The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Hey ya'll just waiting on the snow we don't see much round here these are the days I wish my layout was up and going. Plus I have been in this house for 4 weeks with this hip. Wallbang
Running Bear Wrote:"model-a" wrote: Good morning ya'll if that's a word it is around here ya,ll have a good day and be safe I feel very welcome here thanks guy's
It isn't as far as I know. Not even listed in Webster's. Y'all on the other hand is well documented. Big Grin

1: A two-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger- or mizzenmast stepped abaft the rudder.
2:‎ Urban Dictionary: yawl. A form of "y'all".

Well, the only "mountains" I'm really familiar with, are the ones made of Atlantic Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea, Salt Water, by the winds of a Gale. Yeah I certainly have "climbed", and "fallen down" those. :o Wink Cheers
I have to stand by definition #1 Wink Smile
O. K. - - - - - Truth is there's one more "mountains" I am familiar with........The ever growing piles of SNOW, everywhere around here. The term " rapid thaw " brings gasps of terror by the longtime residents of this part of the world. Icon_twisted 357

These "piles" have reached a size that a rapid thaw could produce a " Forty days and Forty nights" event. Icon_twisted 357 357 357
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
model-a Wrote:Hey ya'll just waiting on the snow we don't see much round here these are the days I wish my layout was up and going. Plus I have been in this house for 4 weeks with this hip. Wallbang
I know how ya feel bud. After my amputation surgery I was trapped (for lack of a better word) in my fathers house. Ever live in a flipping museum? No layout, no work area, very slow old PC for internet surfing. Luckily I had moved a couple of old Apple IIe computers down there beforehand and I obtained some passenger cars and locos to work on. If I hadn't had those items I'd have gone straight up the wall! I love collecting and working on the old pre-Macintosh Apple computers. My father asked me why I collect something so (as he sees it) useless. So I asked him why he has multiple volumes full of common stamps and coins that won't turn even a novice collectors head. He said they're worth something to him to which I answered 'EXACTLY!' I have four of the IIe's, each one a different phase. One means more to me than the others as it belonged to my mother. After my mother passed on my sister said she was going to throw the old computer out. I told her if she did I'd smack her right in the mouth. She thought about it and thought it wise to leave it right where it was.

A good way to keep from being bored is to find something you love to do that can be done (in your case, and mine) indoors and doesn't require you to cause yourself pain. Some people like pain. Even though I have a high tolerance to it I don't like it. Yesterday wasn't enjoyable for me at all as I was hurting all over from being stupid the day before. I don't look like Atlas any more. That was in my younger days. Today I look more like the Popeye character Wimpy. Hefting heavy things around is something I occasionally have to do but man, do I pay for it afterward.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Got a break in the weather and got into town to get the vans backup light problem corrected. Afterward got a two year safety sticker for it. Got twelve gallons of gas as well. I estimate it had half a tank before so now with it full there's twenty-four gallons in there. At last something has gone right!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I here ya Bear the wife just went to the store for Milk eggs bread guess she's fixing a egg sandwich with a glass of milk for supper. Good grief and she's from Jersey Hmmmm Ok guy's I'll be here stay safe all Ya'll. Cheers
The Village had an appreciation today for the landscaping crew who also do all the snow clearance. We learned that they are not dumping the stuff off-site because of the cost, but they've lost the area where they used to dump it because they're putting up big new buildings (the apartments for us when the house becomes too much).
The crew apparently is up in the middle of the night -- I know I've seen our driveway cleared before or just after I get up. We only had one day that we couldn't get out before 4:00 PM; we sometimes have to scurry so that we don't get caught by the ridges in the street (which do get ploughed away pretty promptly.)

No train work today -- SWMBO is reorganizing the basement.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
It's been a busy day for me. I got the van fixed and it passed inspection. Filled up on gas. Finally got that quart of tranny fluid in. Had the //e working hard today. Max temp on the power supply was 83. Not bad. Went around the back of the trailer and sprayed the exposed areas of foam with Rust-Oleum Leak Seal Rubber Coating. Goes on and dries reasonably clear.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN1190.jpg]

[Image: DSCN6441.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Off to bed. Snow tomorrow???? Ice?????? Snow and ice??????? Oh well.
Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

Nice fractal art was that a IIe or a PC it was on?


Cold here but no new snow or ice with a slooooow warm up next few weeks, typically 40's is the norm here this time of the year but this year we have barely been in the double digits. The good thing so far about the cold is cold and flu bugs do not seem as bad this year. We had an air quality alert do to diesel fumes and a dramatic increase in wood burning activities as well as auto exaust from cars running to warm up.


In the mail yesterday was a new 1:43 Coke Cola VW panel van and some odd-ball DVD's


Been too tired and winded up from work to do much train wise lately
AF350 Wrote:RB,

Nice fractal art was that a IIe or a PC it was on?
That was from one of my dinosaurs. A 1987-88 A2S2128 Platinum Apple //e. Namely, this one:
[Image: DSCN6063-1.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning all 4:00 and no snow in Rockwell as of yet. Oh well then talk to ya'll later.
Morning all well we had sleet now snowing and suppose to go back to sleet before its done. I'm not going anywhere lol. About time to make some breakfast. Just happy I don't have to go to work as if I was still working I would be expected in as I was considered essential personal as I was part of the kitchen crew to feed the hospital. Well hope all are staying safe in the path of this storm. Talk to you all later
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

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Nothing here yet just cold and windy keep a eye to the sky. 8-)
Good Morning Blue
We have bright sun and zero degrees.
Three days in a row without new snow this morning, must be a record for this winter.
I did some work on the layout yesterday as some of it had been disturbed so that an electrician could do some work.
It will all get back together a little at a time. I do have some loops running again though.
Happy Hump day
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, I hope all of you are spared from this new storm hitting the southern part of our country. For those of you that are not, I hope you are able to stay safe and warm. At one point we need to say, "enough", just like that video of that four-year old boy that has gone viral and even made the nightly news. I case you haven't seen it, he has a small snow shovel in his hands when he looks up and says, "God, please make it warm out". You got to love kids for their simplicity. 357

Anyway, ya'll keep warm now.... Big Grin
Don (ezdays) Day
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