The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good evening all,

Gravel pit blast was larger then normal shook house pretty bad happens every day around 1:30 pm during the week.

Been looking at the books from nmra on post war freight cars lots of pictures with good details.

nothing else note worthy here, sunny and cool.

Nothing much going on here today. The Home Health nurse didn't call until 2pm so that was a lot of the day wasted waiting on that call. I didn't want to start in on something only to have to stop a little while later. That really has me irritated.

Got another commemorative coin today, the first in quite a while. It's an 1849 Liberty Head Double Eagle replica layered in 24k gold. All it cost me was less than $8 shipping. It looks nice next to my 1854 Liberty Head Double Eagle 24k gold layered proof.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning. It's 67° with 99% humidity and patchy fog. The high will be 88° and cloudy.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

A Home Health nurse will be making a special trip out here this morning. The wound vac dressing that was done yesterday wasn't done well and was leaking inside of six hours. By 11pm it was falling apart like a $2 suitcase even after being reinforced with more adhesive film and when I ran out of that I used masking tape. I finally got the leaks sealed but it's not going to hold and must be replaced. So I already know part of my day is going to wasted waiting on the nurses phone call.

No plans today. Maybe I can get something done after the wound vac dressing has been dealt with. Boy that gets me mad. If they're going to send a nurse to do something like that they should make sure she knows how to do it properly.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings gang.

Looks like another beautiful day in store here. Right now it's 57 degrees with a sunny high of about 80 predicted. It's been this way for a couple of days and we should be able to squeeze out one more tomorrow before the rain moves in to spoil Monday.

We've been busy this week getting ready for younger daughter's visit. Also preparing a spare room for painting. Last night I got the train out for the back yard and found a problem. Some ties had broken allowing the track to spread. So the trains went back in the tote and I hope to get the track fixed today.

Right now the house is quiet but I'm sure activity will increase when the ladies arise. Not much on the agenda for today. Need to pick up some groceries and will probably make a trip to Menards.

I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend and take a moment to remember the original reason for this weekend.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Beautiful morning. Surgery spots not too bad. Will check out our new farmers marker we started. Set out some Tabasco pepper plants. Later
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 65 degrees.
My only plans for the weekend is to cut the grass today.
A chat with some of the train guys last night till bed time.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good Saturday morning to you all. Hope your weekend is going as planned. Schools closed for the summer here on Thursday, assuring everyone that they can have a very long holiday weekend if they choose. When we had our business, we'd skip out early Friday and head north for the holiday weekend. We'd also come back early to beat the traffic. Friday and Sunday afternoons are usually a parking lot on I-17, but I'm not sure about this weekend because of the fire. They are still only 5% contained on the fire up in Oak Creek Canyon, and are leaving it burn to where they can actually fight the fire because of the rugged terrain. They think the fire will consume close to 25,000 acres and take another 10 days before it's out. They are sure now that it was caused by humans and not a campfire. I've got several ideas of how to treat an arsonist, but I'd better keep then to myself for now.... Curse
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:I've got several ideas of how to treat an arsonist, but I'd better keep then to myself for now.... Curse
You and me both. One of mine involves the arsonist, a tall pine tree and some 100lb fishing line.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Here is what I spent an hour or two on out back, but still unfinished have to add tall grass and weeds here and there.

(And yes my photography is unskilled) next time I will use a tripod.



Your photography looks good enough to me.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Thanks RB,

Lessons learned while making the diorama:

Do not rush the job

Put a little ballast down at a time over a light spray of white glue diluted with Isopropyl alcohol between each pass

If using cinders make sure it is non magnetic material

Ground foam makes a mess and a bigger mess if working outdoors in a breeze

Make sure spray bottle is on spray or you will blast away scenic material

Wear eye protection (some how I sprayed my face 35 )

Stand not in a position where you cast a shadow of your subject to photograph Icon_lol

Keep a rag near by as scenicing IS a messy process(probably does not have to be ???)

My method for gluing down ballast and ground covering is a little differnt then some, a lot of people use alcohol to "wet" the ballest thus making the watered down glue wick into each layer then it sets up to a hard shell. I skip the water completely and have 2 bottles handy one with isopropyl and the other white glue extremely diluted with Isopropyl which evaporates leaving behind the glue to set up in the scenicing material.
AF350 Wrote:Wear eye protection (some how I sprayed my face 35 )
Been there and done that more than once!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I do my ballast by wetting with a mist of alcohol then adding scenic cement with an eyedropper. On the current layout I'm tacking the track down this way without ballast yet.
On scatter (ground foam, no tracks) I spray glue then drop on scatter, then mist with alcohol, then spray with glue again. The last few steps get repeated until I like it.

I use a mister (ex-hair spray bottle) on ballast or else I get effects ranging from splash patters to washout.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good evening. It's nice here with 68° and few clouds. Out here away from town you can see a lot of stars you can't see in town due to the light haze. Someday I may get a small telescope and take a better look.

The Home Health nurse showed up just before noon. She did a fair job of replacing the wound vac dressing. However it's not a real good job. I'm having some minor problems with it. Had a couple of blockage warnings already and one low pressure warning. I'll keep it going as long as I can but when it fails it'll come apart like a $2 suitcase. It has to last til Monday morning.

Watch some TV today and got a couple of locos off the display rack and repaired some minor damage that was done when the tree fell on my trailer. I fixed two handrails, replaced two horns and one coupler.

I also made a photo record of my commemorative coin collection.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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