S gauge box cars from a box of loose parts
2 pics of a scratch built stock car completed.


Great job there on the stock car. Nice addition to what's out there and will be visually different. As for the paint job on your box car, mask off the car and just repaint the logo. Do a thin coat so the logo kind of shows up underneath the paint patch. Then put your reporting marks on it and run it that way. I have seen plenty of that kind of paint job on the UP over the years. Old MP or WP quickly painted over in a square patch of shiney new paint. UP sold some MP box cars to the Alaska Railroad and all they did was paint over the MP buzz saw logo and change the MP to ARR.

The patch idea sounds like a good recovery method. But I still will eventualy will get some custom decals or transfers made of the logo made .
I cleaned up the Logo a little.



Here is some more boxcars in progress


3 pics of boxcar builds, will soon start looking over the castings to see how many are useable and then alter the masters to get a better mold.

I have yet to use the castings because it requires a bit of clean up of flash, I know I have some doors and a couple end parts that came out ok and the floors seem alright it is the sides that could use some improvement.



I painted up another box car this one is gray primer and will be a M.O.W. boxcar the next will be a GERN box car Icon_lol So in the painting stage I have a BIG Blue, A BFT and a mow box in the works and a GERN in the planning stage, that leaves me with one set of original parts as of yet to be assembled and the the masters that need reworked a bit so I can make a better mold. I may have enough cast parts to make one more box car. Other than that this project is being put on the back burner while I work on the Ruby Belle tow boat. Once the tow boat is complete will pick back up on the other stuff in the works.
Well here is a pic of the MOW boxcar painted gray.

I have found a better way to reproduce box cars similar to these kits---not casting and molding but 3D rendering and 3D printing see the thread in all other hobbies under 3D printers.
Just revisiting an old thread,

All projects I am working on got shelved once I started the job I now have but plan on starting back up after January (the end of busy season at work).

I will continue to work with both resin casting and 3D printing train cars in-between projects already started.

1. Two On30 bashing trains
2. S gauge box cars(styrene kits and resin copies there of)
3. S gauge/scale stock cars(made a ton of sides and made a second mold as first one wore out)
4. O scale boat "Ruby Belle"
5. Wire up the Lionel display layout permanently/start getting the operating accessories
6. Start S gauge portion of display layout
7. Complete the coaling tower scratch build
8. Scan in some more of my growing stack of model train magazines to usb drive.
9. Anything else that comes along that is of interest.
Latest pic of S kit boxcar with an actual decal of BFT applied, stay tuned some more decaling yet to be done on this box car :hey:

latest pic of boxcars


Hi all will attempt to return the pics of my BFT decaled box car(s)






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