The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
-9? Wow! That's on the chilly side for sure. When we were living in Germany the ice trays would all be filled with our favorite beverages, a piece of plastic wrap put over each of them and they'd all be set out on the window ledges to freeze. My younger sister would sometimes put toothpicks in hers. The plastic wrap kept them from falling over. Later we would have cubes of tea, beer, soda or whatever else for our drinks. We'd make fudgesicles using Popsicle molds.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
KRM Wrote:Hi Blue, I should be snug in bed right now but the wife pulled out of the garage at 5:20 and at 5:25 the phone rang. Yeah she was stuck in the lane behind the dumb a$$ neighbor. Wallbang Wallbang You guys be careful out there.

We didn't get quite as much snow up here in Vernon HIlls.....the "Lake Effect Machine" wasn't aimed directly at this area, and we only caught the storm system's "edge".
If you were to paint a backdrop the color of this morning's sky, it would look fake,too dark blue, and completely cloudless. 8-) Big Grin
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Many times last year I asked my nephew to cut down a dead tree in my yard. He never did despite reassurances that he would when he 'got around to it'. I bet if there had been a case of beer at the top of it he would have 'gotten around to it' in very short order. I called him today and told him he no longer has to cut it down. Just cut it up and haul it off. That tree fell today and hit the back of my trailer hard enough that it smashed the roof down about six inches and split open the corner seam where the side and back meet. Inside the trailer the force of the impact splintered the west wall in several places, destroyed one of my DVD racks and broke my loco display case off the wall. about half the locos are damaged, some to the point of being irreparable and some of those are irreplaceable. Among the damaged units is my 70's era metal Bachmann 0-6-0. Try finding one of those. It's one of a kind. My rebuilt/remotored AHM C628 is damaged. The Atlas U30C/U30E645 was totally destroyed. My Athearn KCS SW1500 is damaged. My Atlas Trainmaster is damaged though not badly. The Atlas/Roco FP7's got tossed around but look to be undamaged. A rebuilt Athearn GP35 has a busted truck. The two Bachmann GP7's appear to be undamaged.

I checked the sewage pipe under the trailer. It's still in place. The exhaust line that connects where the pipe comes out from under the trailer was knocked off but it's just a simple press fit.

I put a board against the outside wall and screwed it down to serve as a temporary patch. There's still a gap but it's nowhere as big as it was. The gap is visible from inside as well. I'll be stuffing some old clothes in there to help keep the cold air out. Good thing my nephew is at work. Right now my fondest desire is to hurt him very badly.

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[Image: DSCN6217.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
WOW! Sorry to hear and see, about your misfortune. Hope it don't, I'm afraid to say it, don't want to wish anymore stuff on You. I won't even begin to say what would happen to a relative of mine. Wishing You Godspeed Jeff, try to hang in there.
RB, I wish you well in getting things back to normal quickly. I hope you've covered by insurance. It's bad enough that this could have been prevented, but then to lose some irreplaceable things has to make it a whole lot worse. It's just unbelievable that you continually get beat up. I just hope that you get things patched before it rains..

Good luck....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:RB, I wish you well in getting things back to normal quickly. I hope you've covered by insurance.
No insurance. Can't afford it. The trailer itself is uninsurable due to it's age. Contents coverage would have been nice.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Running Bear Wrote:
ezdays Wrote:RB, I wish you well in getting things back to normal quickly. I hope you've covered by insurance.
No insurance. Can't afford it. The trailer itself is uninsurable due to it's age. Contents coverage would have been nice.

Sorry to hear that. I would hope your nephew would have a bit of compassion and at least help with the repairs since he could have avoided this whole thing. Again, the best of luck...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:
Running Bear Wrote:Sorry to hear that. I would hope your nephew would have a bit of compassion and at least help with the repairs since he could have avoided this whole thing. Again, the best of luck...
I don't look forward to receiving any help from him.


Well today I took a good look at an early 50's Varney F3A. The particular item of interest was the motor which appears to be original to the model. The motor was stiff and didn't run well. At full power it would just creep. I clipped a pair of powered leads to it and turned the throttle up and bathed it in CRC 2-26. The effect was slow at first but then the motor started picking up speed, quickly increasing it's RPM's until I dared not run it any faster. There was a bunch of black gunk pouring out of it. This morning the loco couldn't get out of the way of an anemic snail. Now it runs super fast! I sprayed the gears as well.

Didn't have a chance to work on the Athearn drive. Maybe tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN6229.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Evening all. 51 until late this afternoon. Now snowing hard. Grass covered. Temps dropping fast. High tomorrow 27.

KEV, not good. Make her stay home. Wink

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Gonna be a cool one tonight. It's supposed to get down somewhere between 22° and 26°. I just turned the heater on so it should get nice and toasty in here soon.

One of the things I got for Christmas is an 11" electric skillet. I put it to good use today. I fried up some bacon and I had two bacon, salami, cheese, onion and pickle sandwiches for my dinner. For dessert I had four olives and a few calcium tablets.

Due to today's events I'm in more pain now than I was when I got up thise morning. I hope I can get some rest tomorrow.

The old Varney F3 chassis still runs like a bat out of h-er that hot place. This is the first one I've had that runs worth a flip. My others all have either Athearn drives or drives I've put together from junk box parts. One has parts from eight manufacturers including Stewart and Kato.

Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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[Image: DSCN5693.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning, here we are once again at "hump day". A common expression for Wednesday and someday might even make it into the dictionary if it hasn't already.

It did get up to 81 yesterday, a new record and we probably will have another record high today. Here we are around 5:30 in the morning and it's already close to 60 outside. Not a drop of rain in the forecast, it's been very dry on the west coast and here in the southwest and so they are predicting an early fire season for this year and that's not a good sign. I hope everyone hit by this recent storm stays warm and safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning. Frozen here. Snow on the ground. Highways are getting better. Even though it is below freezing, sun is drying them up. High today 27. East where the farms are, schools closed due to more accumulation. Drove dogs to groomers 15 miles NE and road was a little tricky the closer I got.

Yes, Sir J, they did not have to pull the dog sled like in MI.

Stay warm and dry.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

RB - WOW! That could have been a lot more serious. Hope your nephew gets his rear in gear and helps with repairs and disposal.

It was clear and 16 when I got out of bed this morning but clouds have moved in and the temperature has dropped to 7. Another windy day in store for us with the overnight low predicted to be -10 so wind chills will be falling off the bottom of the chart again.

The plumbers have arrived and work is in full swing. By the end of the day we should have all new water pipes and a non-leaking drain from the second floor. 2285_ 2285_ I have told the plumbers that beer will be served when the project is completed. Hopefully that will be an incentive to work quickly.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning Blue
We got up to a -5 degrees. It is +4 now.
No new snow here.
Of course we have plenty of old snow so why ask for more.
Nothing new from the toy train world so I will say good day and try to stay warm.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
KRM Wrote:Good morning Blue, So cold I don't want to discuss it.
The wife made it to work and I did not even have to get out of bed.
This guy I like. Makes his Wife work while he stays in bed. At least I get up when mine goes to work.
Frank, I hope you have a jacket. Smile
Two or three.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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