The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
sir james Wrote:Good Morning Blue
We have more !@#$%snow falling, looks like a couple inches at least.
The temp is 16 degrees.
I would rather be young again than old and retired. Somehow when I dreamed of retirement, old didn't factor into my daydreams.
However this is RTs big moment and I wish him many happy years.

Not that too sure about being young again, especially in the current generation. Remember real music to sooth the soul with words you can understand and without blasting your eardrums out? Remember dancing in your partner's arms rather than jiggling around not even looking at each other? Remember going to school without having armed guards in the hallway, or getting on a plane without passing through a metal detector or taking off half your clothes? Remember when you went to the store, you didn't get lost in some big box or some mega-mall and you weren't tracked by CCTV cameras? Remember when you'd go to a restaurant, they'd actually make the food there, not heat it up in a microwave? Remember gas selling for 20 or 30 cents a gallon and you could get a free dish or glass every time you filled up; plus you could change your own spark plugs and do minor tuneups without a lot of computing gear? Remember actually writing a letter to someone and it taking days to get there, or even picking up the phone that was tethered to the wall if you wanted to talk to someone across down?

I do and I guess that's what we old geezers call, "the good old days", and for good reason. Life then was simpler, predictable and a lot less scary. Big Grin I guess texting and email are a lot quicker, but they sure lack that personal touch. Sad
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hey all I'm the new kid on the block is this a place where everybody just kinda hangs out if so I'm for that ready for the snow in North Carolina who knows it might ok glad to be here pretty cool forum. Later on time for a cold one Cheers
model-a Wrote:Hey all I'm the new kid on the block is this a place where everybody just kinda hangs out if so I'm for that ready for the snow in North Carolina who knows it might ok glad to be here pretty cool forum. Later on time for a cold one Cheers
That it be. Talk about most anything. No politics, religion or attacks. Other than that most subjects are fair game.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Where in trouble now wait till chief see someone else from N.C. 357 Welcome aboard glad to have you. By the way I'm in S.C.

Evening all we did a spring cleaning that should of been done like 4 years ago lol I have enough to more than fill my truck. Called a local thrift place that supports children with cancer in the area so there coming in the morning to get it. Be glad to see all this stuff go. I keep telling the wife when we move in 5 - 6 years most of this stuff isn't coming with us. me basically my computer, trains, and clothes lol the rest can go to the auction house. We can get furniture as we need it once where there. lol will take bed and pots and pans and dishes ect but most furniture is going to auction house I think. It'll take me at that time a week to box up my trains and tear down the layout ( at least lol)

Hope all had a good weekend talk to you all later
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

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Whats up ya'll? The wife got me a early birthday gift today and it was a jackpot box of ho scale stuff. There is some stuff that is way date but still cool. Tons of old track that i can use for mock up parts on the layout a few older dc power suplys id say from mid to late 70's that would be cool just to have in the train room as decorations. A few locomotives that are pretty beat up and a few that look like with a good cleaning would be ready to run. Lost track after about 20 different rolling stock that are all in pretty good shape for as old as they are and the way they were just tossed in the box. She told me she gave $10 for it . I told her she stole it for that price and she even got excited when i pulled a Mobile tanker out but thats only because she works for XTO wich is a sub company of Exxon Mobile merger. I will sort threw everything in a day or two and post up some pics when i get a free moment.
Sounds like you got quite the jackpot there. Sometimes I get a junk box with some salvageable items in it and I rebuild them, add good wheels and body mounted couplers and use it on the layout for a while. After that one of three things happens to it. #1 I'll give it to someone who's expressed an interest in it. #2 I may sell it for what I have in it so it's never for much. #3 If I really like it I'll keep it.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
It's been a day of a bit of concern for me, concern for my newest //e. As I reported yesterday the system cooler fan had gone toes up. I resurrected it with a donor fan from an old printer. Well it seems that fan isn't fast enough to do the job and the //e's power supply is running hot. The fan's slow speed is one reason for it but the main contributor is the fact that the power supply is non-vented. It's a sealed box with the exception of a very tiny hole at each top corner. A good friend came up with an idea. Some of you know him. It's David Parks. He suggested I pull the vented power supply from my black Apple and put it in the overheating A2S2128. The heat can escape much more easily and it won't be overheating. In the photo below you can see the A2S2128 opened up and the donor power supply sitting on top. Eventually I'll be able to get the high-speed motor I need for the system saver cooler and rebuild it properly and the computer will be able to run as cool and efficient as it should. So I already know what tomorrows project will be.

[Image: DSCN6426.jpg]

Other than that I haven't done much today. I didn't even get the tranny fluid into the vans tranny. I didn't even stick so much as a toenail out the door. Too caught up in other things.

Well it's time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN3289.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Guess what! It's tomorrow and the project is done.

[Image: DSCN6432.jpg]

It was a bit harder than I thought it would be. Certainly not because it was something I was unfamiliar with. I can change these things out in my sleep provided everything goes smoothly. Old man Murphy had to get involved. The screws that held the power supply in place in the newer unit were rusted and they weren't going anywhere. So I removed the motherboards from each unit and switched them out. It's a good thing the bottoms of the A2S2064 (early 80's IIe) and the A2S2128 (late 80's IIe) are interchangeable. If these two computers were dogs they would be classified as mutts. I have an early model Apple IIe base plate that now has a later model A2S2128 on it and then there's an A2S2064 that's sitting on an A2S2128 base plate. They look right but the model numbers on the bottom are wrong!

Back to those rusted screws. I wasn't going to leave them like that. I ground the heads off them, pulled the sealed power supply out, took the bottom off it so I could get hold of the clean end of each screw. There were ten nice clean screws holding the bottom on and they came out without incident. Using a small vise-grip pliers I gripped the end of each of the rusted screws and twisted them out one by one, put the power supply back together with six screws holding the bottom onto it. I used the other four to secure the power supply to the computers bottom plate. Both machines work perfectly even if they are slightly mixed up now.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
well it's almost 5:00 in the am here in NC, and calling for snow :hey:
Greetings, gang.

Another cold morning in progress here in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. Right now it's -13 after an overnight low of -15. High for today is supposed to be +4. Snow is predicted for Tuesday night.

Yesterday was pretty much a write-off. Absolutely nothing was accomplished. Nothing major planned for today other than a trip to the gym. Depending on my mood, I may start cleaning up my shop after all the recent construction activities.

Model-A Welcome to the campfire. Hope you brought your own coffee cup. Management around here is real stingy about handing them out. Icon_lol

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
FiatFan Wrote:...Model-A Welcome to the campfire. Hope you brought your own coffee cup. Management around here is real stingy about handing them out. Icon_lol

All stay safe.

Hey, you can always bid on one right here: coffe mug auctionLet's not call us "stingy", just "frugal" 357 .... This auction closes this Friday, so jump in while you can. 2285_

Weather-wise, we're still doing OK here, no where as cold as some of you folks. Not to brag (well, yes), we're hitting some record highs by the end of this week. Thumbsup Those on the west coast are getting a lot of rain after a long drought, I'm hoping some of that comes this way. It's been over two months since we saw any here. Sad

I hope everyone has a great week... Big Grin Big Grin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning. Well great to see another NC person. Us REBS need more troops for these Yanks. Shoot Where in NC are you? I'm Rolesville just north of Raleigh.

As he says, Snohio in the forecast. When and how much we aren't sure. Brine being sprayed now as I type. Hope it does not go inland north of us. You eastern Yanks have had enough "noreasterners".

Well, I guess the middle US Yanks are getting more snow.

Stay dry and warm.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 15 degrees.
Cold but better than watching falling snow.
No breaking news this morning.
Just checking in......S.J.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
I'm in a small town called Rockwell close to Salisbury been here for 51 years I see no reason to move now looks like we might get some snow ok by me just had my hip replaced I keeping my tail inside I can look at it. Nice to meet all ya'll later on guy's Cheers
Hello model-a. Welcome to the forum. Welcome

Running Bear wrote:
Quote:A good friend came up with an idea. Some of you know him. It's David Parks. He suggested I pull the vented power supply from my black Apple and put it in the overheating A2S2128. The heat can escape much more easily and it won't be overheating.
Thank you for giving me the credit. It is not that well deserved however. I only thought of it because I remembered a pic you posted of the inside of the black Apple before you painted it.
[Image: DSCN4177.jpg]
David Parks

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