The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VII.. Stop In!!!
Good Sunday morning to you all, we're in for a hot and sticky day, typical for us this time of the year. No rain yesterday, but there are still some pretty large puddles at a nearby construction site from Thursday night's rain. That 1.5" of rain might have dumped there, but we're about a half-mile from that site and it rained here, but not that much. Nope That's what happens here, we can see rain across the street and it'll by dry on our side. I guess that could happen anywhere, probably why the call them "scattered showers".... Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Cheers Cheers

They "scattered" to the other side of the street. :o Icon_twisted 357 357 357 357 357
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Not much going on here today. I've played a game of Star Fleet 1, rebuilt a disk drive and watched a bit of TV. Around 3pm I'll be going to my fathers place for some watermelon, always good on a summer day. I took some time this morning to make a short video of my vans first start of the day. That rest of the day it'll start without starting fluid providing it hasn't vapor locked.

Click image for video.
[Image: th_PIC_6191.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
evening all been a long tiring day. just starting one thing and have to do 3 other things to do the one job because you can't find what you need to do the first job. Just got interrupted again by the wife been this way all day lol Well things are starting to look good again but we will see for how long lol. just trying to relax now made a pot roast. for supper tonight used the crock pot. Turned out great wife made scallop potatoes to go with it. along with brown gravy and french style green beans. well hope all had a good weekend and it sounds it from what I read.
WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

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Played some games, watched a little TV (no movies today), had some watermelon with the family. I ate almost two-thirds of it! Hey, I was hungry. Worked on my van a bit until my back started screaming stop. One of those jobs was to tie up the right side tailpipe. I wanted to do it yesterday but life got in the way. Today I enlisted the help of my next door neighbor. He's a fire fighter with Sundown VFD as I was. He held up the pipe while I tied it up in place. The hanger broke months ago and the pipe had just been hanging and swaying around. That was the easy part. The hard part was getting up and for that I had to have help. Tomorrow I'll be fifty-four. I already feel like ninety.

Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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[Image: Image22.jpg]

[Image: Image9.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning. It's 77° with 97% humidity. Cloudy with a high of 92°.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

Not feeling too great this morning. My back feels like somebody's been jumping on it. Maybe working on the van was a bad idea.

At 12:07 this morning I officially became another year older. 12:07am 7/7/60.

I hope rest of the day goes a lot better than it has started.

[Image: Image4-1.jpg]

[Image: Image8.jpg]

[Image: Image14.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Morning all. Sunny and humid. Mayor stuff all day and tonight.

RB, someone told me it was your birthday. Happy Birthday.

Got to call dermatologist about left hand now. A place she froze on that hand has come back. Usually results in "cutting". Now here is one for you. Sending me to a hematologist this week. Blood count too high. May start giving blood once a month to get it down. ?????

Hope all have a great week.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Something I meant to include yesterday but forgot. My vans super expensive entertainment system. A $30 tape player/recorder.

[Image: DSCN6630.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
[quote="Running Bear"]Good morning. It's 77° with 97% humidity. Cloudy with a high of 92°.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

At 12:07 this morning I officially became another year older. 12:07am 7/7/60.

I hope rest of the day goes a lot better than it has started.

Jeff...You're just a whipper-snapper....I got 12 years on you..!! Have a good one..!!

Gus (LC&P).
RB, that is one rare sucker, I'd be sure to take it in a night and think about the Antique Roadshow the next time it comes your way. Icon_lol I've got a portable "Walkman-type", that I'm thinking about putting in one of those high end auctions. Nope All kidding aside, it's great to see old technology survive and even make a comeback like vinyl records.

I'm amazed, we got hit by the "scattered showers" phenomenon again. Watching the 5:00 PM news and they had a reporter out just a bit north of us describing how the wind was starting to kick up, and the weather gal inside was showing us a map of how the one cell was coming down from Wickenburg after dumping 1.25" of rain there, and another cell was coming in from the west. I haven't a clue where they went, and neither do they, no a drop of rain anywhere near us, even though Wickenburg is just 30 miles to the north. :?

I hope everyone has a great week, and to you RB, have a very Happy Birthday.... 548
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning Blue
After an overnight rain we have sun with hi in the 80s today.
Very humid
Last week was a busy one. We rested yesterday
No errands this morning
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
ezdays Wrote:RB, that is one rare sucker, I'd be sure to take it in a night and think about the Antique Roadshow the next time it comes your way. Icon_lol
I don't doubt it. I've had it for many years and I still have the ac adapter for it. That comes in handy sometimes as the unit runs on four AA batteries and they run down within a few hours. In the van it's powered through a 6v adapter that's connected to the vans fuse box.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Running Bear Wrote:
ezdays Wrote:RB, that is one rare sucker, I'd be sure to take it in a night and think about the Antique Roadshow the next time it comes your way. Icon_lol
I don't doubt it. I've had it for many years and I still have the ac adapter for it. That comes in handy sometimes as the unit runs on four AA batteries and they run down within a few hours. In the van it's powered through a 6v adapter that's connected to the vans fuse box.

Yeah, I find that with a lot of older electronics. I had a camera that would take about 10 or 15 pictures before the batteries needed to be changed. The one I have now, that's probably six years old, will take maybe a hundred or more shots before needing recharge. Things are getting more efficient, remember the old 7400 IC logic chips? The 4000 series used a fraction of the power than the older ones use, now we have most everything in one chip and again, at the fraction of power the old circuits used. Meanwhile, batteries are getting better as well...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:Yeah, I find that with a lot of older electronics. I had a camera that would take about 10 or 15 pictures before the batteries needed to be changed. The one I have now, that's probably six years old, will take maybe a hundred or more shots before needing recharge. Things are getting more efficient, remember the old 7400 IC logic chips? The 4000 series used a fraction of the power than the older ones use, now we have most everything in one chip and again, at the fraction of power the old circuits used. Meanwhile, batteries are getting better as well...
Yep, today's electronics are much more efficient than those in the past. A friend of mine (now deceased) had an ancient Honeywell computer in his basement. With all it's component pieces (cpu, tape drive, printer, sorter, etc) it weighed nearly five tons. I had a lot of fun playing with that thing. It loved electricity. The more the better. He had to call the power company and let them know it was going to be operation so they would be expecting the load. His electric bill could be as much as $700 a month and that was in 1984 dollars. By comparison I can have my //e (1980's technology) running all day every day and I see very little difference between my electric bill now and what it was before I started using the //e again. One thing is I'm not using the old power hog green screen monitor but a modern flat screen LCD TV.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Running Bear Wrote:Yep, today's electronics are much more efficient than those in the past. A friend of mine (now deceased) had an ancient Honeywell computer in his basement. With all it's component pieces (cpu, tape drive, printer, sorter, etc) it weighed nearly five tons. I had a lot of fun playing with that thing. It loved electricity. The more the better. He had to call the power company and let them know it was going to be operation so they would be expecting the load. His electric bill could be as much as $700 a month and that was in 1984 dollars. By comparison I can have my //e (1980's technology) running all day every day and I see very little difference between my electric bill now and what it was before I started using the //e again. One thing is I'm not using the old power hog green screen monitor but a modern flat screen LCD TV.

I might have mentioned this in the past, but the first computer I worked on was a Univac Solid-State 80/90 computer. The main processor took up about as much space as three or four refrigerators and included a drum memory with a capacity of 5000 10-digit bi-quinary (think abacus) words. It was state-of-the-art back in 1960 and ran at a blazing 2 megs. The display was a series of lights and the input was a small keypad. Weight? Dunno, but how much does four refrigerators weight, then double that...

[Image: BRL61-0962.jpg]
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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