Mooreway finally begins construction on a layout
Recently I started a new layout, based on T-Trak standards. It is rather simple, yet meets my new criteria.
1) Can I enjoy seeing trains run. ( I won't be able to run long trains or operate, but I can enjoy seeing
them run after a long day of stairing at computer screens )
2) Will It fit in the space I have avalible. ( It is designed to fit on a closet shelf, out of reach of my young often too eager helpers)
3) Is it portable and will it allow for sharing of the hobby with others. ( yup sets up on a table in about 5 minutes and is easy to move.)
4) will it provide a challenge ( yup building beleivable scenes in a small space will be a fun new challenge.)

Anyway yesterday I finished the " Bench Work"

[Image: ttrak1.jpg]

Over the next month or so I plan to enjoy building 8 "mini" scenes and sharing the proccess of building them with all of my friends here.
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In honor of the first running of trains on the new railroad the Board of Directors Gathers
to see what the excitement is about.

[Image: ttrak2.jpg]

Utah Railway 2008 makes an appearance in front of a cardstock mock up of the soon to be MooreWay Station.
[Image: ttrak3.jpg]

Sorry the pictures arn't as clear as I would like, 35 I am breaking in a new camera and still getting the settings figured out.
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Oh sure, passed me up already on the build. I need to get to work on my modules. Someone needs to come over with his drill and make the holes on the canyon one. 35 Hint, hint, Mr. Mooreway. Smile
Cheers Simple is beautiful!

The smaller it is the more likely it is to get finished without working on it for 10 years! 357

No doubt the board of directors are already full of ideas and proposals (thet usually are Wink )

You must have very big clossets over there :o .

Mooreway, its good to see a new layout has been started!! :mrgreen:

Im looking forward to seeing some more progress on the layout!! 2285_ Keep up the good work Thumbsup
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Didn't get as much done this week as I had hoped. Did some base coat painting on the straight modules and started one set of end mountains. Hoping to get alot more done this weekend. Anyway here is a picture of the starting point for the small hills to end the layout with.

[Image: ttrak4.jpg]
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looking good! It'd be neat to get a bunch of members here to scenic individual T track modules and then put 'em all together somewhere somehow!
Very interesting thread James,
I've heard about T-Trak before and bookmarked their site but my 1st reaction was : "Why should I jump into T-Trak modules when I have a hollow core door"
I'm glad you posted that thread because now N scale modelers can see what a Gauge member can do with T-Trak.
Nice kids too .
I'm looking forward to see some scenery on those modules.

Well done.

How goes the battle?
The "Board of Directors" has kept me way too busy the last few weeks. Hence I havn't got as far as I would have liked.

However here are a couple of pictures of progress on my first module which will be a trackside view of some Row Houses.

[Image: ttrak5.jpg]

Kits all cut out and colored ready for beveling and glue up.

[Image: ttrak6.jpg]

Kits assembled without roofs seeing how they will fit on the modules.

Hope to pick up some more supplies at a train show this weekend since the LHS is having a hard time deciding to stock the things I need for the scenery.
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Looking good!! I like the houses and the way you have them layed out Thumbsup
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
After a couple months break from my project due to various outside influences, the board of directors met and decided that things better get moving again on our layout.

Step one aquire perminent realestate with a door to keep over anxious board members from working without proper authorization.

( I finally got the shelving in our 2 storage closets finished so there is room it mine for the train. Confusedhock:

[Image: CLOSET1.jpg]

now I just need to add in the extentions that will support the front of the layout.
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The "Company" row module.

[Image: ROW1.jpg]

Still needs the details added and some of the grass needs to be replanted after my daughter " mowed" it. (Thus the need for a more secure storage spot. noted above 35 )

My Daughters " Dora Module"

[Image: DORA1.jpg]

My kids are huge Dora the Explorer fans so we took some figurines from they got a while back and make a soccer scene. The plan is to add a nice picket fence so Dora is looking down and a ride on train from her now "G scale" proportions. This module should be a hit at the shows. ( The pink sky board will soon be replaced with a nice blue one)
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3 new modules under construction.

The end module.

This module will just be a basic hill scene. I am trying new hill building techniques with scultpimold and foam. so far so good

[Image: end2.jpg]

[Image: end1.jpg]

The Gravel Pit.

This module is being built with my son who along with trains loves excavation equipment. This pit will supply ballast for the layout. and be our first industry.
[Image: PIT2.jpg]
[Image: PIT1.jpg]
[Image: PIT3.jpg]

The River

In all my years of modeling I have yet to construct a water scene, so with my daughters help I have started a "river" module. Right now we are negotiating what kind of bridge to construct, and what else will be in the scene.

[Image: RIVER1.jpg]
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Judging by the expressions on the faces of the Board of directors, you have met the most exacting standards of layout construction and passed with flying colors. Thumbsup

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