The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon everyone. Lots happening today. We have the stupid bowl...uh, make that Super Bowl, the last day of play for the Phoenix Open and it's Groundhog Day. I read that whether he sees his shadow or not, it is predetermined. I got this at
Quote:In reality, Phil's prediction is decided ahead of time by a group called the Inner Circle, whose members don top hats and tuxedos for the annual ceremony on Gobbler's Knob, the tiny hill in the town for which he's named about 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh...
...Other prognosticating groundhogs include Staten Island Chuck in New York and General Beauregard Lee in Atlanta.
it doesn't sound fair, give a groundhog a job one day a year, then just overshadow (pun) his prediction. :o And according to the news, Phil's predictions are accurate only 39% of the time anyway, making it something less than flipping a coin. I also read where Staten Island Chuck escaped from the Mayor's hands.... I guess because it was too cold for him outside... :?

This is kind of in the same vain as having an elephant, a dolphin or other animal, or even getting folks to "predict" the winner by buying something in package S (Seahawks) or package B (Broncos). That probably has even less of a change of being right than Punxsutawney Phil has in predicting the weather. Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Raining and getting cooler here. It's 35 with an 80% chance of rain.

Well I did do a little work on the layout today. I have only one gap left in the mainline. I cut a piece of straight track to fit into it. Tomorrow I'll add the rail joiner it needs then put it in place. I ran a train too. Well a consist of four F units. An F7A and three F3B's. I punched It's address into the Zephyr and moved the locos forward a few feet, stopped, then backed them up a few feet. It's the most they've moved in seven months. I couldn't remember their address so I had to put the A unit on the program track and read back CV1. I also put the GP40's back on the track. They had gotten knocked over when the tree hit my trailer. The part of the track they're on will be replaced as soon as I get around to doing it. Some of the straight pieces are bowed up at the ends and the cars can be seen to rise and fall as they go over that stretch. I've put up with it for years.

I formatted seventy-five 5.25" floppy disks today. Being I did both sides it was the equivalent of formatting one hundred fifty disks. There were only three duds.

Notice the locos headlight is on. There's power the that track. Finally.
[Image: DSCN6331.jpg]

A toy from the past. A Tyco operating log dump car. I have the dump station, logs, push button, instructions, track and box.
[Image: DSCN6355.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5793.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I told my wife this morning that I'd seen my shadow and was going back to bed for six weeks. That didn't go over.
We went to see Frozen today. Not a top Disney movie; Dayle thought it sounded like a Broadway musical already. Nothing like the original story.
Had to return a light bulb. I bought a pair of 150W equivalent CFLs and one didn't last over a couple of hours. Dayle spotted an instruction on the package that it was supposed to be installed with the base down. Wonder why? The replcement I got (down to 125W -- stock shortage) didn't say that.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning everyone, the start of a new workweek for a lot of folks, I remember that and do miss it a bit. I also miss those paychecks. Now we have to rely on the Feds for our monthly return of what we paid into Social Security all those years. Temps this week are in the low to mid-60's, a bit below normal. We have rain in the forecast for today, tomorrow and Friday. We'll keep our fingers crossed since February is one of our rainy months. Smile

BR60103 Wrote:...Had to return a light bulb. I bought a pair of 150W equivalent CFLs and one didn't last over a couple of hours. Dayle spotted an instruction on the package that it was supposed to be installed with the base down. Wonder why? The replcement I got (down to 125W -- stock shortage) didn't say that.

Does Canada have the same restrictions on incandescent bulbs as we have in the US? We have a fairly decent stock of 60W, 100W and three-way incandescents, not that we're hoarders, it's just that they were being offered so cheap we couldn't afford to pass them up. We also have found that the CFL's don't give out the same intensity of light that the incandescent ones do. That, plus so far they haven't come out with a CFL replacement for a three-way bulb. Nope We would switch to LED bulbs, but we would have to put a second mortgage on the house to do that. Eek
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. It's 34° with 100% humidity. The high will be 48° and cloudy.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

Today I plan to fill in the last gap on the mainline. I had to cut about an inch and a quarter off a nine inch straight piece to get the 'custom' piece I need. I need to put a rail joiner on it. I can rob that from a piece of steel track.

I think I'll tear down the non-op Lobo disk drive that was given to me. It appears to work but it won't read or write. It should be easy to fix.

[Image: DSCN6375.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning all. Rainy and real warm. Turning cooler tonight. Cold rain tomorrow. Off to Dr. for ear thingy. Then County Commissioners and Town Board.
Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and cold this morning at +1. High for today is supposed to be in the mid to upper 20s. Snow is supposed to start tomorrow morning and last until Wed. morning. Could be up to 5 inches.

Don - a 3-way CFL bulb is made. I found one at Menards. It lasts longer than the incandescent. It always seemed that one of the elements in the incandescent would burn out after a short period of time.

Didn't see any decent commercials in the super bowl yesterday. Didn't see a decent game either. Not a fan of any particular team, just like to see a competitive game.

As soon as My Fair Lady gets off the phone I need to call the plumber. The sewer is running really slow again. Also on tap for today is possibly changing the oil in my car.

My Fair Lady is leaving this afternoon to spend a few days with our son's mother-in-law who is getting home from the hospital this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning Blue
We have sun, 12 degrees.
I have a lot of CFLs in the house, Didn't see any difference in my electric bill and they tend to have a very short life span.
Yea I know they are suppose to last longer but that's not what is happening here.
Super Bowl was a thumbs down, I kept track of the game but watched Columbo instead.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
sir james wrote:
Super Bowl was a thumbs down, I kept track of the game but watched Columbo instead.

I'm sure Columbo was far more entertaining than the game... Big Grin
Gus (LC&P).
An acquaintance of mine, I'll call him Jason, brought me his brothers old Apple //e computer. There's no problem with the brother. He passed on several years ago. Well anyway the computer didn't work. I gave him $20 for it. That was all he wanted anyway was just cigarette money. So anyways, twenty minutes after he left I got it working. A common problem with these old Apples is the power supply was non-vented and there was no case fan thus the power supply would overheat and burn out. This one is a later model than the one I was playing with at my fathers place. It's a 'Platinum' //e. I replaced the power supply and also put in a firmware chip that had gone missing. I turned it on and it powered on. So I hooked it up to my stuff, turned it on and away it went. I've fully tested it and it's in great condition if you look past the rough looking case. It has no top cover so I put the top cover from my other //e on it hence the slight color difference. Looks like for a tiny investment, some work and a talent for fixing old computers I now have myself a fully operational platinum Apple //e. I can hardly wait to play a game of 'Starfleet1' on it.

[Image: DSCN6385.jpg]

[Image: DSCN6397.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
The last gap in the main line is closed up and I could run a train all the way around the layout if there wasn't a bunch of junk on the track. That's the next project. Clear the junk away. Easier said than done. The clutter is especially bad on the east side and around the 'Apple Towers'.

It's looking like tomorrow is gonna be a wet day. The weather guesser is saying there's a 60% chance of thunderstorms. Oh joy. At least it won't be cold. The temp will be in the low 60's but tomorrow it'll be in the mid 30's.

[Image: DSCN6375.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
ezdays Wrote:Does Canada have the same restrictions on incandescent bulbs as we have in the US? We have a fairly decent stock of 60W, 100W and three-way incandescents, not that we're hoarders, it's just that they were being offered so cheap we couldn't afford to pass them up. We also have found that the CFL's don't give out the same intensity of light that the incandescent ones do. That, plus so far they haven't come out with a CFL replacement for a three-way bulb. Nope We would switch to LED bulbs, but we would have to put a second mortgage on the house to do that. Eek
I don't know if it's the same. but I think they are phasing them out -- store had no incandescent 100W. Pity, we could usually count on picking up US unsalable stuff cheap.

What I really could use is a CFL that really takes 60W that I could put in some restricted fixtures. I'm switching to clear 60W because I think they give a bit more light.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
ezdays Wrote:Does Canada have the same restrictions on incandescent bulbs as we have in the US? We have a fairly decent stock of 60W, 100W and three-way incandescents, not that we're hoarders, it's just that they were being offered so cheap we couldn't afford to pass them up. We also have found that the CFL's don't give out the same intensity of light that the incandescent ones do. That, plus so far they haven't come out with a CFL replacement for a three-way bulb. Nope We would switch to LED bulbs, but we would have to put a second mortgage on the house to do that. Eek

Don, those LED bulbs are getting cheaper by the day. I see them cheap enough at Costco that next time I buy bulbs I will go with the LEDs. I switched to all CFLs about 5 years ago, and will switch to the LEDs for the same reasons. 1) Incandescent bulbs give off a ton of heat, and I don't want that here in Arizona in the summertime. 2) My house is old, and doesn't have many circuits, and all are 15 amp. As a result, I could have lights, microwaves, coffee pots, and hair dryers all on the same circuit. Take a few of the above, and add a few 60 watt bulbs, and the breaker trips. The CFLs are using about 1/4 the electricity, and that gives me a little wiggle room when I happen to be running the vacuum at the same time I am cooking a bag of popcorn.
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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Greetings, gang.

It;s 12 degrees outside my window this morning and snow is on the way. Not much, though. Only supposed to get about an inch this afternoon and another inch tonight. But then the wind will pick up and the temperature will go down. Very cold for the next couple of days.

I did get the oil changed on my car but My Fair Lady''s car will have to wait until she returns. Won't be back until tomorrow or Thursday, depending on how our son's mother-in-law is recovering from surgery.

This morning I'll be making a run to Menards to get fittings to install the new tub faucet. Hopefully after that the plumbing hassles of the last couple months will be over.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, I see there's still storms around the country, but just a serious is the drought hitting California and other parts of the southwest. We have rain in the forecast, but so far this year, none of that has come to pass.

Speaking of toilet paper, let's also include paper towels. Both over the years have gotten smaller to the point that there was only a few feet used before you had to put up a new roll. Confusedhock: You are right, the price never went down. Now we can buy "giant rolls" of these products that are back to their original size, except that the price is three or four times what it used to be. It won't be long before these giant rolls will begin to go down in size as well and then we'll have, "humongous" rolls at even higher prices. Icon_lol And yes, most manufactures have indeed cut the width of their toilet paper as well to reduce their costs, but our costs stay the same. Curse

Heck of a thing to be discussing on a train forum, :oops: but hey, it's a fact of life, something that everyone buys and uses but seldom talks about... Wink
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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