ISL 2016 - Thinking out loud
I cant have a wide shelf for the fiddle shelf, it sits behind a door that opens from the right hand side, only have 4 inches max.

Here is a very out of scale and dimension idea of what JBV could look like... Just the basic idea, lots to work on...


Looks like your cad program is using sectional track so it forces the dogleg on you. If you use flex track you're don't have to worry about it. In fact just use flex track everywhere & not worry about possible electrical problems between each & every section. If you move the bottom spur to the left you won't have to worry about switching w/ it being in middle of siding & you could put another industry in there. In fact don't have any actual buildings on the front edge to get in the way. Just have unloading spots for freight cars.
Also if you look at maps & aerials most RR sidings & spurs are parallel to the mainline, not at angles like in your plan. Those angles are probably caused by your cad program. Most industries are located in city blocks so the locations of tracks & buildings are restricted that way. Below is an idea for your plan.

Andy Jackson
Santa Fe Springs CA
ATSF/LAJ Ry Fan & Modeler
Thought you guys might like to see some of the prototypes I used in getting to this. Things I've learnt in the last few years modeling is that there is never a definitive way to do things. Every area, raillway, customer and topography throws up variances in designs, run arounds and reverse spurs..

Unfortunately the "s" bend...S for slight is a necessary evil as I do not want a bend in my fiddle yard. If I take it straight it meets too far into the fiddle area.


PS all track is Flex using AnyRail6
lajry Wrote:Looks like your cad program is using sectional track so it forces the dogleg on you. If you use flex track you're don't have to worry about it. In fact just use flex track everywhere & not worry about possible electrical problems between each & every section. If you move the bottom spur to the left you won't have to worry about switching w/ it being in middle of siding & you could put another industry in there. In fact don't have any actual buildings on the front edge to get in the way. Just have unloading spots for freight cars.
Also if you look at maps & aerials most RR sidings & spurs are parallel to the mainline, not at angles like in your plan. Those angles are probably caused by your cad program. Most industries are located in city blocks so the locations of tracks & buildings are restricted that way. Below is an idea for your plan.


I like your revised track plan Andy, however, by moving the bottom spur further to the left you reduce the number of cars which can be pulled and shoved into the spur in one movement.

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Agreed Mal, you can't move the switch farther south without losing out on space for pulling cars. The S bend as well doesn't work out well if I don't have it as the bend ends up in the fiddle yard which I don't want.


I'm going to play a bit with some of the comments and see what a more "prototypical" building line approach gives. The origional idea was to have some variation from the boring one directional theme.
The only person your layout has to please is you. You need to listen to other folks ideas, but in the end it comes down to what pleases you and you want and like.
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
should work ok with flexi track


Catt Wrote:The only person your layout has to please is you. You need to listen to other folks ideas, but in the end it comes down to what pleases you and you want and like.

I agree..If some folk seen how I design a ISL they might faint. Icon_lol Advice is good but,in the end the layout must please the builder. I would welcome that gentle "S" curve with open arms since it adds character to the track design and placing low industry buildings on the front of the layout is no great concern. I've done it for decades with no issues. Besides a urban canyon adds character to the ISL..

With that said I will say what I 've said many times over the years. While building a ISL you gotta think outside the normal layout design box or have a boring ISL or a fancy Time Saver. Lance Mindheim is on the right track for designing ISLs..

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Hi Ray, I've tried it, will only work if I have a bend back into the fiddle area...train with four cars...not really an issue but I dont mind the S..

At the end of the day, it's your ISL and if your happy ,that's all that matters, you can now get on with the build, we're all waiting :wait:

I like this, might need to get over the curve on the fiddle area...

Decided against one big facility on the left.

SSWUPinSA Wrote:I like this, might need to get over the curve on the fiddle area...

Decided against one big facility on the left.

Sweet! I like it.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
looks good, but will you be able to couple up to that tank car with that curve, might be better straight, just a thought Icon_idea


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