The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good Morning Blue
We have cloudy skies and 69 degrees.
Yesterday it reached 86, felt good but this old body wasn't ready for such a sudden change.
I will take as many of those that we get though.
Too early to transplant here, 1 nights frost could kill everything we might have planted.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. It's 72° with 100% humidity. The high will be 85° with heavy clouds and a fair chance showers and thunderstorms.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond40.jpg]

Still not feeling my best. I only got a couple hours of sleep last night (this morning actually but who's counting) so I'm not in the best of moods. Waiting for the Home Health nurse to call. Until then I'm keeping busy with some little projects.

Nothing else planned for today. I hope to get some sleep later.

[Image: squirellmassage1.gif]

[Image: DSCN2667.jpg]

[Image: th_DSCN2668.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Only interesting thing here today was on the internet a "firenado" out west too bad they were only still shots a video would have been impressive and scary. Apparently a tornado formed over an area that had some wild fires burning.


Been a warm but windy day here with short bursts of rain, with a chance of severe weather overnight.

Not sure what the mushroom(moreals) season is like this year they need typically a wet warm spring, if you are lucky to find one stop in your tracks and look all around there are usally more there.


I work one day next week on first shift Sunday.
Chief Eagles Wrote:...Days, enjoy the shoot.


We did, we had a great time. Big Grin The weather was in the low 80's and there was hardly anyone there taking up space, that's why going on a weekday is so good. Weekends are crowded and you have to wait for a while to get a field to shoot on and you may have to share the field with some other shooters when you do. Weekdays almost always assures you that you get a trap field all to yourself and you can shoot as lousy as you want and still not be embarrassed. :oops:
2285_ Shoot Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening. It's a pleasant 74° here tonight. There is however a fair chance of getting wet if going outside. Say a 50/50 chance.

I took the time today to set my other two Super Serial cards to the same settings as the one in my platinum //e 2128 so they're all ready for use with the ImageWriter II printer.

Went into town and got five prescriptions refilled. I only had about a week left on those.

Got the wound vac dressing changed for the weekend. Hopefully it'll last til Monday.

That's it for now. Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

I did a short test print today. If you look at the paper you should be able to see some faint lines of text on it.
[Image: DSCN6154-1.jpg]

[Image: P1011558.jpg]

[Image: DSCN2627.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning Blue,

It's a bit breezy here in the UK, but at least the rain has cleared away and the sun is coming out.

My wife has at last had her broken arm operated on, pins and plate to hold the break in alignment. She was only in hospital one night, but was very glad to get back home yesterday. She is much more comfortable now and feeling much better.

Fingers crossed I might be able to sneak a couple hours modelling in over the weekend Thumbsup


Such is life
Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 56 degrees.
Our club meet is tonight so I'm looking forward to spending some time with the guys.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. It's 71° with 89% humidity. The high will be 88°, cloudy with a small chance of rain.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond20.jpg]

Not much going on today. Postal tracking shows that the motherboard I picked up on May 2nd for $26 will arrive today. The printer ribbon I ordered is in Shreveport at this time so I should have it on Monday at the latest. Scratch that! I've just been notified it'll be here today!

Got a call from my father last night. They took my grand nephew to Steam Town yesterday. Where I'm told he had a blast. Like me he's a train nut.

And that's all that's going on in my world at this time.

[Image: DSCN2619.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Saturday morning everyone, I hope your weekend goes as planned. Weather-wise, we're going to be in the mid to low 90's until the middle of the week when we get back into the triple-digits.

Just a reminder, you've got about 24 hours left to get your bid in on the autographed anniversary coffee mug. If you think that the autographs constitutes graffiti, you can always rub them off with a bit of alcohol. Confusedhock: Not that Mikey or me would be insulted by that, Nope but it is an option since the mug without the autographs did sell for more, making us think that autographing it has lowered its value a bit. 357 Let's get with it, this mug comes with a certificate of authenticity with printed signatures attesting that the hand-signed ones are real.... Icon_lol Icon_lol

The auction is still here
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning. Sunny but turning mostly cloudy with a slight chance of a shower this afternoon late.

Shoveled garden beds and set out the three big tomato plants.

Yesterday, went to tractor. Said, "If you crank right up and run good, I'll use you to disk and plow garden. If not, big tiller." It fired up. Worked like a charm. Only crank it once a month to keep it going.

Mowed both neighbors' yards and mine after servicing the mower.

Had a full day of it yesterday.

Now off to the High School for festival and following the cow for cow patty bingo. Two hours of that unless she poops real quick.

Then I have MIL meal at local steak house.

Have a great weekend
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all.

A couple pics of what I was up to last night and this morning. First up is a badly warped Lionel boxcar(only took pic of good side)that I rigged up with some S gauge trucks and couplers Icon_lol

The next is a S gauge kit built box that I painted up just now got around to putting trucks on it, can you guess what it will be once I get decal/dry transfer on it?


Got the new printer ribbon, installed it and did a test print using a listing of my boot disk greeting program. Working great. At some point in the future I can get started on typing up rosters of my locos and rolling stock.

[Image: DSCN6168-2.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I missed Mother's Birthday day and Easter so I baked a cake while she was out as a surprise.

I ordered a Marklin catalog/magazine from Walthers out of curiosity assuming I could read up on the Marklin trains and history-----------WRONG IT IS ALL IN GERMAN----------- Icon_lol Lots of neat pics of models and prototype trains in z, n, ho, and large scale.

Doing laundry and then off to bed so I can work 1st shift Sunday.
Today we went to a birthday party for my aunt -- father's brother's widow -- a significant number that she didn't want revealed (intil she told us she was 90).
Large collection of people -- she had 4 children who had more, plus other cousins and what not. Whne she expressed surprise at the number, I told her that half were from the church's homeless program. 35

We didn't tell anyone that today is our 40th anniversary, so don't you let on either.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good evening. 70° and a little cloudy tonight and no rain. Can't say the same about tomorrow.

Did some cleaning on the printer today but had to stop. I ran out of Goo-Gone. At least I got some of the dirt and grime off it. It doesn't look quite so old now.

The $20 motherboard I had picked up on Ebay that was advertised as good turned out to be a dud. After some back and forth with the seller I settled for a $10 partial refund as there's still parts on it I can use. Some good news is the manual for the serial card that runs the printer will be here Monday.

That's it for now. Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: P1011537.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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