Tran Strikes, Drags Semi
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Surprise ending!
That truck driver has no excuse, all the flashing lights and air horn but he drives right though. And after just being stopped by the police he should have been on his best behavior, not driving without looking or paying attention. And he probably scared the c---- out of the poor train crew. There is nothing more frightening then hitting a large truck when you are in the engine cab.
Modeling the Canadian National prairie region in 1959.
Thankfully everybody was OK, apart from bruised egos.

I have a theory that the snow on the ground made it easier for the truck to slide along in front of the locomotive, whereas normally the tires on the truck would be digging into the ballast and bouncing off the sleepers/cross ties. Now I dont have much experience with snow conditions, but what do you guys think? Plausible explanation?

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More
Serious brain fart on behalf of the truck driver . He should be buying a lottery ticket after that fortunate outcome .
To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Mr Fixit Wrote:Thankfully everybody was OK, apart from bruised egos.

I have a theory that the snow on the ground made it easier for the truck to slide along in front of the locomotive, whereas normally the tires on the truck would be digging into the ballast and bouncing off the sleepers/cross ties. Now I dont have much experience with snow conditions, but what do you guys think? Plausible explanation?


I think it came down to the fact the strike was just right to turn the truck and drag it along parallel. The wheels could easily deal with some uneven ground that way. If the truck had been pushed perpendicular to the loco, the damage and injuries would have been far worse, because the wheels would have dug in or caught on the ties. The driver was also very lucky that the train was not moving faster than it was... :o

The hand rails on the front platform step probably caught the left front wheel or bumper of the tractor unit as the train pushed it aside and then it just rolled along beside the train. It appears to be a grain trailer and the tarp is rolled up so it would have been empty. Had it been loaded it probably would have ripped free and not gone down the track.
Modeling the Canadian National prairie region in 1959.
I suspect the driver got a ticket and was in a huff to get out of the area and thought he could beat the train.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Lucky he wasn't killed.
He admits in the video that he was not paying attention and followed the vehicle in front of him.

I strongly suspect that clean underwear was his first concern; however, I think he is one very lucky guy. Surviving this without a scratch happens very rarely.

Anyway, I thought it would be if interest to this group. Thumbsup

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