The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Well, y'all already know what I was up to today with the exception of the movie I'm watching now, 'A Shot In The Dark', so there's no point in going over the other stuff again. It's looking like a 50/50 chance of thunderstorms tonight. I just hope it doesn't bring heavy rain.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning all.

Off to work early this morning. Last day of the work week and the month 2285_

Got a hair cut and shaved off the duck dynasty beard Icon_lol they may not let me in as I look 10 years younger and not so scruffy.
AF350 Wrote:Good morning all.

Off to work early this morning. Last day of the work week and the month 2285_ ...

Good morning to you all... yup, another workweek comes to an end for most folks, but there are many that still may have to work the weekend and trade that for a few days off during the week. A friend of mine manages a buffet-style restaurant and has Monday and Thursday off. That's why many times, I go out target shooting on a Thursday. There are many other professions or businesses that call for working the weekend, hospitals, stores, gas stations, police, fire, radio and TV stations, the list goes on. We spent a good many years in our own business and although the weekend was ours, sometimes it wasn't and we'd wind up with a seven-day workweek. :cry:

So much for that, for the most part, the whole week is ours now... Big Grin

Take care, and have a great weekend whether you are working or not. Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. It's72° with 90% humidity and what looks like unending clouds. The high will be 82°. There's a chance of isolated thunderstorms this morning then becoming more concentrated this afternoon with the possibility of heavy rain.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond60.jpg]

Just waiting on the Home Health nurse to call so no point of starting on any projects.

Speaking of projects, I've decided to go ahead and convert the other A9M0107 5¼" floppy drive to be controlled from an X104 controller so I can run them as a pair. They won't be quite as fast but I'll be able to run them from one controller instead of two. It'll probably take about twenty minutes to make the conversion.

Nothing planned in the area of layout work as of yet. Much of what needs to be done requires me to be on my feet extensively and right now that's a strict no-no. There's a lot of junk, mostly empty boxes of many sizes that have to be cleared out so I can get into the layout area much less see what's on it. That's going to have to wait until the wound on my foot is healed. Right now it's averaging about a millimeter a week and it's got a ways to go yet.

Looks like today is bill paying day for me. That includes paying my father back for the nice shiny microwave he bought for me. That's on top of all my other bills. The June 'fun money' is gonna be way short.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have sun and 64 degrees....Hi 70s later today.
The ground is soaked with water from the downpours of rain we had Tuesday & Wednesday. But I want to cut the grass today. Probably later.
A chat with some of the train nuts last night but no news from the store.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning all. Cloudy and an occasional drop of rain. We need rain. Going to mow all the yards [neighbors' and mine]. Wifey putting the last touches on gardens for national garden tour. Later
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Got the conversion on the second M0107 floppy drive done this morning. My father told me that if I ever want to sell them I'll have to put the original type cables back in. I told him I have no intention of getting rid of them. I'll run them til they break, fix them and run them some more and keep that up til I can't fix them again.

[Image: DSCN6323.jpg]

[Image: DSCN6325-1.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Evening all Went to flea market this am to do some things to the unit then a quick run to Wally-World not much else going on. Came home ate lunch and took a rest watching tv nothing really train wise going on today. Hope all had a good friday talk to you all late
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

visit my web page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> also <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Good evening all,

I worked a Friday 1st shift today, it was a mop up day did several small jobs and a few that others left unfinished. Kinda busy compared to what most say is a laid back day Icon_lol

Well I have to check to see what next weeks schedule is.

A warm dry day here.
Added up all the bills this morning including what I owed my father for the new microwave and it left me with $78.83 for gas and groceries. Gas was $44 for 12.362 gallons ($3.559 x 12.36302332115763 = 44). Filled it up from half a tank. My gas gauge is Greek apparently. It waves all over so you never can tell how much gas there is. Well that left me with $34.83 + $30 food stamps makes $64.83. A lean amount for a months groceries. So my father gave me back the $36 for my car insurance. That brought it up to $100.83. That looks a lot better. No 'fun fund' for June.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Had to shut down for a while. A string of thunder-boomers came through and in fact is still coming through. They're a bit distant at the moment but I'm keeping an eye on them via the radar. I have the emergency in the back room on just in case. It runs on house current til the power goes out then switches over to it's batteries. Eight 'D' cells or two six volt lantern batteries, whichever are available. One set of batteries lasts about twenty hours in continuous use. The other emergency lights are battery power only so they don't get turned on until after the power goes. Sounds a another set of thunder-boomers is close and the radar confirms it. I'm outta here for a while. See y'all later.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Got pretty loud for a little while there. Some big thunderstorms went through and dropped a bunch of rain amidst a lot of thunder and lightning. Radar shows more on the way but for now we're between a couple of big ones. The radar is showing a bunch of yellow, orange and red over this area.

As I reported earlier I finished converting both of the Apple A9M0107 Platinum 5¼" drives this morning. Later I went to town to make a payment on a loan then went to put gas in the van. Anybody who says a 318 is good on gas should be caught and tickled within an inch of their life. I've had six or seven vehicles with that size engine including the van I have now and none of them were good on gas. But back to the days activities. I dragged out an Apple A9M0108 Duodisk disk drive. That's two 5¼" drives in one case. This type was a thorn in Apple's side from the time it was introduced with the IIe in 1983 and this one is no exception. No matter how much I work on it it seems to have a problem that won't go away. Today it blew out a drive controller card. I'm about to the point where I may just strip everything out of the case and put two A9M0107 Platinum 5¼" drives in it and daisy-chain them together.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning everyone. There are times we question why we live where we do and that comes up frequently here as we approach summer. Unlike RB, thunderstorms and "thunder-boomers" are rare here in the desert. To be sure, if we miss anything about the weather here, it's the rain. When we have humidity in the single-digits and dew points close to zero degrees, you know that it's dry.... but hot. Temps are now in the triple digits and will stay that way until around the end of September. I'm not complaining... well, just a little bit, but if anyone feels like they would like to share their rain and push it over this way for just a little while, we'd be grateful. Welcome

The fire up near Sedona is winding down, with over 50% containment. There are still close to 900 firefighters there, down from 1200 earlier this week. Those that were evacuated are allowed to go home and they're reopening parts of 89A. They say that everything south of the highway is untouched, but the north part is devastated. 25,000 acres burned and still more to come. That was one of the prettiest drives in America, and it looks like it'll be a while before it is again. Curse They are still looking for the person that started it. Shoot
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, humid, and warm this morning at 70 degrees. Chances of rain run from now through next Thursday.

Yesterday I got the yard mowed and trimmed, hauled the yard waste away, and went for a bike ride. Today's agenda will include a trip to Menards and Sears.

My Fair Lady seems to be doing well today. We had chemo on Tuesday. On Wednesday she still felt pretty good due to the steroids that are given during chemo. By Thursday they had worn off and she had a pretty rough day. She bounced back yesterday but was still very weak. Today is better still. On our last visit with the doctor he said that the liver sac had definitely decreased in size which means the cancer cells are dying off. Our next chemo is on June 17th but it's gong to be a long day because before the chemo we are scheduled for a CT scan. The should give us a better progress report than a statement from the doctor saying that the liver sac feels smaller. The doctor's office gave us the dyes she needs to drink before the CT scan so My Fair Lady will have to start them on her own. Since some of the side effects can be rather messy (nausea and diarrhea) we'll be getting a motel room in Ames the night before.

I still need to get out to repair the track on the outdoor layout. Some of the tie strips broke (probably form large animals (deer) walking on them.) Fortunately it is right near a rail joint so it should be easy to fix.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. It's 71° with 100% humidity. Very cloudy with a high of 85° and decidedly wet with a fair chance of showers and thunderstorms.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond60.jpg]

No plans for today except of course to stay dry. I may get some freight cars out later and see what I can do to them regarding weathering.

As I said yesterday the Duodisk disk drive blew out the 0101 controller I use to test M0104/M0107/M0108 disk drives. As I need to have one on hand for testing I had to get a replacement from one of the other IIe's that was so equipped. I'll have to get a replacement for that one in July or August.

Last nights storms left behind quite a mess. I can hear the neighbors cleaning up their yards now before a new storm system comes through. Right now the radar doesn't show much but with the air coming up from the gulf that can quickly change. Hopefully I won't have to go anywhere today.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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