The power of the Internet
We had a weird thing happen around here yesterday. A young girl living in Tempe was playing a game on the Internet a few days ago and showed everyone that she had an assault rifle. Well, yesterday, she was playing the same game when a couple of guys broke into her apartment holding a gun on her and then stacking up stuff to take, including the rifle. Well, the screen showed everything that was going on, so someone in Europe that was also playing the game, called a friend in Tempe, who in turn, called 911 to report the home invasion. The bad guys were going to hang around until the banks opened in hopes of getting this girl to take out some money, but that didn't happen. The police got there in time to get one of them, the other was able to run away.

I'm sorry, but she used very bad judgment letting everyone know she had guns in the house. That is not a deterrent but a magnet for robbers. She was just lucky, the game had the live video in one corner of the game screen, and so someone saw what was going on and had the wherewithal to do something about it, even from the other side of the globe.

BTW, the entire incident was recorded, so I'm guessing it'll soon be a big deal on YouTube.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
A AK47 is a prized weapon as is the M16..Both are targets of theft.

Odd things about weapons though, in the case of a fire fight they can be picked up by the dozens along with hundreds of rounds of ammo neatly placed in clips..This is one way enemy guerrilla units arm their selves.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Brakie Wrote:A AK47 is a prized weapon as is the M16..Both are targets of theft.

Odd things about weapons though, in the case of a fire fight they can be picked up by the dozens along with hundreds of rounds of ammo neatly placed in clips..This is one way enemy guerrilla units arm their selves.

Yeah, they are easy to get here, most every gun dealer has several, and one that sends me flyers and email has a number of different variations and origins to choose from. This area was central to the government's debacle a few years back where they ran a bunch of AK's through dealers to Mexico, then lost track of a few thousand of them. We had several dealers raided before it became public the the feds where the ones responsible. Our government made it easy for the drug cartels to arm themselves with these weapons.

I belong to the NRA and they send me decals to put on my windows and cars, but I don't want to advertise the fact that I do have guns. If they're looking for guns, they don't need to stop by my house, and if they're just looking for trouble, surprise..... Shoot
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
AK47, M16, they have their place.
Long bow, Big Grin The neighbors don't have a clue, when this is used. Icon_twisted
Cross Bow, even better. Icon_twisted
Then again, being over 70, most of my "valuable" things have been sold, to buy groceries, and pay the( expletive deleted ) property taxes !!!. Anyone looking to score more than a penny or two, would do far better "investing" their time, somewhere else. Icon_lol Smile - - - -
Wink Active military service, 1961-1983, was a "learning experience" Wink Big Grin Cheers
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Long bow, Big Grin The neighbors don't have a clue, when this is used. Icon_twisted
Cross Bow, even better. Icon_twisted

The Army uses bows for silent "neutralizing" of guards.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
While I can agree with the sentiment here, I don't necessarily think the robbery occurred because she showed off her guns (in fact, I can't find that detail anywhere on the news stories I'm reading).

What I have read, is that apparently many people are experiencing break-ins on that street. I'm thinking this time it was just a coincidence, but its very fortunate that she was playing a game with a live cam feed.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:While I can agree with the sentiment here, I don't necessarily think the robbery occurred because she showed off her guns (in fact, I can't find that detail anywhere on the news stories I'm reading).

What I have read, is that apparently many people are experiencing break-ins on that street. I'm thinking this time it was just a coincidence, but its very fortunate that she was playing a game with a live cam feed.

You are right, the police have not talked about connecting the robbery to her showing the gun while on-line. The local TV news showed the robbery, then a picture of her holding the gun, more or less implying that the two were connected. Regardless, it was a foolish thing for her to do. And yes, it was fortunate that someone, a half-world away, was astute enough to get the police there as quickly as they did.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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