Lighthouse Railroad Photos
Hello, as promised here are a few photos of the structures and other other objects of interest on my layout.
I have quite a few photos so I will not put them all in one post.

Firstly Some trackside structures (Walthers).
Secondly Photos of my first time putting together a resin kit; It's a Lobster boat from Seaport Models.
Thirdly A photo of my layout (12x13) as of Feb 2015, as you can see no landscaping has been done because the layout will be moved to another part of the basement in a few years.

I have so much more to learn so any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Thank you

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The little boat is cute but the many many pillars of the pier are really impressive.
Great modeling!! Smile

Having done the same thing in "G", I really admire the pillars too. I also like the interior details of the tower.

The captain of the boat needs a seat!! Thumbsup
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
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~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Nice Thumbsup
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Hello e-paw, ngauger and farawy, thank you for your compliments and comments, it's very much appreciated.
Indeed I do agree, the captain of the shrimp boat does need a seat to take a break once in a while.
As for the switching tower, I went on the internet and searched for switching tower interiors and printed a few to come up with a decent fit, added a few styrene scraps for the sticks added a figure and lighting.
As for the pier, It's a Campbell kit and was put together by a veteran modeler.
I bought it at my local hobby shop, the person was downsizing is layout.
It was at the very beginning of my layout built and I was impressed with quality of the craftsmanship.
It's a nice addition to my layout.

Thank you and have a nice day Wink
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> has HO scale laser cut lobster pot kits, if you want to add a few more to your neat Lobster boat.
You can see them on the dock. Since this picture was taken, I have added a dozen to the sloop, and another dozen to the dock area.

Your lobster boat is very nicely done. Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Serge, very nice buildings and layout, I am looking forward to seeing more of it.
Hello Sumpter, I really like your harbor scene and your right I should add more lobster traps on the dock.
I like GC Laser products, I purchased from them a "stake bed" kit for a Mini Metals truck and it looks really nice.

Hello Charlie, there are more photos to come, but first I have to resize them for the forum.

Thank you both for your feedback and compliments, they are greatly appreciated.
Nice work! I really like that pic of the tug, the warf, and the cannery above. Thumbsup
Very nice modeling !!

Andy Kramer - modeling the Milwaukee Road in Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Road is alive and well and running in my basement
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Hello Ralph and Andy, thank you for the nice compliments they are very much appreciated.
The cannery above will be in a future list of photos.

Thank you.
You got the makings of a great little layout there! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
scribbelt Wrote:.... no landscaping has been done because the layout will be moved to another part of the basement in a few years....
How far are the tracks laid and switch motors installed etc?
The underlaying woodwork looks very robust and like segments. Is there no chance to "complete" the layout with scenery with defined segment borders and move it later?
Hello Mike, thank you for the nice compliment it's very much appreciated.

Hello Faraway, the complete layout will have to have be moved about 15 ft from it's actual site and the new emplacement configuration is different (11x16).
I also noticed that the track layout I presently have only has 1 mainline, I would like to have 2 mainlines; the "point to point" configuration does not suit my likings.
Some parts of the benchwork will be salvageable and all of my track joiners and turnouts (#4 Atlas) are not welded and I don't have any switch motors.
The top frame is made out of 2x4 and 5/8" plywood; my biggest mistake are the 2x2 legs, they will all be replaced by L shaped 1x3.
You are correct by saying that the layout is in sections but I don't like the track configuration I presently have so that means back to square 1.
These are the reasons I did not want to spend any money on landscaping, foam, ground cover, plaster etc. I've seen layout demos on YouTube and it's looks kind of messy job with all the bits of foam and plaster.

A new challenge will be fun but stressful at the same time because I have a vision for detail not the complete layout; that's when my wife comes into the picture; she can visualize the whole layout before it's even started, I just have to tell her what I have in mind and she can draw a sketch of the layout.

To be continued......
Here are more photos of structures on my layout.

Borden's Dairy Products is a DPM kit I added a loading dock, lighting and shadow box; all the signs are made on my computer or downloaded from the internet.
The Borden reefer was built with the frame of an old car I had, I simply repainted it and added decals. The Borden trucks are also vehicles I had; I repainted them and added signs and decals.
The big truck is made by IMEX and the smaller one is a LifeLike.

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