layout and turned the circulation fan on so the air will be kept moving from front to back. Will any pipes freeze? I hope not. But it is after all a small trailer. Thin walls, thin roof and a thin floor and skirting that's nothing more than cheap galvanized steel sheets. The heater can fit in a shoe box with room to spare. After coming back to my fathers place I advised my niece to get all the laundry done tonight that she can as the pipes in the laundry room have a history of freezing. She doesn't think they will but I lived in that side of the house for eleven years. I know they can and I also know that absolutely nothing was down to the north wall of the laundry room (where the pipes are) when the house was remodeled. Looks like I'll be getting a quilt out of the closet tonight. Usually all I need is a cover sheet.

Nothing additional to report so I'm calling it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: P3282310.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
RB: our outdoor temp has been stuck at 32 for a while, but I think our Texas weather system may be blowing back in.

Dayle's been a bit under the weather today. She blames it on a tight belt she wore to New Year's Day brunch.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good night all. Great story KEV.

Sleep tight and warm.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all the drive to work was great but the drive home was scary the closer I got to home the stronger the winds and the more snow coming down. Being it was Sunday night I had the road to myself for the most part.


Not much work at work today yet the shift went by quick.

Have no other news worth typing tonight, good night all.
Good morning all, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I shudder every time the news comes on and they show pictures of what's happening with the weather elsewhere. People stranded in airports all over the country reminds me of one of our favorite holiday movies, Planes, Trains and Automobiles. One difference though, most people stuck at the Phoenix airport have a smile of their faces. They interviewed one woman that said they drove a rented car from Las Vegas because their flight there was canceled. Reminds me of that movie again.

No need for a weather report, just to say it's nice here with a forecast for rain latter in the week.

And yeah Chief, we are having some serious weather here, but that's up in Flagstaff where they expect this stuff to happen around this time of the year.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. It's 20° with 79% humidity which makes it feel even colder. The high will be 35°.
[Image: condsunny-1.jpg]

Well we have water on the east end of the house. Haven't heard from the west end yet. They apparently took my advice to heart yesterday as they were washing clothes until very late. According to the overnight temp readings it did hit a low of 19° as predicted. The report for tonight is a bit lower. The weather guesser is mumbling something about 14° but it won't be so bad because it'll feel like 17°. That's like saying 33° water feels only slightly warmer than 31° ice.

No plans for today except to stay in and stay warm. In the main part of the house that won't be a problem. Out here in the office that'll require another shirt or a light jacket as the only sources of heat out here are an ac/heater combo that puts out only moderate heat on a good day (today ain't one of those) and a small oil-filled electric heater that just heats up a small area right around it. So to get the best out of them I set the oil-filled heater in front of the ac unit and turn the oil-filled heater on high and set the ac unit on 'fan only' so it'll at least spread the heat into the room a little.

[Image: P3292331-1.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning. Raining and 50 degrees. Falling to 30's by 5 PM. Wow. Wind will howl for that to happen. Wind chills in the minuses tonight and tomorrow. High tomorrow 24. Yank temps.

Off to meetings and then Town Board tonight.

KEV., the Deere will take care of that pile of snow. Know what you mean about snow plow and cleaning drive. When we do have a big snow, seems DOT knows when I have the drive entrance cleaned. He throws icy snow back in the entrance. It freezes and hard to shovel. Got anti-freeze in tires in tractor but never purchased a blade for it. Good luck.

Hope all stay dry and warm.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Morning Blue
We have snow up to our, well you know.
The temp is 10 degrees and going down overnight to minus 15. Zero for the high tomorrow.
I am hoping we will stay safe and warm.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Just like everywhere else it's cold here. Right now it's -9 with a wind chill of -23. North wind is 14 gusting to 22 mph. Our overnight low was -17 with a wind chill of -40. The one advantage i have (if you could call it that) is that we don't have the snow that others are getting. My sympathies to Kev and SJ.

The plumber just left. No, it was not a frozen pipe. The sewer was backed up. The trees around the house are nice but they can cause problems. Now we're trying to get estimates on replacing water pipes. The galvanized pipe is starting to spring leaks. The first estimate was $2000 but he said he was "old school" and would only use copper pipes. I may be a Luddite (just got a cell phone in September and it's a flip phone) but I can definitely see the advantages in time and labor using pex vs. copper.

Only activity planned for today is to avoid going outside.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning Blue! We had a foot of snow overnight plus what we had yesterday -- it is feeling like a real Michigan winter here in Ionia! Blowing snow with temp of -1 and -19 with windchill. I just spent over an hour shoveling out the drive and sidewalks and my neighbor's as well (elderly couple). Maybe I'll get some work done on my layout today!

Detroit Connecting
We are your
inner-city connection.
Wow actual temp here is -2 with a wind chill of -10. Very strong winds last night and still some today, supposed to be even colder Tuesday. We have just a light dusting of snow but more then enough ice, downtown there is a big water main busted making for a bad situation.

Train wise-- UPS delivered a box with components that I will use for building a control panle and the mailman brought me 2 magazines.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Computer wise Will be on the lookout for two books on C++ programming(text books not hobby books)One is a basic coarse on C++ programming using games as a practical tool for learning C++ the other is specifically a game development text book. I may check the public libaray and if they are a good fit for what I have in mind will buy them from a bookstore here in town.

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