end of the spur

Great looking layout! Applause

Cheers Lutz

here's a few more photos taken at the weekend of#5 doing a bit of switching

Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Excellent modeling! Thanks for the inspiration.
Ray, what styrene profile did you use for the upper side of the structure? It looks like some sort of corrugation.
here you go
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.peco-uk.com/product.asp?strParents=3351,3352&CAT_ID=3355&P_ID=18001">http://www.peco-uk.com/product.asp?strP ... P_ID=18001</a><!-- m -->

well, got the last piece of the jigsaw at TVNAM over the weekend, the last of the stock for the layout


TVNAM is a one day show, for American modellers both layout and trade, and even got to meet and talk with Prof Klyzir all the way from Aus.
Here's a short video of the show.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TPk8RE-08E">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TPk8RE-08E</a><!-- m -->

Very nice models and great show.Thanks for sharing.
Ray, the last of the stock for the layout you say?
"He says with a nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say No More, say No More."
I'm sure if your used to dealing with Pounds then you will get my tongue in cheek reference. 35
We all say something like that to ourselves and significant others, but is it really the last. Nope

Nice purchases by the way, keep up the postings.

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More
caught the afternoon shift doing there last run, just enough light as the sun set

#2 arriving with a corn syrup tank
pulling the corn syrup tanks
heading for home after spotting a box car at door 1

Is that light from a lamp or natural light through a window?
That middle picture looks more like early morning between 5:30 and 6:00 AM. Thumbsup

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!

Leased power today, one of the S2's has a problem

long island jack Wrote:Once the track was secured, everything was wire up, point control is by a on-on slide switch, barbeque skewer and bike spokes .


Hi Ray, thanks for an amazingly inspirational layout. I'd like to know more about this method you used for your switches, where can I see more on this setup and how it works?

I'm trying to come up with a simple manually operated system for one or two switches on my future layout, just ones I might battle reaching..
i'll have a go at explaining the build.

I used
BBQ Skewer
bike spoke
on-on slide switch
piano wire
choc block connector
25mm aluminium angle

first prepare the angle for the switch, then drill a 2mm hole through the knob on the slide switch, then, push the 2mm machine screw through and screw on the 3mm plastic tube, now drill a hole the same size as the piano wire and epoxy the wire in, solder the wires for the frog control on to the switch and leave to harden.
now drill a hole in the front of the layout(my skewers were recessed into the front) in line with the tie bar of the point (assuming you've drilled a hole under the tie bar before fixing to layout for the piano wire, I did a 10 mm hole) slide your skewer through, on the other side you may need some sort of support for the choc block connector,(see photo),fix your switch to the under side of the point pushing the piano wire up through the tie bar, mark the holes and fix with small screws( I made my holes slots this gave a bit of sideward play for lining up the tie bar), now take your bike spoke and bend to line up with the skewer, once your happy, use the threaded end of the spoke and screw into the 3mm plastic tube.
next slide a choc block connector onto the spoke and then slide the skewer into the other side of the choc block and tighten the screws, test it works and do any fine tuning, connect your wires to the bus, when happy ,cut the piano wire level with top of tie bar.
photo showing front of layout with recesses for BBQ skewers

hope this helps any questions fire away

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