Small Stamp Mill
I've decided that my next project will be a scratchbuilt small stamp mill from the book: Structure Plans Vol 1, Wood frame and stone structures. It's available on the Model RR hobbyist site.
[Image: DSCF5439_zpsznrhokvz.jpg]
I photocopied the plans so I can doodle and write on the pages. Even though it's called a small stamp mill, it's still 75 feet long so the published plans are half-size.
[Image: DSCF5440_zpsnzfmebkk.jpg]
I've had to double them to make templates for all the walls. I've done the two front walls so far.
I've done a fair amount since my first posting, time to update!
[Image: DSCF5442_zpsekm7uewv.jpg]
After I enlarged all the plans I photocopied them all to make template for the walls.
[Image: DSCF5444_zpsxltlxert.jpg]
[Image: DSCF5445_zps9rca7ms0.jpg]
Then I transferred them onto some 3/16 foam core board which will be the main structure of the building with Board and Batten sheet laminated on top.
[Image: DSCF5446_zpssyntbpdo.jpg]
There are 11 walls in the build and it took almost an entire 2X3' sheet of foam core board to make all the walls.

[Image: DSCF5447_zps0pmynae4.jpg]
Next was the laminating of the Board and batten, the foam board had a tendency to curve just a bit when the wood sheet was glued so I placed them between two books while drying.
[Image: DSCF5448_zpsexn8bzdx.jpg]
[Image: DSCF5454_zpsjpnljwuc.jpg]
Then I did some experimenting with stains and coloring. I ended up deciding on staining the wood with a gray wreathing stain, then using pastels to simulate dry fading paint over top.
[Image: DSCF5452_zpsonm9acxm.jpg]
I painted the backsides of all the walls black and some of the larger walls still needed some straightening so I used some 1/4" pine as a reinforcement.
[Image: DSCF5456_zpsqxaqwait.jpg]
I stained all the walls with the gray stain, some areas got more than others.
[Image: DSCF5460_zpskxfx4q75.jpg]
I also framed the two large openings for ore delivery, using 4X12 lumber, then staining them.
Then I started applying the pastels, starting with the back walls to get the feel for it.
[Image: DSCF5459_zpsqy0oujov.jpg]
Finally I started the prep for all the windows and doors, primering them in gray.
[Image: DSCF5458_zps6fuibpzc.jpg]
I plan to airbrush the doors and windows in a light buff if I can.
Cheers Cheers "LOOKIN' GOOD" so far.
I have three module frames, that I intended using for an On30 switchback. I will have to give something like this, serious thought, as a possible industry, for that 30" gauge line. Thumbsup Thumbsup Cheers
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Thanks for following. The real challenge may be to fit it into the layout after, that will require some major landscape revisions.

I colored the walls today:
[Image: DSCF5461_zpsrk4eeevd.jpg]
I scraped the pastel chalk directly onto the walls and then used a stiff brush to scrub it in.
[Image: DSCF5463_zpsgkwavunp.jpg]
The areas that look lighter are the ones that had less gray stain in them. After I was finished with the chalk I sealed it with some testors dulcote. It darkened it slightly but still kept the effect.
[Image: DSCF5464_zpsfnsffc4x.jpg]
I also airbrushed all the windows and doors with polly-s depot buff. I'm in the middle of installing those now.
This is great work!!
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Great stuff sir.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Thanks Guys.
I installed all the windows and doors over the past couple days:
[Image: DSCF5465_zpssoy6upp6.jpg]
I carefully trimmed the battens back so the windows would sit flush on the wall boards.
[Image: DSCF5466_zpshbdctgpl.jpg]
I used 'gallery glass' to form the window glass. It's a liquid that is thick enough to bridge the empty space in a window and then dries clear. I also painted the foundation on the front in polly-s old concrete.
[Image: DSCF5473_zps3kybmfs3.jpg]
Next I start to glue wall sections together.
I got a little sidetracked over the past week with some rolling stock projects.
But I did get some work done on the stamp mill:
[Image: DSCF5530_zpszgv5d8ye.jpg]
I've slowly been gluing the walls together, clamping them at 90 degree angles as I go. I made some 1" square pieces of foam core as reinforcements for some of the joints. I have two more walls to go before I fabricate the final wall for the right fit.
I finally got all the walls together on the stamp mill:
[Image: DSCF5535_zpskplynrl2.jpg]
This is probably going to be the largest structure on my layout when its done.
[Image: DSCF5536_zpstkenqfsr.jpg]
and the tallest!
[Image: DSCF5537_zpsk7pltznl.jpg]
Now I hope that everything is square enough for the roof to be installed right (with minimal warp-age)
[Image: DSCF5538_zpstgmc1ysk.jpg]
the final wall piece was the small one on this side. I had to wait until everything else was glued together before fabricating this one to ensure everything was more or less square. next I start adding the roof sheets.
I managed to get the roof sheets onto my stamp mill these past couple days.
[Image: DSCF5546_zpsvqswp0tj.jpg]
I had to cut, paint and glue most of the panels one at a time. turns out my model wasn't as square as I thought it was.
[Image: DSCF5547_zpsakskclfc.jpg]
[Image: DSCF5549_zpsbcsouyz4.jpg]
[Image: DSCF5548_zpsnmi8csqu.jpg]
one flaw was I made one smaller wall a bit too short, resulting in the gap you see at the peak. I'll make a patch for this and probably add a vent to hide the flaw.
Not I have to calculate the square inches of the roofs to I can figure out how much corrugated roofing material I'll need. Then I'll have to order it. In the mean time I can work on the corner and roof trim as well as the foundation.
A lot of work to be done yet.
look'n good... Cheers
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Thank you.
I added the corner and eve trim on the mill:
[Image: DSCF5551_zpskviyeoiz.jpg]
I also framed the hole in the top of the wall, making look more like it was supposed to be there.
[Image: DSCF5550_zpsfdw4gvnm.jpg]
I've started to work on foundation parts and I ordered the roofing material. I also still have to build the loading dock, stair way to the side door and the floor of the unloading area.
I've made a bit of progress
[Image: DSCF5580_zpste4r0aki.jpg]
I added the foundation to most of the sides, as well as the floor in the back.
[Image: DSCF5581_zpswhx7oqhm.jpg]
The rough foundation area on the side is where a retaining wall will come out of. That will be built in the scenery when the model gets planted.
[Image: DSCF5582_zpsukhqsj7h.jpg]
The plan is to have the foundation pieces rest on the layout's base and build the slopes up beside it and under the rear floor using high density foam.
More later...
Applause Applause Applause
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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