O scale 2 rail exhibition layout
Thanks Lutz, I really appreciate this. Smile
Look what turned up in the mail from my O scale supplier, Mr. Dickie!

[Image: 41528610292_909c89ef33_b.jpg]

Which immediately went into the paint shop, and now looks like this:

[Image: 27843193628_27b8ffe5de_b.jpg]

Interestingly, #100 was the first RS3 built for the L&N by Alco, way back in... November 1951. No idea what became of her in the end, but on Piedmont Blues she still lives! Or she will do, when I've finished weathering her up. Smile
Here she is after further application of Pan Pastels. Almost unrecognisable from her B&M origins.

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More work coming as and when I get the chance. Big Grin
Not much of an update this week, as I've been relaxing and playing xbox, as well as hitting the gym to try and get in better shape for a Tough Mudder event at the end of July.

I've done a little more work on L&N #100, trying to get the model to look more like the prototype photographs I'm working from.

Still a loooooong way to go, so be kind! Smile

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Please ignore the blu-tac covering the headlamps, I'm trying to keep paint/powders off them.

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Only a quick update for today. I had an hour this afternoon and managed to fit - and do the initial testing of - an ESU Loksound L V4 in my GP35. I need to build a speaker baffle to better fit the speaker into the fuel tank on the bottom of the loco, which will be a project for another day.

The decoder fitting was surprisingly simple. I do still need to wire in the headlights for the loco though, but again - project for another day! Big Grin

I'm happy - it works:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://youtu.be/5Geg6-s3wBA">https://youtu.be/5Geg6-s3wBA</a><!-- m -->
Inspired by suggestions from a user on another forum, I've had a go at a second draft of the proposed track plan. Much more interesting, I think. Smile

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Still a ways to go, but it's already less of a stark contrast as it was before. I noticed when assembling it that one of the handrails is broken, so I'm going to scratchbuild a replacement post and use wire to fashion the replacement handrail. Shouldn't take too much work. Smile

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For now, L&N #100 is complete. I'm just in the process of ordering some glazing sets from Jason Dickie, and then I'll need to save up for a new loksound decoder to go into it.

As such, I've started on the appearance of the GP35. I'll get photos as soon as I can. In the mean time...

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With the RS3 pretty much complete, I've made a start on GP35 #2709 - it just HAD to be a S&A unit. Smile

So far, I've added decals and then given it a light dusting of a light brown (almost green) Pan Pastel to tone down the black.

Got to build this up in layers, as the matt varnish sealer takes a lot of the pastel effect away. Still, it's a start.

I'm planning on taking photos after each stage of the weathering job so people can see how I do it. Smile

When the Southern RS3 gets it's turn, I plan on doing a video of the whole process too. Smile

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Greetings everyone!

It's been a while, but I am officially moved into my new home, and I've settled into my new layout room with gusto!

I now have the space to have Piedmont Blues set up permanently, with space to expand it around walls. I'm over the moon. Big Grin

[Image: 44419413971_12ca37039f_k.jpg]

Taking advantage of this, I used the new space to work on the layout a lot more to get it ready for the Seaboard Southern Exhibition that took place last Saturday.

I took a few photos from the day. Enjoy!

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Last night didn't see much progress on the layout, though I did finally manage to get round to replacing a broken truck-mounting pin on a Norfolk and Western bay window caboose, so that's another one to weather up and add to the fleet.

I also removed the cast on handrails and grab irons from a Williams centre cupola caboose kit and base painted it red. I also fitted some Intermountain (?) trucks. This will be getting some SOUTHERN decals to represent an ex-Savannah & Atlanta cab.

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Not a lot to add for now, I've been busy with other things. Ford has taken the centre module away to work on the wiring for the Arduino, and is planning to mount a dedicated power supply under the board to handle the next stage of the lighting, sound and animation for the layout.

I do have some photographs of some of my purchases from Seaboard Southern though. First, three TTX 86' flat cars from Jason Dickie:

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These will eventually become tri-deck open sided autoracks. Nothing like making life easy, eh? Big Grin

Finally, a Lionel(?) truss bridge I got for £10 from one of the other traders at the show:

[Image: 44196780504_e8de6b2bdb_b.jpg]

I'm going to have some fun with this one when the next stage of the layout comes along. Smile

More updates when I'm able.

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