Baldwin 'Babyface' Interest Survey

Recently, I have been developing a business based around producing replacement diesel shells in HO scale. These shells would be used to allow the modeling of a different prototype on an existing chassis. I have been in contact with a manufacturer and am now gauging market interest for my first product: a Baldwin DR4-4-1500 'Babyface' cab unit. Please note that this is only an interest survey. It is not intended to be a request for funding or anything of that sort; it is simply to gauge how much interest the market has for this product.

Here is an image of one:

This diesel has only been offered in brass and a very short-lived Anthracite Railroad Historical Society resin kit, which is practically unavailable today. The DR4-4-1500 'Babyface' was used extensively by the Central of New Jersey railroad, as well as a handful of units to Missouri Pacific and New York Central.

This shell would fit over a Bachmann RF-16 chassis, but could be modified to fit other chassis. Initially, only an A-unit would be offered, but a B-unit would be offered later if there is sufficient interest. More particulars are explained in the form below.

If you have interest in this kit, please fill out the form below. Feedback from this form will be hugely important to the future of the kit.


Thank you for your time,

The ARHS will be releasing another run of the Babyface units shortly. Even in light of this.. <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9284</a><!-- l -->
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Thank you for your reply. I was not aware the ARHS was doing so. In any event, the behavior of that fellow who pirated their work is truly disgusting. This product will differ from the ARHS product, though. I do not plan for it to be precisely the same. For one, this product is to be adapted to a Bachmann RF-16 chassis, instead of the Proto FA unit used by the first run of the ARHS model. I'm not sure if that is still the chassis that is being used for the ARHS kit. Also, I plan to offer this product as a completed model (i.e. one which has a Bachmann drive unit) instead of only as a kit. Also, it may be offered in roads besides the CNJ - such as the NYC or MoPac, with appropriate details.


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