The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good morning guy's hope everyone had a good night Bear hope your feeling better it's 53 degrees here in the south overcast, hip feeling better walking without the cane this week still need it on the stairs. Ok ya'll have a good day and will be talking to ya. Thumbsup
Good morning all. I hope the winter storms are settling down and those affected have finally dug themselves out. I see in New Jersey, where I was raised, they ran out of salt because of some obscure maritime law holding up a shipload of the stuff, and has resorted to using pickle juice to melt the snow. :o It's really stupid that the federal government can't react quickly to internal grief, but doesn't hesitate to pour billions to other countries quickly and without even blinking. I guess that's another soapbox issue, but it is incomprehensible that we don't take care of our own first and can't bypass these stumbling blocks just a quick when the need is there. Nope

Anyway, today is yet another find day here in the Southwest desert. Temps are above average, but no records, at least for the next few days. I can't say for certain since the Weather Channel App has crashed yet again. Their latest version is even worse, locking up, created unrecoverable errors. If you use the older version, it too crashes, but then locks you out if you don't want to update.... The problem is that I can't find any other desktop app that gives me the information that they do... when the app works that is... :cry:
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, foggy, and 34 degrees in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Blizzard warning goes into effect in a half hour. 6-10 inches of snow, falling temperatures, and 35-50 mph winds. Gonna be a good day for sitting and watching out the window. The big problem is the warm temperatures. If it were 10 degrees colder out there wouldn't be much of a problem but it could be a wet heavy snow, bringing down trees and power lines.

Yesterday afternoon I took a shovel and cleaned out around the storm drain. I had a mini Lake Michigan forming at the end of the sidewalk and didn't want it to freeze like that. About 15 minutes of work and the lake is gone. Biggest project scheduled for today is bringing the trash can back from the curb.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning Blue
We have overcast and 32 degrees.
Snow, sleet, rain is our forecast. Lite snow has begun to fall as I type this.
Soooo I got out early and did some errands.
Came home and locked the door...I'm stayin in.
A couple hours working on the layout last night, all is up and running now.
I still have more to do but baby steps brings progress.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. It's 69° with 81% humidity. The high will be 82°. Yes, that's an eight followed by a two. There's a good chance of rain.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond70.jpg]

One item of business to take care of today is to toss out some IIe parts. A motherboard that's fried, a 2064 keyboard with a bad reset key, a bad lobo drive controller and a fried power supply. That leaves me with an empty 2064 case. Some day I may have enough good parts to built it into a good computer.

Nothing much planned for today except to stay dry and this may sound funny to you folks up north, stay cool. It's supposed to be around 80.

Here's a look at what some call the 'Apple Orchard'. Notice the second one down has four screws in the front instead of the usual three? That's an early IIe with a modified II+ case. Quite rare.
[Image: DSCN3241.jpg]

[Image: P9040097.jpg]

[Image: DSCN1796.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Afternoon. Partly cloudy and 70. All those in path of the line of storms, hope no damage. We are suppose to get it tomorrow. Stress test says heart A OK.

KEV, gurgle gurgle. Good luck.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Well we had early morning thunderstorms and some rain. about just before noon I was awaken by a loud racket out side so I got up to go look out the window and I seen the stupidest sight...............a city truck with a snow plow down scrapping the street which was already bare due to rain and warm up...........WTF is up with that?

Supposed to be severe thunder storms tonight with maybe high winds.


I got my first MTH S freight car a B&O box car, can not compare it to the old S-helper as I was more of an American models fan. The box car has nice graphics, nice wire hand rails great detail, will test it out on some track and maybe post a few pics in comparison to Flyonel, Gilbert AF, k-line S and American models cars.

I also have an Ore car on order from MTH club, will maybe get an F-unit in seaboard from MTH in S.

Cataloged the 3rd section of my library (computers), next up will be trains and hobby(about half of the total books are in this section).


Been playing with the idea of doing some comic/cartooning I already have two one panel sketches done already and an idea for a third. And yes they are train related, kinda nerdy humor espeicaly the first two combines trains and sci-fi themes. If there is enough interest and permision from the admins, I will start a thread.
AF350 Wrote:...Been playing with the idea of doing some comic/cartooning I already have two one panel sketches done already and an idea for a third. And yes they are train related, kinda nerdy humor espeicaly the first two combines trains and sci-fi themes. If there is enough interest and permision from the admins, I will start a thread.

Be our guest, we'd love to seen your work. BTW, you know that we have another cartoonist in our family... literally. Packey, our webmaster and my son draws a cartoon called Flat Bear. You can view it here, it is updated three times a week.

Take a look, and by all means post yours here.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
We got a mean looking band of thunderstorms coming through. I can already hear them. Weather radar has a lot of red on it. Think I'll disappear for a little while.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
ezdays Wrote:
AF350 Wrote:...Been playing with the idea of doing some comic/cartooning I already have two one panel sketches done already and an idea for a third. And yes they are train related, kinda nerdy humor espeicaly the first two combines trains and sci-fi themes. If there is enough interest and permision from the admins, I will start a thread.

Be our guest, we'd love to seen your work. BTW, you know that we have another cartoonist in our family... literally. Packey, our webmaster and my son draws a cartoon called Flat Bear. You can view it here, it is updated three times a week.

Take a look, and by all means post yours here.

Neat website and comic/toon, I am a big fan of the Dilbert comics I can identify with Dilbert and Wally the lazy engineer. Also liked the Far side strip as well.

I will have to clean up the first two being they popped into my head just before going to bed and were quickly roughed in so I would not forget them in the morning 357 Have to draw out the 3rd one as it is still in development but should get a few laughs from electronically inclined.
Well here goes the first comic,

Here is the 3rd comic, will post two and four maybe by Saturday. Just a note on #3 it could also be a self portrait. Icon_lol

#3 looks like me on a good day!


Not much went on here today. Threw out the non-op computer parts I mentioned this morning. Ducked a few thunderstorms. Got my mothers old IIe out of the closet and put a new speaker in it. Old one crapped out back in 1987 and the computer had no sound since then to today. Now it has a voice again.

Other than that nothing happened.

Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN1730.jpg]

[Image: DSCN1530.jpg]

[Image: DSCN3252.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Reclinerized after long night meeting. Wind howling. Off to bed. AF Thumbsup

Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning. It's 43° with 78% humidity. The high will be 65° with some clouds.
[Image: cond026.gif]

Couldn't sleep so I've been up all night. Back and knees were hurting but I don't know why. I didn't do much yesterday and the heaviest thing I lifted was one of my IIe's. I took it out of the closet to replace the speaker in it then put it back. That weighs only about twelve pounds. But the pain wasn't the only thing. I could've simply ignored it as I have in the past. I had an itchy spot on the back of my left shoulder that was driving me nuts. It just wouldn't settle down. After trying to get to sleep for a few hours I finally just said screw it and came in here to play with the computers.

Speaking of computers, I have another Apple coming in today. No, it's not mine. It's a //c that belongs to a friend of mine. He needs some expansion board installed in it and he's afraid to touch anything in it. I've never worked on //c's much. Usually used them for target practice. The pieces of about a dozen of them are buried someplace in the lower part of my fathers back yard along with a couple of Apple II+ clones. My dislike for the //c was that it ran only DOS 3.3 and ProDOS. The language I used for the most part back then was CP/m and Apple computers had to have a co-processor installed to run it. That was no problem for the Apple II, II+, //e and //gs. A Microsoft CP/m card could be put in it in less than five seconds. Couldn't be done with the //c. There was never a CP/m card or module made to fit it.

Enough of that.

Later today I'll probably tear down a disk drive. I have one that's giving me fits and I think it's the tracking device that moves the read/write head or the stepper motor that makes that device work. I'll know once I take it apart.

No other plans for today. Thank God it's Friday!

[Image: DSCN1510.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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