Introducing The PistonBroke Line
hi ya Matt, good to see you and thanks for the comments, and thanks too Charlie, for your encouragement, it is nice to know someone is out there. 35
I'm sorry but I have been away for a bit and have been unable to post, but will try to grab some time and update the thread as soon as possible.
Be back soon.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
I have been watching this thread Popcornbeer , and for a so-called beginner your layout is outstanding. You sure you haven't done this before :?:

I got my first train when I was three,
put a hundred thousand miles on my knees.
nomad Wrote:I have been watching this thread Popcornbeer , and for a so-called beginner your layout is outstanding. You sure you haven't done this before :?:
Hi Loren, no, no, no, no, Sure haven't. I reckon it is pretty obvious, and everything here is internet born. I am 200kms away from the nearest shops and 500kms away from a LHS, and have really only just recently (3yrs now ) tried my hand at this stuff.
As most know I don't know much about trains, it is the whole "learning something new" and the old excuse "The grandkids will love it " byline that eases the conscience, but thanks for reading and the comments.
Well here we are again, back at the computer ready for another lesson in "Amateur Hour 101" 35 or ....
"The making of the Pistonbroke Line "
Welcome back, and by the look of all the cobwebs in here it's been a while, ....but I have been away and have not had much computer time lately....
Now back to the real business of Empire Building, Jack 219 and "The War Office " purchased the Cimmaron Mine from Over Seas a while back, (as I cannot find one here anywhere) and then set about reconstructing it so it could take pride of place on the Line.
So here is my first Laser cut build......
With apologies to those who have built this already (Lynn) & with a great fear of boring him to death here is some of their work..
The photographers were fairly busy ( well its easier to take photos than actually get your hands dirty isn't it )
...........and we can all read pictures now can't we?

Tipple supports
[Image: 100_1159.jpg]

and bents
[Image: 100_1180.jpg]

The Tipple
[Image: 100_1160.jpg]

Putting them all together
[Image: 100_1176.jpg]

[Image: 100_1184WinCE.jpg]

A bit of paint & a tarpaper roof on the Tipple house
[Image: 100_1207.jpg]

Here is the wheel
[Image: 100_1203.jpg]

And the wheelhouse taking shape
[Image: 100_1222.jpg]

Together at Last
[Image: 100_1227.jpg]

Caffienne break for the Boss, @# so you blokes can have a quick Smoko and be back in 5, to put this thing in-situ,...... And no sneeking off home this needs all hands.

Right back to work

First the Realestate
[Image: 100_1041.jpg]

Then to transport the buildings
[Image: 100_1244.jpg]

A touch of site works to fit things together
[Image: 100_1246.jpg]

Tunnel portal one end
[Image: 100_1259.jpg]

Rock entrance the other
[Image: 100_1260.jpg]

Setting the scene
[Image: 100_1266.jpg]

Add a bit of ground stuff
[Image: 100_1274.jpg]

Plant some trees
[Image: 100_1275.jpg]

And Voila
[Image: 100_1285.jpg]

A bit of rockface still to go,..... and a bit of rail etc up in the tipple ....but in the main I'm done. Cheers

Time for a beer and and a good lie down.
I hope most stayed with me, and I will take all suggestions seriously, ...... 2285_ well nearly all.
It was a great litte build for this Bull elephant, and I enjoyed it immensely.

Those photos have probably cost you all a mint to download, but think of the effort to bring them to you. Nope

Off you go and play now, time of next boring hour to be advised.

Jack 219 and "The war Office"[Image: face081qz.gif]
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
wow jack,your tipple looks fantastic Thumbsup Confusedhock: ,actually having it lighted with an interior and main wheel is a great touch Thumbsup .keep postin pics of these awesome scratchbuilds!--josh
Women may not find you handsome,but they'll atleast find you handy--Red Green
C&O ALL THE WAY--[Image: chessie.gif]
Jack, that scene looks fantastic!! I love all the bolders, trees, ground cover, grass..... man that looks great!! Thumbsup Thumbsup
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Your Welcome Jack. It's good to be back here. The progress you made is amazing. Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Well done! Thumbsup

Incredible work!!

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
As I was scrolling down through the thread my wife saw the last picture and exclaimed "I really like that!". I have to agree! Very nice work!
Ralph and all the other moderators.....I am beginning to think this guy is pulling a fast one.
I think his real name used to be John Allen.
Well, at least maybe he is a reincarnation.
I don't think I have ever seen such outstanding work from a 3 year modeler. You sir will be the head of the class for years to come.
Now your problem is to keep building new things so we can enjoy them.
There is not enough room on this page to give you all the credit you deserve.
Wowzerrrz. :oops: How embarassment you guys.
But thanks all the same Charlie, that $500 bucks I slipped you certainly did the trick, but now I better expel a few myths before the legend gets uncontrollable. Icon_lol
Also thanks to Ralph and his lovely wife, Matt and Tetters, and Mathew and the two Joshs for their kind words ......I love you Guys......
However, at least a few people ( wgrider (Lynn)and Mathew Miller) were around when I was trying to find a trackplan on another site hosted by Disisme a few years back as I was starting out,
( when even finding the on/off switch on the computer was a drama for me)
so they can vouch that I am not the ghost of modelers past. Although it would help at times. Big Grin
Bigsteel Wrote:wow jack,your tipple looks fantastic Thumbsup Confusedhock: ,actually having it lighted with an interior and main wheel is a great touch Thumbsup .keep postin pics of these awesome scratchbuilds!--josh
Thanks Josh but I am not at the level where I can scratchbuild, it was a lasercut kit, enjoyable as a first try, and was inspired by Lynns' (wgrider) build of the same kit.
You guys should all pat yourself on the back for the professionalism of the builds and weathering, and the information one can glean from this site, I have seen some amazing stuff here, and as I said before it is the only practical way I have of learning in this hobby.

I do have a bit more stuff done and will post updates as soon as possible, I wish I had more time to spend. Nope

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
OBJack Wrote:However, at least a few people ( wgrider (Lynn)and Mathew Miller) were around when I was trying to find a trackplan on another site hosted by Disisme a few years back as I was starting out,
( when even finding the on/off switch on the computer was a drama for me)
so they can vouch that I am not the ghost of modelers past. Although it would help at times. Big Grin

Ah ha, that's were I remember you from. I knew the name and everything just couldn't place it. Icon_lol Good to see you here. Cheers
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
At the risk of boring some who may have seen this before, here are a couple of posts (from another site) of my one and only attempt at a scratchbuild project.

I am going where I have never been before, so look after me if I get lost on the way, and offer kindly advice on where I can Improve, but be gentle.
That said..............
I am prepared to embarrass myself in front of the forum :oops: (not for the first time ) and try my hand at scratchbuilding ........for the first time.

I am going to attempt to construct an old one way/ one lane wooden traffic bridge over a section of the layout.

Here is the spot, so let the construction begin 2285_
[Image: 100_1050.jpg]

First a jig for the standy uppy bits
[Image: 100_1845.jpg]
I stole it from the cimmaron mine project and made a few extra cuts to hold the longer "standy uppy bits"

and Voila two..... bents?
[Image: 100_1847.jpg]

Then I added some beams
( just guessing a bit at the at the size of the timber to use )
[Image: 100_1848.jpg]

A few bearers
[Image: 100_1858.jpg]

And some decking
[Image: 100_1852.jpg]

To fast........
Gotta stop now Boys, a hot flush just hit me. I think I'm punching out of my division here, will sleep on it and see what the future brings for the apprentices on the construction gang.
They might all be out of a job when the War Office gets back and surveys the damage.
More soon ........ Goldth ........if we are still employed tomorrow.

Jack 219 Hammer


OK so the next bit of comedy comes in the form of the posts and rails along the sides
[Image: 100_1859.jpg]

As you can see I have already tried to age it a bit without to much success, but will try to rectify that later.

I didn't know how high these railings should be ..................and with one casualty already on the deck, ( see above for evidence) Eek I thought I had better hurry and make a decision

A guinea pig was hogtied and made to stand "Bare" a*sed naked ....'cept for his hat ....on the bridge for a height gauge
[Image: 100_1867.jpg]

Looked about right, Misngth so we fired him and moved on.

Did the other side nearly the same
[Image: 100_1868.jpg]
In the photo above, if you look hard enough, you can see I have added a couple of running boards a car width apart for the vehicles to use.

Another Photo from the scratchbuild police as they flew over the site ... looking for bodies probably.
[Image: 100_1875.jpg]

Next job, is for the crew to put up pieces of tin along the railings to stop any more people committing suicide.

But that will have to wait a while as they are all on stress leave at the moment, they say it is because of that dude who fell to his death a few photos back, but I think it is because they put in a solid 5 hours work for the first time.

Will post more when/if they resume work. 35

Jack 219

Even later.......

So without going overboard this time, and after all the remaining LPBs have had their R & R and returned to work, it was time to sheet the sides of the bridge with corrugated iron, Nope

So second hand Iron was sourced,........... :mrgreen:
.........or if not scrap metal, maybe it just looks that way because it has taken so long to build, that the Iron has deteriorated ........Anywho, I know that this is the end result,

After only one death and many beers later Cheers
[Image: 100_1878.jpg]

One side of the old bridge
[Image: 100_1876.jpg]

The Barely recognizable other side
[Image: 100_1877.jpg]

Now to transport it to a place on the PistonBroke line. :arrow:

A couple of early pics in position
[Image: 100_1888.jpg]

[Image: 100_1927-1.jpg]

Looking along the bridge
[Image: 100_1893.jpg]

A bit of early morning work
[Image: 100_1924.jpg]

[Image: 100_1946.jpg]

As you can see the next works programme will be for a stone type abutment to join the bridge up with hill
[Image: 100_1947.jpg]

here it is a few weeks on
[Image: img_0238.jpg]

Sorry if I have jammed you computers up with all the Photos, but now you can see what I have tried to achieve, and I need some advice on whether I have to seal the weathering powders I used with something like dullcote, or do you just leave as is?

I have a photocopy of a photo of the kitbuild (phew ) I have tried to copy somewhere, and will try to post it if possible.

Jack 219 of all trades Master of none
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
I'm speechless.
Thumbsup Thumbsup
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"

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